Karl Muller
6 min readApr 17, 2020


Check out the work of Vlail Kaznacheyev — he was the doyen of Akademgorodok, the elite “scientific city” established near Novosibirsk in Siberia in Soviet times. It still exists today, home of the famous “Kozyrev’s Mirrors”.

Kaznacheyev proved in over 20,000 meticulous experiments how cell cultures influenced each other through biophoton emissions in the near UV. Cultures with all kinds of disease conditions — viral infections, radiation damage, chemical damage — could transmit these exact conditions to neighbouring cultures that were hermetically sealed off, but with a quartz window separating them, allowing UV rays through. (Glass blocked the effect.)

He also found the converse, that healthy cultures could “walk back” a diseased one into a state of health.

These experiments were widely replicated in the USSR and also in Europe.

It’s extremely hard to find any information about these experiments, although they were all published in the open literature. The best source I’ve found is the American researcher Lt Col Tom Bearden at www.cheniere.org — but unfortunately, Bearden is mostly concerned with the military applications of this work. He alleges that the Soviets weaponized these findings extensively, and were literally able to transmit disease conditions wirelessly — or at least potentiate populations for certain disease conditions, so that pathogens would become much more deadly. Or so Bearden says.

You can read a little of what Vlail Kaznacheyev himself says, from page 25 of his book on Cosmic Consciousness:

The Bioinformational Communication.

I’m pasting this in to emphasize that this was all in the open literature. Vlail Kaznacheyev was one of the most prominent of all Russian biologists of his era. He survived the fall of the Soviet Union and did his best to keep Akademgorodok going, although it lost all of its funding.

He is most famous for his work with “Kozyrev’s Mirrors”, a shielded chamber where the magnetic environment can be reduced to zero, apparently inducing all kinds of psychological and psychic effects. You are essentially whipped out of time, into the Universal Mind, or so they say — read the above book for more details, it’s really wild.

If you’re prepared to watch a quarter of a screen, listen to scratchy sound, and endure a really dozy BBC interviewer, you can see Kaznacheyev himself (at around 47:00) and Kozyrev’s Mirrors in this documentary:

To Boldly Go.

The BBC interviewer takes a personal journey of inner exploration in Kozyrev’s Mirrors. He is primed to open his mind to all realities, to allow the Cosmic Mind to speak to him. Spoiler alert: he enters the mystic chamber…

…and falls fast asleep. A truly classic BBC moment.

There’s some fascinating work being done by Dr Carmel Mothersill on the “radiation-induced bystander effect”, which also seems to indicate intercellular communication via biophotons. She told us that her work basically indicates that cells receive an “alarm call” and engage protective mechanisms, when exposed to a diseased cell.

What is emerging is this: there is an ultraweak UV radiation from the DNA of living cells. This is able to transmit illness and health conditions both within an organism, and between organisms.

Kaznacheyev showed that a culture with a viral infection could induce a similar infected state in a neighbouring culture. That infected culture could in turn then do the same to a third culture, it behaved in every respect like the original.

In other words: viral “infections” can be transmitted purely electromagnetically.

There are an awful lot of people around these days insisting that viruses are not “infective” agents, but are basically toxic waste from cells. If you want to see quite an entertaining and unequivocal proponent of this argument, listen to Tom Barnett.

I am a big fan of Rudolf Steiner, the clairvoyant “spiritual scientist”. When asked about the Spanish Flu and viruses generally, he said exactly the same thing, viruses are just byproducts of the cell detoxifying itself.

If you look, you’ll see that trying to transmit viral infections via actual viruses to people is not easy. Basically the only way you can get viral material into the bloodstream is to inject it, which is what they do with vaccines, of course.

So the picture I’m getting is this — and it’s actually very clear in Carmel Mothersill’s research. She told us in an email how some fish were exposed to a non-lethal dose of a toxin, and were then put in a tank with other fish, “swim buddies”. Then they were all given a massive lethal dose of this toxin (I could never do experiments like this).

