Karl Muller
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Here’s a straight lie: “The devices are not addictive, but the things they deliver can be addictive.”

There are many studies showing that cellphone radiation affects brain chemistry, including the production of opiates. A study by Friedman et al. (2007) showed that two minutes of low-level cellphone radiation created a biochemical cascade in living human cells that saw them flooded with free radicals. The particular cascade identified occurs particularly in the glial or brain cells, and is a major component of what is called long-term potentiation (LTP) of the brain. This is a highly complex and mysterious process in which the synapses in your brain are strengthened by repetitive brainwave signals.

The World Health Organization, which refuses to issue a precautionary warning regarding this radiation, notes in a review that 26 separate studies indicate major brainwave changes after exposure to cellphone radiation. A few minutes’ irradiation can lead to brainwave changes that last for hours. WHO says this “not a proven health risk”. The strongest brainwave anomaly occurs in the low alpha range, around 8 Hz, the pulsed frequency of GSM phones. This is a trance, semi-zombie state, where the mind starts switching from external to internal attention. Take a look, you’ll see it all around you.

The fact that your smartphone is turning you into a zombie is basically proven. What is truly scary is that it may be hard-wiring this zombie state into your brain, through the pathological activation of LTP. This is what Friedman’s team is investigating now. He told me that there is not a single reference in the literature to the effects of microwaves on LTP.

This is not to mention the genetic damage: dozens of studies now show severe damage to human sperm, with lowered sperm counts, lowered motility, more deformed sperm, consistent DNA damage, and severe oxidative stress being reported. Genetic damage to the ovarian follicles in mammals from microwaves indicates that a permanent genetic mutation may be under way in the human species: damage passed down the female line through the mitochondrial DNA that will last for the remainder of the existence of the human race.

Please read my take here on the particular dangers of smartphones. You will see that there is strong evidence that an entire generation of young people is being visibly destroyed in front of our eyes by this technology.

Now you Americans are rolling out 5G; you are rolling out driverless cars, each with a powerful 77 GHz radar transmitter, blasting the environment with far greater power than any cellphone — it never ends. America introduced this technology to the world without the slightest proper safety testing. Go and look at the posts I’ve made to people going rah-rah about driverless cars. Not one of them will respond to my query: what testing have you done, of the possible health and environmental effects of millions of cars all radiating pulsed microwaves? The radiation is invisible, so no one has to worry.

All of the consequences of this will ultimately fall on American heads. And no one is more guilty than the American media, with the honourable exception of Microwavenews.com, the most reliable source of information in this murky field. There is not a single print journalist in the entire English-speaking world who has done anything like a proper investigation, to the best of my knowledge, of this complex story. I have lobbied hundreds of journalists around the world, with little success. I hold the US media accountable above all for this lacuna. So this article represents an unbelievable shift in the mindset, I cannot stress this. Will anyone follow through? I wonder.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km