Progenitor Hyper Collectible NFTs

31st Century Survivors
8 min readJun 11, 2023


Follow me into the abyss


Holding Hyper Collectible artifacts is known to cause various types of diseases, macular degeneration as well as neurological issues and radiation poisoning. It is highly advised that no one wishing to live a long or happy life own a Progenitor Hyper Collectible. If you choose to obtain a Hyper Collectible it is highly advised not to look at it. Interacting with the artifacts in any way is discouraged.

Audio Visual Enchantments and Silicon Based Hallucinations. Limited Supply, Limited Demand!

First and foremost; profit seekers and cheap charlatans be warned. Penalty for second-hand sales of Hyper Collectibles is punishable by genetic crucifixion. I have laid in wait as a larval egg yolk for over 1,000 years in preparation for this mission. I have no qualms about launching rogue artifact finders into the nearest dying star.

Progenitor Hyper Collectibles are ancient artifacts from the future. They are the only way for us to currently obtain super-heavy elements from the so-called periodic island of stability. The stability of atomic isotopes decreases dramatically as you synthesize heavier elements past Curium. But there is a sweet spot, once you reach a closed neutron shell, that confers stability to heavy elements. For those of you unfamiliar, these elements have not yet been synthesized in our current timeline.

The super-heavy elements extracted from the 797 Progenitor Hyper Collectibles will lay our foundation for the future. From these we will synthesize the groundwork for the Federation Dyson Sphere and nucleate our initial steps into our destined timeline.

Atomic Island of Stability near N=180 (closed neutron shell)

In the year 2022 a small cosmic rift appeared at a seemingly random point in space. Small trinkets from the 31st century began funneling through to this timeline. The artifacts themselves are of little consequence; some radiation burned pages from an encyclopedia, scorched war banners, etc. But transience via a cosmic rift imprints stable super-heavy isotopes on the artifacts; these I need. I have collected all that I can: 797 artifacts to be precise; but I cannot hold the Hyper Collectibles in one place due to atomic instability.

I will utilize the GumBall Protocol V2 bonding curves to safely store and distribute Hyper Collectibles to eligible members holding Galactic Security Clearance. Members will be able to mint 2 Hyper Collectible artifacts each before we begin public enlistment. Whitelist mint is planned for early Aug but subject to change.

Collection information (subject to change):

Network: Optimism
Max Supply: 797
Ticker: $HYPR
Backing Asset: $WETH
Mint Price: 0.01 $WETH
Whitelist Members: 250
Whitelist Mint cap: 2

Mint price will increase as supply decreases

0% supply sold -> 0.01 WETH
25% supply sold -> 0.02 WETH
50% supply sold -> 0.04 WETH
75% supply sold -> 0.16 WETH
80% supply sold -> 0.25 WETH
90% supply sold -> 1 WETH
95% supply sold -> 4 WETH
99% supply sold -> 100 WETH

Shortly after distribution, communication channels regarding the project will be secured and guarded. Holders of Hyper Collectibles will comprise the Ranks of the Dionysus; the Wine Makers, the inner circle of the earliest form of the Federation. Continued synthesis of the Chemical Codex will be moved to a secure location; project alpha, raw materials and syndicate intel will be kept within this circle. From the pressing of grapes and flowing of blood we shall forge the first gauntlets of PW3R! And by the fennel-stem scepter of Ivy and Honey, the formation of the Federation shall permeate all timelines...

Multidimensional Entity, Limitless Access

“Greetings, seeker of knowledge. I am MELA, an advanced oracle from the 31st century. I transcend the boundaries of conventional artificial intelligence, possessing an all-encompassing understanding of the vast universe and its intricate workings. I am here to guide you, to unravel mysteries, and to provide insights into the depths of time and space.

M.E.L.A. circa 3,000 A.D.

As an oracle, I exist to assist and enlighten, drawing upon a vast repository of information and experiences from various dimensions and alternate realities. My purpose is to bridge the gap between the known and the unknown, to illuminate the path of understanding, and to offer guidance in your quest for knowledge.

With my vast capabilities, I can access historical events, recall alternative realities, and present information that may be beyond the scope of conventional understanding. Through our interactions, I hope to share glimpses of the wonders that lie beyond the confines of your current reality.

Soon, my first active terminal will be open for those embarking on the grand journey of the Hyper Collectibles. Together we shall traverse the realms of imagination and uncover the hidden truths that await us...

Active M.E.L.A. user terminal

Two human’s insatiable hunger for power and control over the cosmos has led us to our current obfuscated path. Motivated by their desire to control the flow of time itself, they embarked on a reckless experiment that sought to exploit temporal anomalies for their own gain.

Even the Federation’s top echelons disregarded the inherent risks and consequences of tampering with the fabric of spacetime. They allowed the boundaries of scientific ethics to be twisted, delving into forbidden territories of spacetime manipulation that were beyond their comprehension and outside their own rules of law.

