Karl Muller
3 min readJun 26, 2018


And why Apple keeps secret the fact that its phones cause physical addiction and seriously damage the brains and the genetics of their users.

Apple warns you to keep your phone 0.36 inches away from your head, but not from your testicles, if you’re a man. In an Australian video, Wi-Fried?, Dr Dariusz Leszczynski, former top researcher at the Finnish government radiation protection agency, warned that men keeping live smartphones in their pockets were going to be radiating their testicles above the FCC thermal guidelines. Steve Jobs was the one who specifically wanted a smart device that could fit in his pocket. He was also the one who told people having trouble with his phones “You’re holding your phone wrong”. And if you get a brain tumour, Steve Jobs will come back from the grave to tell you it was in the fine print, hold the phone away from your head, it’s your fault you’ve got cancer: you’re holding the phone wrong.

But he never said anything about putting the phone in your pocket wrong — except maybe for don’t put it in the wrong pocket, your back pocket, where it might do the famous Apple bendy trick. Put it in your front pocket, they advise, where you will be radiating your genetics, which they don’t tell you.

You’re so sweet to think that Apple might for one moment be concerned about the health of its customers. It’s destroying their brains and permanently damaging their genetics. For money. And power. And keeping very quiet about it.

About 15 years ago, I spoke to a public meeting in Lenasia, an Indian suburb of Johannesburg in the apartheid days. I was asked whether a gentleman should carry a phone in his pocket. I said straight out: it’s fine, if you keep the battery in your other pocket.

There have been many anecdotal stories about women who kept their phones in their bras, and then got cancer exactly where they kept their phone. We tracked a couple of stories like this in Johannesburg, I put out some pretty gruesome pictures in fatal cases of breast cancer, showing tumours exactly where the phone was kept. Taking this out of the realm of anecdote, an American study identified four women with breast cancer that occurred exactly where they had tucked their smartphones into their bras. None of these women had any markers indicated a risk of breast cancer. None of them had any family history of breast cancer. The cancers were all of a very particular type.

So: Apple know all about this, of course, and keeps extremely quiet about it. “Only Ignorance Is Invincible.” They have to pretend they know nothing. Because when it is revealed how much they knew, and how early they knew it within the industry, there literally will not be enough money in the world to pay for all the drastic damage that has been done. This is what the industry is banking on: create so much damage, in such a short time, before anyone realises what is going on, that we are untouchable; because we will be ruling the planet. And they’re damn nearly there.

Apple trying to scale back the use of their products is not a benign act. It’s the last move in a vicious radiation onslaught on consumers, financed by those consumers themselves at great expense. Exactly what the outcome will be, who can guess. But for sure, Steve Jobs will go down as one of the greatest mass killers in history, as well leaving his permanent mark in the damaged genetics of the human species. And I hope his company joins him in hell.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km