Tristin Downie
4 min readMar 2, 2019

Psilocybin Mushrooms

What are they?

“Magic Mushrooms,” is another name for a natural fungus that contains “Psilocybin,” which is a natural psychedelic compound found in “Shrooms.” Psilocybin mushrooms have been used in the medical field to help with depression, anxiety, and obsessive disorders. The FDA “Food, Drug, Administration,” has allowed small, highly controlled studies for medical purposes only and for therapeutical use. They can be found out in the wild, and they are primarily found growing in moist, cold areas, on trees or moss, and can grow on animal feces. Some effects of “Magic Mushrooms,” include very happy feelings and can make you see things that aren't in the real world also known as a “trip.” A bad “trip,” can make you hallucinate and make you feel unsafe or sad shown by studies. Some other effects are described as you are stepping out of society and there is a need for the real society.

Short History

Archeologists have studied where these mushrooms started and how they affected the life before us (Samorini, G. (2009). They presume Magic Mushrooms were used to be religiously symbolic, for ceremonies, for social events. Mayan and Aztec cultures of Mesoamerica, namely in Mexico and Guatemala used Magic mushrooms for cultural practice. Fast forward many, many years a Chemist named Albert Hoffman first isolated psilocybin in the lab in 1957 from a species of mushroom found primarily in Central America. He started to compose tests on the chemicals in these types of mushrooms. In chemical terms “Magic Mushrooms,” is chemically classified as (C12H17N2O4P). The people who first discovered Psilocybin could have had an effect on culture, religion, or art in today's day in age. That could be true given the cultures that were started with people using “Magic Mushrooms,” could have influenced our cultural practices.

Are they legal?

No, “Magic Mushrooms,” are illegal in almost every single country and are only used in the medical field. Many people use them to “trip,” or to cope with depression or anxiety. They are primarily used by teens and younger adults and they make you hallucinate. Also known as a “hallucinogen.” Psilocybin is legal Brazil, the British Virgin Islands, Jamaica, and the Netherlands, which is the chemical in “Magic Mushrooms.” In the United States, they are illegal, but mushrooms spores are perfectly legal to possess in the United States if they do not contain Psilocybin. For example, the most common mushrooms we eat on salads or pizza that have no drug chemicals, and not all mushrooms are “bad.”

Current Usage

Psilocybin mushrooms are the most commonly used among people ages 34 and younger. They are used in the medical field and for therapeutical usage. Research has claimed they help with cluster headaches which are similar to migraines. They are also used for anxiety and depression. Many accounts have proven they help people who “MicroDose,” them which means to take very small amounts to help calm down headaches or anxiety. Just like medicinal marijuana they can be used to help people who need them. But many people use them illegally who do not need them for medical purposes. Results have shown medical usage has had a benefit and more money is being funded to further research.

People who have undergone studies

In early trials where hallucinogens were given to healthy adults under supportive conditions, many participants reported beneficial changes in their personality, their values, and attitudes. People have appreciated art, music, and nature more according to studies or found a place for them in their life. Recent research has shown that psilocybin can be effectively used to enhance spiritual practice and used for mediation. Which links back to the history or the start of mushrooms for religious usage or spiritual. Also, in a large population study found a lower likelihood of people under the influence of “Magic Mushrooms.” Psilocybin has been shown to dramatically reduce depression.

Do Magic Mushrooms have an effect on the brain? Make You Go Insane?

There is no evidence of shrooms causing “brain bleeding,” which includes strokes, or aneurysms. The two most common effects of mushrooms are dilated pupils or very sensitive reflexes to the body during the use of shrooms. Also, people who went to the emergency room after taking magic mushrooms return to their normal physical and mental state within a matter of hours. They are not recommended to consume if you have had a history of mental illness. Magic mushrooms are not toxic and cause no known major health effects. There has been no evidence found eating “Magic Mushrooms” will make you go insane after the use of them. The people who have taken them for research state they see random things, colors have more texture and value, alongside music sounds more around you, and they claim they value nature more.

Overall, Psychedelic mushrooms are a hallucinating drug that can be found naturally in the wild and can be used for medical purposes or for therapeutical reasons. They are very illegal in almost all countries and not recommended to use unless for medical reasons.
