Millennials in the Workplace

33 Block
3 min readFeb 18, 2022


Millennials are a curious generation that has redefined the work setup and what is expected at a workplace. Millennials have also claimed the accolade of being the generation that is most likely to job-hop.

The generation between 1980 and 1996 (Millenials) move freely between one company and another more so than any other recorded generation and the data supports these claims. A report by Gallup indicates that as many as 21% of millennials have changed jobs within the past year and this is three times more than the number for non-Millenials. Moreover, Gallup says that 50% of millennials plan on leaving their existing job in the next year or two.

What we can take away from this is the fact that companies with a millennium workforce should expect that half of their millennial employees don’t see a future with them. People are searching for what work opportunity trends will suit millennials and we will discuss some of them in this article.

Culture in the workplace

Hostile work environments have garnered real attention because of the #MeToo movement. This has made millennials take a hard stance when it comes to respect in the workplace. They just don’t stop at wanting respect from their colleagues and supervisor but they demand it.

Companies are thus forced to accommodate these Millenials by seating supervisors and subordinates in an open floor plan. Furthermore, companies have to take a positive stance on mental and emotional health.


Automation in the millennial workplace is the norm nowadays. The Millenials take advantage of technology and they use it to the fullest be it programming tasks into apps or creating rules that work well with the latest technology they are always a step ahead. They see the benefit in delegating some of their (or all) responsibilities to artificial intelligence.

The balance of work and life

Work-life for a millennial is way different from the previous generation. People used to work themselves to death, however; a millennial will draw a line in the sand when it comes to their work and health. Moreover, they consider their happiness much more important than work.

Companies have then realized they should adapt to this trend by offering flexible working hours, alternate seating arrangements, and workplace initiatives.

Technology-driven work trends

Millennials have been around since technology was in its infancy and as it grew so did they. They were part of the first generation to type commands into DOS and still young enough to use Tech-savvy workplace Apps like Slack, and Dropbox.

Millennials use technology to make work easier and less of a hassle. Cloud based computing systems and productivity apps help them do their best work possible.

Wrapping things up

Millennial trends keep on evolving and they shape how workplaces operate. The best companies will have to be in tune with the workforce and change accordingly to get the best out of them. With technology smarts, the Millenials work faster but still consider their health and happiness more important than their job. And as the next generation gets ready to tackle the workplace another shift is already on the cards.

