Karl Muller
11 min readJul 27, 2018


And of course a very appropriate piece for a platform called Medium.

5G and the Internet of Things is the long-planned final solution for the authentic human ego. We’re very nearly there, with Google experimenting on us to see if their robots can fool us that they’re human. And Google won’t answer any questions from this Medium member and longstanding scientific journalist as to their protocols for human experimentation involving deception. At the very least, as I’ve noted, this is classic wire fraud, that lovely catch-all for intracontinental baddies.

I’m just going to make one observation here, as someone who has been fighting the blanket microwave irradiation of the entire global population for decades. This is a Cobra Kai! kind of observation. The fat girl who gets nasty texts is told: these are spineless pussies. But you’re going to be sending a message back, only it’s not going to be with your keyboard. It’s going to be with your fists. And her eyes light up.

For years, I’ve been telling people that “clicktivism” is a very weak form of activism. The very best thing to do is get these people (in our case, the Microwave Mafia) face-to-face, confront them in public meetings, and seek publicity at every point. And put your fist up and ask a question. This is by far the thing they hate the most.

So here is a classic example. This was a public meeting in Montgomery County, Maryland, about the minicell masts that are going to be installed in every street for 5G and other wireless applications.

Now, this is right in the backyard of the FCC headquarters. Many FCC employees live in that county. And the elephant in that room, a really big, fat, old, ugly, and extremely wrinkled elephant, is the issue of the FCC microwave radiation guidelines, the very worst in the whole world as far as protection goes. And which are enshrined as above any law or complaint in the 1996 Telecommunications Act signed by Bill Clinton, probably the single most fascist law passed in the whole of history. Take a look at our telecoms landscape now, literally, with masts and monopolies everywhere in sight, and tell me I’m wrong.

I made quite a long comment on this video, because I think it’s so important, and it’s so important for people to see what happens when people fight back. And the vicious, outright lies they are told, and the amazing duplicity of councillors in trying to deflect issues. I’m going to paste the whole of my comment in below. But watching this video again, I’m really struck by the intervention of one person, which I’m going to analyse briefly.

If you pick up the video at the point I indicate, 1:41:57, you will hear an extremely articulate and reasoned query as to whether there have ever been any longitudinal studies done around masts over the last 20 years, to see if there are any long-term health effects. The nub of the question is: Are we guinea pigs? And it is the most critical and central question of all, in this whole game. Whenever I am asked, despairingly, “just tell us the truth about these masts”, I have always replied: the truth is that you are being used in an experiment. No one knows what happens when you irradiate people 24/7 for decades with low-level pulsed microwaves. We’re busy finding out.

Now: the industry spokesman does a classic, classic duck. Oh, we just build the towers. We’ve been doing it for fifteen years. So you’re not guinea pigs. Are there any health studies? Oh, well, for that you can go and look at the FCC website.

Very regrettably, from the point of the view of the organisers, no FCC member is present. Not even in the audience, as far as I can tell, they know very well when to stay clear of the public. But I can assure you, as I did in the comment, that there has never, ever, been one single study of health around any microwave mast in the USA. You have tens of thousands of these masts all over your landscape, in kindergarten playgrounds, but not one single US researcher has ever investigated the possible impacts.

But there’s a fascinating diversion just before this brave woman is told a pack of steaming lies by an industry spokesman, really filthy, evil lies. One of the councillors, one Hans Riemer, takes the microphone, and begins by saying: “I agree.”

Now: the woman has just asked a question, and she’s waiting for an answer from industry. This worthy and helpful councillor says: “I agree” and then completely changes the subject. On the face of it, he’s being very “rational”, saying, we must get these people to investigate if there are other places they can deploy these masts. And goes on a long ramble that completely defuses the explosive question that has just been asked.

Don’t tell me this is an accident. This is straight from The Shill’s Playbook 101. Thank God, this extremely brave woman persists, and demands an answer to her simple question: Are we guinea pigs?

When I get time, I’m going to finish a little discourse I’m engaged in on Medium, another one of those “sensible” “rational” people you find on forums. Very much like this “sensible” “rational” “responsible” “empowering” council member, Hans Riemer. Seems a terribly nice chap.

