How to get sales and conversion within 24 hours.

Deepak yadav
2 min readOct 3, 2020


increment in sales and conversions

Some ways to increase sales and clicks are**

**1. Get to know your audience.**

The most successful affiliate marketers know what their audience wants.

Your best bet for generating income from affiliate links is targeting content (with those links) to people at the *“purchase” stage* .

**2. Be transparent about your affiliation.**

People often take different approaches to promote their affiliate links.

As a general best practice, you should tell your audience what it is.

Some merchants also have strict rules about where you can and can’t use links and how you cite them.

For example, Amazon Affiliates won’t let you use links in emails, pop-ups, PDFs, guides, or e-books.

**3. Above all, be patient.**

Affiliate revenue will grow over time.

*Focus on referrals* and building your audience.

Even if you promote a product that only makes a $5 commission every month, you can improve those numbers over time with more sales.

The more you can promote the link, the more opportunities there are to make money.

But sometimes it really is a waiting game.

Don’t let that put you off, though.

To see faster results you can use a website named useproof which will give you a free 14 days trial and you will get the result in the first 24 hours. Definitely, I am using it to get my sales and conversion. Click here to get your sales and conversion

I have achieved an increase in 40% click and 20% sales.

To improve your chances, starting with a pre-made affiliate site can help you hit the ground running. BrandBuilders’ websites already have content that ranks on Google, making it possible to see results faster than starting from zero.

Affiliate marketing is still a great way to generate income given enough time.


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Deepak yadav

Hello guys , I have been a digital marketer for past years and help people in increase there reach and sales.