Karl Muller
9 min readJun 22, 2018


In 1995 I was temping on the newsdesk at The Star newspaper in Johannesburg when a small story dropped. There had apparently been a string of suicides among black youngsters in the eastern townships of the city, and no one had ever seen anything like it. I had worked for 17 years in black education in South Africa, and I had never once heard of any kid even attempting suicide.

These suicides among young blacks in South Africa continue to this day. Four out of 17 emergency beds at Bara hospital in Soweto, the biggest hospital in the southern hemisphere, are permanently set aside for organophosphate poisoning cases, mostly young people who have taken rat poison. Many die a hideous and painful death.

Now, “freedom” came to South Africa in 1994. What was making young people suddenly start committing suicide in droves a year later? And even escalating today? And why is the same phenomenon being seen around the world?

Dr Jean Twenge, who has been tracking indicators of young people’s behaviour from back in the 1930s, says that all social indicators in young people went off a cliff in 2012, including depression and suicide. She had no doubt whatsoever what was primarily to blame: 2012, she said, was the year that more than half the population had smartphones. “Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation?” she asked.

The issue goes much deeper than Dr Twenge realises. The reason I was in the newsroom in 1995 was that I had quit teaching at the end of 1994, driven directly by rampant ADD and aggression in black students at a government school in Johannesburg. I had never seen anything like it, I had never seen a single case of anything remotely approaching ADD in any black youngsters in all my teaching experience. My master’s degree was in education, specialising on language and attention in the classroom, so I’m not talking as a lay person here.

In 2010, we brought out a Mr Barrie Trower to South Africa, and I travelled with him to Botswana, where we did a workshop on the dangers of cellphone masts. Mr Trower is a retired bona fide “double-0” British intelligence agent, who was for years the UK government’s top scientific expert in microwave warfare. Stealth warfare carried out directly on human beings, using pulsed microwaves to affect mind and body.

Mr Trower has come out of the shadows to reveal the dangers of radiation from these cellphone towers, and from wifi, smartphones, smart meters, the whole microwave spectrum. He gives absolutely drastic warnings, backed up with truly voluminous scientific evidence for every detail he gives, about the dangers of this radiation. In the video below, he gives the most stark warning that has ever been given to the human race, of the permanent genetic damage that is being done to our species right now, especially within every pregnant woman living and working in a wifi environment. Her grandchildren will be the ones born with deformities and genetic damage. Watch this video and be afraid, very afraid.

Now, wherever he goes, of all the warnings he gives, Mr Trower stresses one phenomenon above all others — and there are a multitude of neurological, genetic, and metabolic issues known to be associated with this radiation, as well as massive suppression of the immune system.

Wherever masts go up, he says, teen suicides go up. ADD and autism and childhood leukaemia also go up: but above all, teen suicides go up. And the moment I heard this, everything I had seen in 1994/95 in South Africa fell into perspective. Late 1994 was when cellphone networks were rolled out in that country, to be fallen upon like manna from heaven by the black community, who had never been allowed to have anything like decent telecoms. The only thing that stopped them from literally microwaving their brains to charred cinders, was the horrendous cost of calls.

And late 1994 was exactly when my classrooms fell to pieces, with black kids punching each other in the middle of a lesson. I have really sat down and thought hard, and I am unable to recall one other single incident of misbehaviour ever, even once, in my previous 17 years in black education. To this day, I cannot think of one example. Our kids are — were — incredibly well behaved. Then in late 1994, it was as though a switch had been thrown, and they were like ants whose nest had been trampled on. Absolute chaos, and absolute ADD, which again, I had never seen before in a single black student.

And a year later: a string of suicides among black township kids. This was culturally completely unthinkable in the past. It’s a commonplace now.

I’m a professional journalist who spent over a decade on the newsdesk as a subeditor, and I’ve handled dozens of crank emails on all sorts of issues, with different colours and fonts and underlinings and quotes and links. The worst are the public health cranks. And so I am fully aware, as I approach journalists around the world with this story, how it looks. Here is a genuine tinfoil-hat case. And you can see right here, how I do go on.

Why, exactly, are people who research the dangers of radiation from masts branded as the biggest nutcases anyone can think of? The tinfoil-hat cases. Why is this the catch-all descriptor for all whack jobs of any stripe? It’s a straight coordinated smear campaign, I’ve fought it out directly and openly with the telecoms industry, there’s no “theory” about this. But we are subjected to endless hate speech, especially within the media.

So I know what the general reaction will be, when I raise an issue regarding cellphone radiation with a journalist, anywhere in the world. And I’ve lobbied literally hundreds. Every time any reporter anywhere in the world touches the tip of the story, I lobby them, if I have a moment. Just like I’m lobbying you here. For example: the New York Times reported that sperm counts in dogs had plummeted by over 30%, and no one knew why. Now, a 30% decrease is exactly what has been reported in human sperm counts with subjects exposed to microwaves, in several studies. A recent metastudy showed 21 out of 27 studies showing a consistent pattern of damage to sperm from low-level microwave radiation, including severe genetic damage. And now there are microwave masts everywhere across the landscape, radiating all species.