These are the most vicious killers of all, in this whole global genocidal framework. If you don’t believe me, check out Sense About Science, an archetype of the “sensible” types, and a straight industry front pushing GMOs and the wireless industry.

And the best way to tackle these “sensible” people is face-to-face. And you see one of the “sensibles” being dealt with very firmly here, by someone, a very brave woman indeed, brave to stand up and ask a question in public. And hear the lies.

So: Cobra Kai! Go knocking door to door, you’ll be surprised. All the best anti-mast activism and research I’ve done, was knocking door to door. I vividly remember a meeting in Northcliff, Johannesburg, near one of the worst masts I ever saw — everyone used it, the cellphone operators, the military, the police, National Intelligence, Telkom. The tree next to this mast was scorched and burned on the near side and was actually bending away from it.

I spoke at a small public meeting in a house near this mast. I described the symptoms reported in the scientific mast studies that had been done to that date: headaches, concentration and memory problems, mood swings, rages and depressions, skin rashes and burning skin, blurred vision and eye disorders, nausea and gastric issues, joint pains, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, lowered immunity, tinnitus, blood pressure and heart rhythm fluctuations, to name just a few. Neurological problems of all kinds. And cancer, especially childhood leukaemia. This was all in peer-reviewed studies at the time, there’s much more now.

And after the meeting, one woman came to me and quietly said: we’ve got all of that in our house. All of it. I’ve never forgotten that. I advised her just to move house, they would never get rid of the mast. I have no idea what happened to her, but the guy right across from the mast died of cancer in very short order. Oh, sorry, anecdotal.

There is absolutely nothing the operators hate more, than facing the public. They have no answers, only evasions and lies and weasel words. You can see this absolutely clearly if you watch this whole meeting, a truly fascinating exercise in public democracy and exactly how far it gets you in the USA.

So don’t send an answer with your keyboard. Go and raise your fist in a meeting and ask a question. You have no idea how explosive this tiny little act is. They are doing everything they can to make the entire universe algorithmic, so they never have to deal with an actual human being again. But there are a few public meetings left before they get to where they want. Use these meetings. Cobra Kai!

Here’s the comment I made on the Youtube. With a day job as a statistical editor, my band is called The Odds, so this the name of my Youtube channel. (As newspaper subeditors we are The Widowmakers, but that’s a story for another day.) As I’ve been saying, also, Youtube comments are becoming one of the most important forums on the net. I often don’t bother to search with Google, I just search with Youtube, it’s much quicker.

This is an incredibly revealing meeting and genuine kudos to the County Council for putting up the video.

There’s a critical question in this forum — a genuine, simple, straightforward question, asked by a Ms Sonia Beekman: “I want to know whether all of us here are guinea pigs.” [1:41:57]

And she is told a bold, clear, bare-faced lie: No, you are not guinea pigs. The operators here are asked: do you have epidemiological studies showing what has happened around the existing masts? And there is a shuffling of feet.

I have done my best to collect every single study conducted on mobile phone masts and human health, anywhere in the world, with very kind assistance from Dr Michael Kundi of Medical University of Vienna, who is the world authority in this area. He is an expert witness in a longstanding case against Motorola et al. for causing brain tumours: http://bit.ly/2CP8p0U .

At my last count — around 2014 — there were 24 peer-reviewed studies on masts and health worldwide, from Austria, Brazil, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Germany, Iran, Israel, Poland, Spain, and the UK. Every single one of these studies reported a clear and consistent syndrome of health problems, including headaches, severe sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, attention and memory problems, mood swings, dizziness and nausea, tinnitus, skin rashes, etc. etc. And every single study that looked at cancer showed clearly elevated levels, including thousands of excess deaths from cancer in the vicinity of masts in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

You can actually seen in some of these studies that there is a clear peak in reported problems at about 100–150m from a mast. This is exactly where the main beam of the mast falls, at least in this part of the world. The illness pattern exactly follows the radiation profile and no radio engineer can deny it. Only one study claims not to see a pattern, Elliott in the UK, looking at childhood cancer and masts. Yet his results show a clear 16% increase in child leukaemia at intermediate distances from the mast, and up 3% closer to the mast. Given that masts provide a definite protective effect if you are a heavy handset user (the closer the mast, the less power your phone needs to emit) there is actually a very clear pattern in Elliott’s study. And he refuses to answer any questions about why he totally ignored handset radiation. He is, incidentally, hired by the UK government precisely to allay public fears about hazards like this.