Control fish that had no previous exposure were 100% all killed outright. Of the pre-exposed ones, about 45–50% survived. But of the “swim buddies”, 50% also survived. So they benefited just by being in vicinity of other fish that had some pre-exposure.

Diseased cells induce disease states in their neighbouring cells. Diseased individuals do the same to healthy individuals. And vice versa: the presence of healthy individuals can reverse disease in their neighbours. And it’s frikkin biophotons that are mediating these effects.

Viral “infections” are not in the least caused by physical bits of virus being transmitted. Ill people make the people around them ill literally through their electromagnetic aura. Those healing auras of sanctity around the saints are a biophysical reality. Steiner says the thing that makes you vulnerable in an epidemic, is fear. He says if you keep calm, as a doctor, and not preoccupy yourself with worry, the chances of infection are drastically lessened.

These auras are the kind of thing Rudolf Steiner was literally able to see; development of this faculty is part of his esoteric path of training.

But never mind the clairvoyant talk: scientists can detect biophotons directly now with photomultipliers, and photograph them with sensitive modern cameras in ultra-dark settings, this is now routine, as you point out.

Now, Tom Bearden says that experiments with highly tuned infrared radiation, through harmonic effects, were able to induce the same biological changes as the UV radiation. From IR to UV is basically an “octave” in harmonic terms, in the whole spectrum of light, he says

Again, he insists that this was all weaponized, especially using the frequencies of “death photons” from dying cultures transmitting various illnesses, as measured by Kaznacheyev. By tuning to the subharmonics of these frequencies, ordinary radio waves could be used to transmit these disease states.

I hate mentioning Bearden, because he’s such a fixture of conspiracy theories, and because he promised to have unveiled a working free energy device by 2009. He’s gone very quiet for years now. But I’ve checked him out quite thoroughly. Apart from anything else, Lt Col Tom Bearden was a senior Pentagon wargamer, and that tells one a lot. You only get to play strategic wargames if you have top security clearances. These wargames only make sense if you programme in your best knowledge of the enemy’s weapons and resources, so it reveals what you know and what you don’t know, absolutely vital information for your enemy.

Thus, Bearden clearly had vast access to all the top classified information on Soviet weapons systems; and he is not to be taken lightly. He clearly regards Kaznacheyev’s work as being of the most vast strategic significance; and this is why it is top secret in the USA today, even though it was openly published in Russia decades ago.

Here’s a piece of information I got from a Russian diplomat, when I tried everything I could to get in touch with Kaznacheyev, around 2006. After failing to get any responses from the Institute of Cosmic Anthropo-Ecology in Novosibirsk, I even approached the Russian embassy in Pretoria, South Africa. I met with a “second secretary” who was also unable to help; but he did give me some unexpected insight into Kaznacheyev’s background.

He was very puzzled by the name “Vlail”, saying this wasn’t a normal Russian construction. Then he brightened and said ah, he got it, it stood for “Vladimir Ilyich”, Lenin’s first names.

So we can be fairly sure that Kaznacheyev’s parents were either fairly hardcore Communists, or just wanted their son to get ahead in the Soviet system, which he certainly did.

In his later years, he added his voice to a major appeal to the UN to ban “psychotronic” weapons, mind control via radio waves, saying it could destroy humanity. I’m not sure the UN even knew what he was talking about.

So whether he was ultimately a good guy, or an ultimate baddie, giving total doomsday weapons in the form of “death photon” frequencies to the KGB: I leave it to history to decide. But Kaznacheyev’s work certainly deserves to be better known, as he himself desired, he was always striving for international cooperation.

All of this is very relevant in light of the vast controversy swirling around the link between the COVID-19 pandemic and the rollout of 5G. All the “experts” are screeching that it’s complete lunacy to suggest that electromagnetic radiation can somehow transmit viral infections. Well, think again.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km