10 Biggest Sea Dinosaurs That Ever Existed On Earth

7 min readJul 5, 2023


Biggest Sea Dinosaurs : The ocean is a mysterious and awe-inspiring place, home to a wide variety of fascinating creatures. While many people are familiar with the giants that roamed the land in prehistoric times, the immense sea dinosaurs that once ruled the depths remain relatively unknown. In this article, we will explore the ten biggest sea dinosaurs that ever existed on Earth. From massive predators with powerful jaws to graceful creatures with astonishingly long necks, these ancient marine reptiles will open your eyes to the wonders of the prehistoric oceans.

10. Ten Pliosaurus

Ten Pliosaurus

Powerful Predators of the Late Jurassic At the top of our list is the Ten Pliosaurus, a genus of eight species belonging to the larger family of Pleiosaurs. These enormous reptiles, characterized by their short necks, massive heads, and broad flippers, lived around 150 to 145 million years ago. With the largest species weighing over 30 tons and reaching lengths of up to 40 feet, their incredible size was matched by their incredibly strong bite, four times more powerful than that of the mighty T. rex.

9. Chronosaurus


Savage Predator with a Powerful Bite Belonging to the same family as Pliosaurus, the Chronosaurus was another formidable marine reptile. With a large head, massive jaws, and a short neck, they likely lived all over the world during the late Jurassic period. Although their teeth weren’t particularly long or sharp, the Chronosaurus was a savage and successful predator, capable of reaching high speeds and delivering a powerful bite.

8. Nothasaurus


Vicious Hunters of the Ancient Seas The Nothasaurus, living approximately 230 million years ago, may not have been among the largest prehistoric sea creatures, but they were certainly among the most vicious. These reptiles, measuring around 15 feet in length, had long, needle-sharp teeth that they used to catch squid and fish. Interestingly, Nothasaurus shared several similarities with modern sea lions, including the ability to walk on land and potentially give birth to their young.

7. Styxosaurus


Long-Necked Giants of the Late Cretaceous Styxosaurus, a member of the Plesiosaur family, inhabited the ancient seas approximately 85 to 70 million years ago. With a snake-like neck measuring over 16 feet in length, the Styxosaurus had a comparatively small body and weighed around four tons. Their mouths were filled with razor-sharp, cone-shaped teeth, and their stomachs contained gastroliths, small stones that aided in digestion and possibly assisted in sinking to the ocean bottom to search for specific types of fish.

6. Albertonectus


Record-Breaking Neck Length The Albertonectus, another member of the Plesiosaur family, was a marine reptile that lived around 76 to 70 million years ago. With a length of up to 38 feet, 23 feet of which consisted of its incredibly long neck, the Albertonectus held a record for having 76 bones in its neck. Scientists are still unsure about the purpose of such a lengthy neck, speculating that it may have been used for collecting shellfish or capturing fish and squids, their main prey.

5. Lazzle Meadon

Lazzle Meadon

Efficient Swimmers with Astonishing Size The Lazzle Meadon, meaning “sea lord” in ancient Greek, was a massive predator of the Plesiosaur family. Reaching lengths of up to 40 feet and equipped with flipper-like limbs up to 7 feet long, these sea lords were incredibly efficient swimmers. Their necks, measuring up to 20 feet in length, were half the size of their bodies. Although they had relatively small heads, their long, sharp teeth allowed them to catch prey effortlessly.

4. Tylosaurus


The Dominant Predator of North American Shallow Seas Belonging to the Mosasaur family, the Tylosaurus ruled the shallow seas of North America around 85 to 80 million years ago. This enormous predator, measuring up to 45 feet in length, possessed a narrow, hydrodynamic body with a powerful head used for ramming and stunning its prey. With agile flippers and a maneuverable fin-tipped tail, the Tylosaurus was a carnivore known for its diverse diet, which included fish, turtles, small sharks, and even other marine reptiles and flightless birds.

3. Shonysaurus


The Giant Chubby Dolphin of Prehistoric Times The Shonysaurus lived during the late Triassic period, approximately 215 million years ago. Resembling a huge, chubby dolphin, these creatures reached lengths of about 50 feet and weighed over 30 tons. Interestingly, they lacked teeth as adults, with their teeth falling out as they matured. Scientists believe their sheer size made eating teeth unnecessary, and they survived on a diet of small fish and cephalopods like octopuses and squid.

2. Mosasaurus


The Largest Marine Carnivore of Its Time The Mosasaurus, a true behemoth of the seas, dominated waters worldwide approximately 66 million years ago. Fossil evidence suggests that some specimens could surpass 50 feet in length, making them the largest marine carnivores of their time. With a crocodile-like head adorned with hundreds of razor-sharp teeth, the Mosasaurus was an efficient hunter. Specialized teeth called terragoid teeth helped the Mosasaurus grasp and hold onto its prey.

1. Shastasaurus


The Largest Marine Reptile Ever Known The Shastasaurus holds the distinction of being the biggest marine reptile that ever existed. These incredible giants, weighing over 75 tons and measuring up to 69 feet in length, lived approximately 210 million years ago during the late Triassic period. Surprisingly slim for their size, their rib cage was only 6 feet across. Despite their immense proportions, Shastasaurus primarily fed on small fish and cephalopods, such as squid and octopuses.

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The ancient seas were once dominated by a variety of colossal sea dinosaurs, each with its own unique features and adaptations. From powerful predators with massive jaws to graceful swimmers with astonishingly long necks, these prehistoric marine reptiles showcase the incredible diversity of life that once thrived in our oceans. Through the study of their fossils, scientists continue to unravel the mysteries of these magnificent creatures, allowing us to appreciate the awe-inspiring history of life on Earth.

Source Image : discord.com