However, not one mast study has ever been conducted in the United States, the nation that originated this technology. Not one, not even a sniff of a study. Furthermore, as reported in a paper by Dr Michael Kundi: in 2006 the WHO’s EMF Project, which sets the research priorities for the world in this field, told scientists explicitly not to research health around masts, and especially not to research cancer around masts. This is a fact. Not only is a vast experiment being carried out on all of us, with microwave masts looming over kindergarten playgrounds and children’s bedrooms. The explicit instructions are: do not collect results of this experiment. We don’t want to know. In fact, the way this experiment is structured: we want not to know.

It is not an accident that the head of the EMF Project, Dr Emilie van Deventer, is a microwave engineer with no health or biology background at all. Yet she is in charge of the world’s medical research in this field. I’ve personally met her and I can testify that she is totally clueless.

The Nuremberg Code, signed by all the victors in World War 2, stated that never again would human beings be used in experiments without their informed consent. Take a look at this video, and tell me you are not guinea pigs. I’ll tell you just one finding from research on real guinea pigs. Several studies show DNA and chromosomal damage to the ovarian follicles in mammals from low-level microwaves, including said guinea pigs. This means that permanent genetic damage will be passed down the female line for the rest of the existence of that species, through the mitochondrial DNA.

In a recent Australian review study, 21 out of 27 studies showed severe damage to human sperm from radiation. Take a look, sperm counts have plummeted worldwide since this technology arrived and men started putting cellphones in their pockets — where, according to Dr Dariusz Leszczynksi, they will often be radiating their testicles above the FCC guidelines. He is the former head researcher at the Finnish government protection agency. He made this statement in an Australian documentary called “Wi-Fried” that got withdrawn and saw its presenter and her entire team fired, no surprises there.

The 1996 Telecoms Act says you have no rights to talk about health regarding the “placement” of “personal wireless facilities” “to the extent” that said facilities comply with FCC guidelines. Anyone who places their personal wireless device in their pocket, or presses it against their head, deserves protection from the health authorities; and they’re not getting it. Americans are being hoodwinked and robbed of all their rights — the most basic right to privacy, with your homes and bodies being invaded by pulsed microwave radiation — by the FCC and the 1996 Telecoms Act. And as a result, America is selling out the whole world, and condemning us all to a nightmare of radiation across the entire global environment. Tom Wheeler as FCC chairman made it very clear that 5G was to extend to rural areas: no place to hide.

Check it out: 5G radiation is absorbed particularly by the skin. As a result, the authorities (ICNIRP) are in the process of decreeing the skin to be an “extremity”, so that it can be radiated at higher levels than the trunk of your body. I have personally collected affidavits, doctors’ letters and photo evidence of hideous rashes that erupted in the vicinity of broadband towers in Johannesburg. I warn anyone with 5G in their neighbourhoods to look out for skin disorders, excess perspiration, burning and tingling sensations, animals scratching themselves desperately. Then you’ll know what “five percent of the FCC guidelines” feels like. Effects have been reported at one-millionth of the FCC guidelines. Brainwave changes occur at even lower levels: but these are (according to WHO) “not a proven health risk”. One WHO review paper lists 26 studies that report brainwave changes with cellphone radiation.

By the way, the definition of “skin” as an extremity is a good example of what happens when microwave engineers are allowed to set health parameters. For an engineer, it’s paralysingly obvious that the skin is an “extremity”, I mean, it’s the very very outside of your body, isn’t it, clearly it’s all “extremity”. Like “the head” is not part of “the body”, for radiation purposes, because the original pre-cellphone guidelines only spoke of keeping such equipment an inch away from “the body”. Ericsson lobbied the US authorities to the effect that “the head” was not really part of “the body”, so it was possible to have higher radiation levels for the head, so they could power up their handsets. These are all true stories.

Everyone who spoke up in this meeting is a total frikkin hero, in my opinion. Well done.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km