Paypal Plans to Roll Out Crypto Trading and Storage

gurmit combo
4 min readJul 15, 2020


I have some massive news for you. And you know what? When I hear a story like this, I’m like, oh, my gosh…I was not expecting that!

As somebody who’s been in cryptocurrencies since 2014, this is huge news for me and has made me very excited!

Unsurprisingly, there is hardly any publicity around this. That’s why I’m going to bring it to your attention. And guess what it is.

It's only PayPal planning to roll out crypto trading and storage!!

Oh, my gosh. I can not believe they actually said that.

As a 44-year-old “man of the world”, there are very few things that surprise me. This news to come out from Paypal has actually blown me away.

PayPal, the massive global currency exchange trading platform where you can make a payment for anything, integrated into every single aspect of our online shopping experiences such as Amazon, eBay, etc have planned to roll out crypto trading and storage.

This is mad, right?

Cryptocurrency has always been viewed as a direct competitor to payment platforms such as PayPal.

That is why, in the past, Paypal has totally ignored, then ridiculed cryptocurrency, going as far in 2018 as calling Bitcoin a scam. Not anymore by the looks of it! The old saying of if you can’t beat them, join them seems very fitting for this new development.

If this story was publicized and given the attention it deserves, you would undoubtedly see all Crypto prices skyrocket and Bitcoin would break its December $19,665 high in a matter of a few days.

But it hasn’t and prices have not shot off…yet!!

It is important that we understand the magnitude of a name like Paypal coming into the crypto world.

This is like Uber coming on the scene and disrupting the taxi network worldwide.

It's like what Air BnB did to the global property rental market.

By leveraging technology to expand accessibility they were able to grow at exponential rates. We can expect similar growth for all cryptocurrencies once Paypal activates the new crypto services within their platform, which currently serves over 300 million people worldwide!

This is not Paypals first adventure into Cryptoland!

Coinbase, which is a very reputable cryptocurrency trading platform, has had a relationship with Paypal for a number of years now. However, this is only for the withdrawal of the sale of cryptos via the platform and not to fund the accounts for purchases.

It seems PayPal can no longer stand on the sidelines and ignore the massive potential profit to be made. The Bitcoin, and wider cryptocurrency community, are incredibly bullish on crypto prices following this news. And quite rightly so.

In one swift move, you have an extra 300 million people who have instant access to buying cryptocurrency!

My goodness, an extra 300 million potential crypto investors and users!

Can you imagine it? If each person bought $10 of Bitcoin. What that would do to the price!

This is where we are heading, ladies and gentlemen, this is where we are heading.

It really is great that platforms like Paypal are now recognizing that they can’t ignore cryptocurrency anymore and that they will be offering the facility to their customers.

And I’m a Paypal customer. My wife’s a Paypal customer. Everyone I know is a PayPal customer and now they ( I have had it for years!) all have easy access to acquiring and holding cryptocurrency.

But along with that comes a responsibility for us to understand exactly what a cryptocurrency is and what gives it its value. That is so important because Paypal and the rest are going to be throwing loads of cryptocurrency options out to people.

To date, there are over 7000+ crypto coins out there increasing at a rate of around 100, 200 every week.

A lot of them are absolute garbage which you should avoid like the plague. I know as I have bought 97 different cryptos since 2014. I have bought this down to only seven which I feel are the key ones everyone on the planet should be holding right now.

Why just seven?

What I discovered is just because platforms are selling them and just because people will be offering them it doesn’t mean that you should necessarily be buying them. We must understand what gives crypto its value, what its purposes, what value is it going to give to the end-user?

It is so important for everybody to understand, regardless of whether you’re buying $10 worth of cryptocurrency or $100k’s worth of cryptos, where they sit within the whole crypto ecosystem.

If you can understand this, then you’re ahead of the game, and your profit potential is immense.

I have a free masterclass on cryptocurrency containing some invaluable information and few ethical hacks as well!

It’s called “The Most Guarded Secret On Buying Bitcoin In 2020”.

Click here for immediate access.



gurmit combo

Gurmit Combo👊💯💵🔑 💡Cryptocurrency Wizard 💸📊Alternative Investment Strategist