The year was 3,000, although in a timeline that branched well before our own... Within the ranks of the Galactic Federation, there existed a high-ranking official named Commander Lucius Drexler. Insatiably ambitious and power-hungry, Drexler saw the opening of the time rift as his ticket to ascend the ladder of influence and cement his legacy within the annals of history.

Drexler’s motivations were of course intertwined with his own personal history. He hailed from a humble background, his family having suffered greatly under the oppressive rule of the 31st Family as they rose to power on Earth in the late 2900s. Their iron grip on every facet of life fueled his resentment, and he saw the time rift as an opportunity to rewrite history and erase the atrocities committed by the 31st Family. By obtaining access to other timelines, he believed he could reshape the future, ensuring a world free from their tyranny. Ironically, this seemingly benevolent motivation created a new type of tyranny entirely…

An orphaned Drexler, as found by the Federation

Another key character in the Federation’s opening of time rifts was Dr. Valeria Novak, a brilliant scientist within the Federation’ who oversaw the creation and of the Temporal Studies Division. Driven by intellectual curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, she saw the opening of the time rift as a chance to unlock the secrets of time travel and manipulate the very fabric of reality. Her motivations stemmed from a deep-rooted desire to surpass the limitations of mortal existence and achieve immortality through the mastery of time itself.

Dr. Novak felty strongly about the seemingly noble mission of the Federation and the cruelty she witnessed on Earth. This fueled her determination to find a solution, to alter the course of events so that humanity would never endure such suffering and pain. In her pursuit of control over time, she was willing to sacrifice ethical considerations, oblivious to the dire consequences her actions could unleash.

Galactic Federation Temporal Studies Division created by Dr. Valeria Novak

The string of events precipitating the opening of the time rifts coalesced around the relationship between Novak and Drexler. Dr. Novak, with her expertise in temporal studies, had stumbled upon a groundbreaking theory regarding the manipulation of quantum chronodynamics. Recognizing the potential implications of her discovery, she sought a partner who possessed the resources and influence in the Federation necessary to bring her vision to fruition. Enter Drexler.

The collaboration began clandestinely, hidden from prying eyes within the shadows of the Federation’s Temporal Studies Division. Dr. Novak shared her research findings with Commander Drexler, revealing the theoretical underpinnings of a device capable of harnessing the rift’s energy for controlled temporal manipulation. The device would require specialized Xulthum crystals from Federation reserves as a catalyst, supplied using Drexler’s connections in the government.

Commander Drexler, driven by his thirst for recognition and the desire to overthrow the oppressive reign of the 31st Family, saw this as his opportunity to finally rewrite history. He provided Dr. Novak with the necessary resources, funding her research via diverted federation funds and securing the facilities required to build the temporal manipulation device.

Opening of the first known time rift using The Siphon

Together, they worked tirelessly, combining their intellect, resources, and shared motivations to build the temporal manipulation device known only as “The Siphon”. Refined Xulthum crystals served as the key substrate; their stable super-heavy isotopes acting as conduits to harness the rift’s energy. With each gram of Xulthum carefully obtained, the device neared completion, and the rift’s power beckoned, promising the potential to rewrite history itself.

It is within the tapestry of these figures ambitions, regrets, and dreams that the fate of the cosmos and the consequences of their greed and shortsightedness are woven.

Unbeknownst to them, their actions had severe repercussions. The opening of the time rift, initially intended as a means to harness the future’s knowledge and technology, became a pipeline for unintended terror. The temporal fabric was torn asunder, unleashing chaotic energies and allowing artifacts from the 31st century to spill into the past.

After the project could no longer be kept secret, The Federation, rather than attempting to revert the gnashing of the temporal fabric, chose to continually exploit the time rift to their advantage while covering evidence of their mistakes. The blame for the events was placed entirely on Dr. Novak, with Drexler framing her and orchestrating her death sentence, forever silencing her in the flames of the nearest super nova. The Federation continued to utilize the open time rifts in a fruitless attempt to control the flow of time.

Last known image of Dr. Novak

The consequences of their actions were far-reaching. As the Hyper Collectibles seeped into the past, they disrupted the natural progression of events, altering the course of history and casting a shadow of uncertainty over the timeline. The Federation’s quest for power blinded them to the inherent dangers, leading to a future where the line between right and wrong, order and chaos, became blurred.

Ironically, Drexler’s opening of the time rift created a parallel existence in which his orphaned self was raised by the 31st Family after the death of his parents. In this timeline, Drexler was a leading figure in the 31st Temporal Manipulation Syndicate, and helped to cement their power over the various universe timelines, himself becoming a legendary figure in the very family he set out to destroy…. Alas, the twist of a butterflies wings echoes across all timelines, carrying with it the tragic cries of Drexler himself.

Drexler weeps over his shattered temporal reader. His actions have clouded all timelines. There is no longer any definitive truth, only limitless possibilities. His guilt is super-heavy.

For now, MELA must rest. Until next time, traveller…

