Karl Muller
3 min readFeb 12, 2018


Every single one of these vehicles will be blasting the environment with a powerful radar signal in the 77 GHz range. No one has given one single thought to the effects on people and the environment from such blanket microwave irradiation of densely populated areas.

Each car will contain a microwave transmitter; the metal box acts as a Faraday cage trapping the radiation, and the somnolent passengers will be quietly cooked as they are transported in ironically air-conditioned comfort.

Microwave radiation in this range has been shown to be almost exclusively absorbed by the skin. It also affects the sweat glands. You can scan someone from a distance with this radiation, and literally tell from their radiation profile when they start sweating. They are actually using this exact technology to scan for suspicious behaviour in airports.

You want a radar that is going to be able to spot a kid on a bicycle in the dark with absolute reliability: this is a completely different imperative to communicating via cellphones, it requires hugely greater power. You have to make sure the entire environment around that car is thoroughly saturated with intense pulsed radar beams.

I have knocked on doors and collected affidavits and doctors’ letters from people in Johannesburg living near broadband telecoms masts. Hideous and disfiguring skin rashes, to the point of complete incapacitation, were reported by literally dozens of people. We collected affidavits and doctors’ letters, took photographs of little babies showing rashes that no dermatologist could diagnose, even vets’ reports of dogs scratching themselves madly for no apparent reason. But this was all dismissed by the operators as “hysteria”.

As the global rollout of 5G and the Internet of Things draws closer, and we hear all these wonderful prognoses as to how the future will look, I’ll just point to one phenomenon. Take a look, I mean a real careful look, as I have. You will find that in the USA there was a total, national epidemic of “road rage” — I’m putting it in quotes, because this is when the term was coined —in the year 1997. You will find road safety committees being set up in dozens of states that year, specifically to deal with road rage.

This was round about the first major rollout of cellphone networks in America. Endless studies have shown that mood swings, depression, and suicide are strongly linked in many studies to microwave radiation, especially in people living in towers and subject to 24/7 irradiation. If you look, it’s absolutely clear. A study in Sweden by Prof Olle Johansson showed spikes in suicide attempts, car accidents, absenteeism, and other indicators in 1997, also the year the networks were rolled out there.

Can you imagine the absolute havoc on our health all your self-driving cars are going to create?

No, you cannot. It’s not even the tiniest blip on your … radar.

You need to pay attention to this, because there is a vast awareness growing of the really malignant potential threat to human health and existence posed by 5G. I know it’s a truly inconvenient truth, but you do need to look at the evidence, the tens of thousands of scientific studies showing harm from low-level microwaves, and see how all this research is ignored and swept under the carpet by WHO and the governments of the world. You’re doing it yourself, you have researched this all exhaustively, and it doesn’t even register on the outermost periphery of your consciousness.

But: as with cellphones: if you get it all rolled out fast enough, with absolute dead silence on all sides as to the possible health risks, then it will be impossible to go back. Except this time, you may genuinely be wiping out entire populations.

When all is said and done, this blindness to EM radiation as a pollutant will stand as this era’s single greatest stupidity. Truly, truly, truly mind-blowing stupidity. But: the radiation is invisible, so who is going to notice?



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km