Karl Muller
5 min readMay 7, 2018


In terms of your discourse, I am the ultimate “conspiracy theorist”, the genuine tinfoil-hat case, the very epitome of the modern-post-post-modern crackpot.

I campaign against cellphone masts and the microwave irradiation of the entire planet, soon to be blanketed with 5G radiation to track every button on your shirt using RFID chips, as proclaimed by then FCC chairman Tom Wheeler. The chief regulator declared: “We won’t wait for the standards”, because this is “damn important”: American companies must get a head start with this technology.

These are things like health standards that he is talking about. Never mind that the US rolled out cellphones without any comprehensive testing to see whether microwaving the population at close range might have any health effects. When your regulator says that he won’t wait for regulations, it’s time to drain that swamp.

I have long said that not a single mainstream print journalist in the entire English-speaking world has even remotely tackled the issue of cellphones and health properly. Recently, one halfway decent article actually appeared, in The Nation, showing how the selfsame Tom Wheeler — in his earlier incarnation on the other side of that fast-revolving door as president of the CTIA, the cellphone industry lobby group — had Dr George Carlo, the epidemiologist hired by the CTIA had to investigate health issues, physically escorted out of the building when in February 2000 he tried to present findings that indicated increased cancer risks and other problems. This is breathlessly reported now as if it’s news, but for those of us in the game, it is ancient history.

Before this story appeared, probably the best article on the issue in English was actually in GQ magazine. This was very prescient: there are now dozens of studies showing severe damage to sperm (the examples given in the link are all on the FCC system) from low-level microwaves, while Dr Dariusz Leszczynski, former head researcher at the Finnish government’s radiation health agency, warned men that if they put cellphones in their pockets, they will be radiating their testicles above even the FCC limits, which offer the least protection of any guidelines used anywhere in the world. He gave this warning in an Australian documentary called Wi-Fried? that was then withdrawn by ABC on totally spurious grounds. The entire production team that made the documentary was then fired. Conspiracy? Naah.

I am a former physics lecturer and longstanding licensed amateur radio operator. I’ve put up many masts myself. I now specialise in collecting studies on masts and health conducted around the world. In 2006, the WHO EMF Project, which sets the world’s research agenda in this field, specifically instructed scientists not to research health around masts, and especially not to research cancer around masts. There simply could not be a problem. You can look at the link and see that a Brazilian study showed thousands of excess cancer deaths above the baseline around masts, with the death rates climbing steadily the closer you get to the mast.

Researchers in the USA— acutely aware of how their bread gets buttered — have obeyed this call to the letter. Not one single scientific investigation has even been undertaken around any of the thousands of masts that cover the American landscape. Take a look at this public forum on masts held in Montgomery County, Maryland, where the industry is asked directly: have you done any studies to show that your towers are safe? Watch them duck and dive and lie.

This inquiry was held right next to the FCC headquarters in Maryland, yet not a single FCC person was there to answer questions. After Bill Clinton’s 1996 Telecoms Act, the FCC radiation guidelines override any rights US citizens may have to be heard on this subject and to receive protection. If the radiation is under the FCC guidelines, no one in government is allowed to make any moves to protect citizens’ health. This is why I make an issue of phones in men’s pockets. Your iPhone warns you to keep it an inch or so away from your head (if you read the fine print). This fraction of an inch is vital in getting the radiation under the FCC guideline. Yet there are no warnings about putting these phones in your pocket, even though the radiation may be above FCC guidelines, giving US citizens the right actually to be heard on the subject and to be given some protection.

Now, in all of this, the mainstream media have proved to be completely and utterly worthless. They have breathlessly reported every outright fake study that has purported to show there is no problem, and completely ignored the thousands of studies (a minimum of 20,000 peer-reviewed scientific articles over the decades) showing damage and biological effects from low-level microwaves. There are thousands of studies just on the subject of microwaves and oxidative stress, the mechanisms for which have now been fully elaborated and replicated in hundreds of biochemistry labs around the world. These findings explain the genetic damage and increased cancer rates, among a vast range of other health issues, that have been associated with microwaves in clinical studies.

Over the last decade, I have lobbied literally hundreds of journalists all over the world to take up this story. Apart from a few local newspapers in South Africa and Botswana, not a single reporter has ever followed up. The mainstream media are 100% bought off, top to bottom, by the wireless industry. I saw this at first hand in South Africa as a journalist. The absolute highlight of any editor’s life in that country is an invitation to the Vodacom box at the stadium to watch the rugby. The journalism awards are sponsored by Vodacom. As a subeditor on national newspapers, I personally had to hack down and kill articles on masts as health hazards, on unprecedented orders from above.

So to read your smug story about the alternative media and what kind of people we are, is just too sickening to be tolerated. You need to understand, really clearly, once and for all, that for many of us — not right-wingers, not crazies, but long-term, dedicated journalists and researchers — your entire mainstream media cohort is proven to be absolutely worthless, absolutely blind, absolutely biased, absolutely untrustworthy, absolutely rotten to the core. It’s simply an axiom of life. All of the action and information, all of it, is on forums and websites and Youtubes. There are a few journalists around who know the score and therefore understand that it’s smartest to keep quiet. A condition for being a reporter today is that you carry a cellphone: you lose your job instantly if you refuse.

In an atmosphere like this, screechers like Alex Jones flourish. The reason Infowars is so influential is precisely because your mainstream media are so visibly totally rotten. The very best thing that has happened in the USA in decades, and this is largely due to Donald Trump, is that Americans have finally begun to see en masse just how they have been duped over the decades by the mainstream media. That the situation gets exploited is no surprise, but before you try cure an illness, obtain a proper diagnosis first.

It takes years to built trust; yet trust can be shattered in a moment, never to be recovered. For the media, trust is the single most important commodity they have. Once you’ve lost it for good, you’re finished. And this is what has happened with your mainstream media. Capisce? Stop trying to find people to blame. You are the problem — you academic apologists for the mainstream media whores are worse than the whores themselves. Your media stink and people are wise to it. Deal with that and you might stop the bots.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km