The New York Times journalist involved made it more than clear to me that she was the wrong person to try and get interested in this angle, including anything to do with teen suicides and masts, although she is supposed to be an expert on adolescent behaviour. The very fact that she replied at all, however, makes her a wild outlier.

Not one single print journalist anywhere in the English-speaking world, to the best of my knowledge, has ever done even a rudimentary investigation of the issue, despite cellphones being the greatest technological uptake in all of human history. Despite little children in their millions holding powerful microwave transmitters against their heads. And with masts in school playgrounds all over the world. It’s just too much to think about: so we don’t. And after all: the radiation is invisible, so we don’t have to worry.

By far the best article I’ve seen in the mainstream English-speaking media was actually in GQ magazine, and good for them.

So, yes, we all throw our hands in the air at all these suicides. What can possibly be done.

I’ve been saying for years: this is not a scientific issue. This is purely a media issue. Somewhere, somehow, we have to wake up a few journalists and get them to start asking questions, and just taking a look at what has happened. Going and reading the back copies of Microwave News, to see the flip-flops and outright lies and fake studies the wireless industry hides behind, with the enthusiastic connivance of governments and WHO.

This is stealth warfare being practised openly and on a grand scale on the general population. Funded by the public themselves at enormous cost. Every single time you say: “What? Say that again? You’re breaking up … I can’t hear you…” — every second of that conversation is earning the cellphone company money. Out of your pocket. The worse the service, the more of your money they take, it’s a win-win-win for the operators.

Meanwhile: your brain is being cooked, either at the best temperature for burning brain tissue (900 MHz, used for radiation diathermy) or the best frequency the KGB found to weaponise, according to Mr Trower and declassified US military documents (1800 MHz), or else the frequency of a microwave oven (2.4 GHz, the wifi frequency) — take your choice of how you’d like to be baked.

A few minutes’ exposure to ordinary handset radiation has been shown to induce brainwave changes for hours, in literally dozens of studies. The frequencies that are most affected are in the low alpha range, especially around 8 Hz, the pulsed frequency of GSM cellphone radiation. This is a semi-zombie state. Take a look: they’re all around you.

Mr Barrie Trower, as a specialist interrogator of captured Soviet “microwave spies”, passed on to the West the exact frequencies that would cause particular psychological effects, including depression and suicidal tendencies. The latter are alternated with a frequency inducing euphoria in a full electromagnetic attack on a targeted individual, and Mr Trower says few people can withstand this emotional turmoil for more than a few days. He debriefed Soviet bloc dissidents who had been subjected to sustained microwave torture of this kind, so he knew exactly what he was passing on to the West.

Now that he can see these same frequencies openly being used on civilian populations, he has come out of the shadows to warn of the dangers of this radiation. His telephone number (it’s a landline…) is available on the open Internet, and he consults for free to anyone anywhere in the world who has questions about microwave irradiation. He already receives far more queries than he can deal with. But I can tell you, very few of these queries come from journalists. Not a single mainstream publication has ever picked up Mr Trower’s story.

Mr Trower spent years working under cover in HM Prisons, including Wormwood Scrubs, a notorious London jail, in the 1960s. Here he became aware of an entire subculture of rent boys and abuse victims in the prisons. Highly trained in psychology and skills like lip-reading, Mr Trower eventually delivered a dossier to Scotland Yard naming several prominent people, including Cabinet ministers, as running a child sex network, which regularly spilled over into the prison system. This was one of the first of the many such dossiers that have disappeared without trace in the UK over the years. Let’s just say that Mr Trower does not have a high opinion of British politicians. When he was out here, he stated publicly on every possible occasion that UK politicians were among the most corrupt in the world, based on a recent benefits scandal that showed rampant abuse literally left, right, and centre among British politicians.

You can see why Mr Barrie Trower, who is a far bigger whistleblower than Edward Snowden, is absolutely ignored by the mainstream media, with a few honorable exceptions.

Mr Trower has consulted with the police unions, about the disastrous effects of the TETRA microwave system they use, which is known to induce uncontrollable violence (he has acted as an expert witnesses in court cases against police officers who felt their uncharacteristic violent behaviour had been caused by this radiation). He has consulted with Fort Bragg, whose special ops forces were returning from missions in Afghanistan and murdering their wives before committing suicide: Mr Trower identified a frequency in new microwave equipment they were using that potentiated for uncontrollable violence. To this day, the families of these soldiers are asking questions about why their loved ones snapped in such a drastic fashion.

So let’s wring our hands about suicides, shall we, it’s all just inexplicable, and the fact that more American soldiers die of suicide than are killed in battle, well, that’s just another inexplicable.

OK, my piece is about as long-winded as your piece, Ms Boyd. I can see you are genuinely concerned with what is going on in the media. Will you be brave enough to take a look at the issue of 5G and the complete blanket irradiation of the entire environment, from space, across all rural areas, everywhere? Will you be brave enough to look at the FCC Gestapo, who refuse to answer any questions about the health effects of microwaves and ban journalists who even talk to activists? And risk your career? Or will you continue to wring your hands? While your children kill themselves in droves? While your soldiers kill themselves in droves? While your entertainers kill themselves in droves?



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km