An open letter to Tony Featherstone

4 min readJul 23, 2016


Yo Tony!

Loved the article in SMH the other day, totally agree with everything you say but I have a bone to pick with you :)

As an “entrepreneur” with a tech startup from Wagga Wagga I am tired of reading stories about all the stuff we should be doing, from people sitting in CBD offices … when we are already doing it.

On April 1st 2014 (no not an April fools prank) The Hon Michael McCormack officially opened our office, as we moved from the garage (ok we where working out of a granny flat but garage sounds cooler) to a retail space in the CBD of Wagga. I was adamant I wanted a shopfront with foot traffic for people to “pop in” as distracting as that can be, because our startup was/is a beacon to encourage entrepreneurship and we had/have been through the ringer so we knowledge share and fast track others so they don’t make mistakes and waste time like we did when we started.

Just yesterday we had Michael in our office filming for the SBS Small Secrets show, and although it’s not cool to favour one politician over another the now Minister for Small Business has always been a supporter of our startup 365cups as well as our co-working space Working Spaces HQ.

This is just ONE example of what is happening in Wagga — we haven’t even talked about Pitchfest, Agtribe, AgriHack what about PopUpGigs, Thingdom we have instagram only businesses like Blooms and Wares how about some food stuff like Riverina Providore and Knights Meats PLUS the soon to be launched Silicon Paddock I could go on and on and this isn’t flash in the pan overnight stuff, this groundswell has been growing momentum for years now.

While it’s nice Wagga gets the spotlight, long before Wagga the guys in Bega have been working hard as well, just this year Liam from 2pi software turned his startup weekend into a startup week seems fitting to turn it into a week long event after all its their 5th year! Bega also has a co-working space and a very well connected eco-system, no they don’t run hackathons, they run hackagongs as they connect and collaborate with The University of Wollongong.

Don’t even get me started with one of my faves Jane Cay and Birsdnest — Tony have you been there OMG it will blow you mind!

Thanks again to instagram I saw all the crazy photos from the ORIAs last night where Birsdnest took out Best Customer Service Award and if you haven’t seen the facebook She Means Business campaign featuring Jane and Birdsnest, well here it is here for you → VIDEO IS HERE

There is also another movement in full swing, with the echange. Families returning home so they can afford a home and have a life with their young families, thanks to technology the opportunity to telework or start your business changes the game

Byron Bay, Coffs Harbour, Albury, Lightning Ridge, Dubbo could all have posts the same as this, all about their growing eco-system and how people locally are getting onto it and diversifying economies, creating startups, retaining talent, competing globally.

Just yesterday I ordered my Dads Oats which I learned about after having Coffee with Sam from Cultivate Farms my Bella Box is on its way and we have a statement from AusPost about Wagga being on of the highest volumes of parcels thanks to online shopping.

So Tony do you see my frustration? We are already doing it, come down to Wagga and check it out yourself, make an appointment to see the Minister to discuss further, happy to hook you up and connect you, I am sure you will be pleasantly surprised.


ps — can’t make it — heres another article you could read instead

pps — heres my pic with Sir Richard B to prove how cool I am! #notaHipster




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