Karl Muller
4 min readMay 13, 2018


I’ve just been trying to tell them the same secret, so thank you. Russians are the great masters of propaganda and always have been. The big difference between the Russians and modern Western intelligence, is that every Russian knows Rule Zero:

Don’t Believe Your Own Propaganda.

For crying out loud, it’s simply the dumbest thing you can possibly do. Of course, you pretend to believe your own propaganda. Do you think Soviet citizens believed that Pravda told the truth? Do you think the Pravda journalists themselves believed that the good Soviet citizens were fooled by what they were writing? It was all a game, a vast empire of smoke and mirrors. We pretend to write, and they pretend to read. The Russians are not the world’s greatest chess-playing nation for nothing. In planning the Soviet Union’s long-term intelligence strategy, Lenin said to Dzerzhinsky, the father of the KGB:

The West are wishful thinkers, we will give them what they want to think.

And this is what they’ve always done. The Soviets were always amused by the seriousness of the East Germans, who really believed in Marxism and the Party. And you remember how that party ended.

In the old days, intelligence was about finding out what the other guy was up to. Now, it’s about manufacturing “facts” which are required to advance particular political and military agendas. And it’s very important that the people propagating these facts — Tony Blair, Colin Powell — really, really believe that what they are saying is true. The whole exercise is structured this way, with plausible deniability built in at every stage. And now, all those CNN and BBC anchors really, really believe that Assad gassed those poor children in Douma.

But it goes much deeper than that. Hollywood and the mass media generally in the US spin this vast tableau of lies and deceptions about America, which, up until now, Americans uncritically accepted as “the truth” about themselves. Now they’re waking up. They can spot the lies and deceptions. I still think some of the biggest interventions in the 2016 election were Project Veritas’s Youtube videos, showing from the inside exactly how the Democrats orchestrated violence at Trump rallies and planted provocateurs who would provide CNN with soundbites of “deplorable” behavior. CNN completely ceased to have any credibility at that point. This was what enabled Trump to ride out Pussygate: he said, it’s an orchestrated campaign against me. And people believed this, because they had seen exactly how it was being done.

If any bunch believed their own propaganda, of course, it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign team. This is exactly what cost them the election. I became 100% certain that Trump would win just the day before the poll, listening to Julie Roginsky talking about the Democratic campaign. She had been backstage with Hillary’s team and reported that they were fully confident: “She’s modelled her voter.” And then Roginsky says something extremely significant. “The modelling is much more specific than the polling.”

And this is why they stopped polling in the week before the election, the total idiots. They had something better than polls: a model that would tell them, with precision, which voters to get out. This reveals the whole truth about Hillary Clinton 2016. There was never a campaign. She was just trusting to the demographics, making them more specific than ever before, and running out the clock. This is why she didn’t give press conferences for hundreds of days at a stretch. She saw that her popularity plummeted every time she opened her mouth — a fact acknowledged by her own surrogates — and just trusted that people would stick to the programme and do what the propaganda said they should do when the day came. And it failed.

It certainly didn’t fail for their own faith in their own lies, however. To this day, they are strenuously working to reinforce their delusions, with Russia now the big scapegoat.

Take a look back and see how sharp people were to the Hillbots and the toxic trolls spewing abuse at anyone who dared utter a peep against their anointed empress. Why don’t you go and do a linguistic analysis of them. I’d love to give you a few pointers. And why don’t you tell us how to spot an NSA troll? Or a GCHQ troll? Or an industry troll? I can help you there too.

Ha, ha. I had the completely sure-fire antidote to all of Hillary Clinton’s trolls, it kept me safe from any major flak on all social media. Based on our very bitter experiences here in the Third World (South) with the Clinton Health Access Initiative’s distribution of fake and substandard Aids drugs — the biggest single scam in the history of generic medicines — I only had to say one word to frighten off all the attack dogs. I just said: RANBAXY. Try it.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km