Karl Muller
7 min readFeb 28, 2018


The kids most emphatically are not alright: and it is most emphatically not their fault. Not one tiny little bit.

Psychologist Jean Twenge says that every indicator of social behaviour in kids went over the cliff when smartphone usage reached 50%, around 2012. Her Atlantic article Have Smartphones Destroyed a Generation? is perhaps one of the starkest warnings that US society has ever been given.

I did my master’s degree in the language of the science classroom in South Africa in the 1980s. There being nothing in the literature, I developed, tested, and thoroughly validated my own absolutely infallible instrument for measuring “attention” in the classroom. To this day, I cannot find anything in the literature to approach it, so I’m going to rate myself as the world authority on the subject: I would be delighted to find a peer.

So the following is not an “anecdote”. This is the result of 40 years of my own research and trained observation. In nearly 20 years working in black education in South Africa, I can honestly say that I did not see one single case of anything even remotely approaching ADD up until 1994, in dealing with thousands of students. I saw some signs of this in white kids, so I knew the malady really existed; but the ADD rate in the black community was 0.0%.

Now, doing some primary music teaching in next-door Swaziland, I can without hesitation report that the ADD rate is 100.0%every kid, rich or poor, smart or dumb, white or black or Chinese or Indian — shows clear signs of it. The most obvious sign is kids putting up their hands, interrupting a lesson, and when I turn to them, they’ve completely forgotten what they were going to say. Believe me, the working class kids I saw in my teacher training in 1978, in a primary school in the East End of London, were never in doubt about what they wanted to say. Never, ever, ever. You notice changes like that. All the parents agree with me. All the teachers agree with me. The students I tutor privately are nearly all on Ritalin or Concerta, and helpfully tell me their drug schedules and expected concentration spans. Believe me: this did not happen in Swaziland when I was a kid. Now it is a commonplace.

In late 1994, I left teaching because an epidemic of ADD erupted in the black kids I was teaching in a state school in Johannesburg — I had never seen anything like it, it was like a switch had been thrown, and they were all over the place, including open fights in classrooms with kids punching each other, which I just watched in amazement — in all my previous experience, including two years teaching in Soweto, I cannot recall a single major discipline incident with black kids, ever. Until the end of 1994: which is exactly when cellphones were rolled out in that country. And suicides immediately also rocketed in black kids, when this was also completely unknown. This has continued to the present day. At the time I had no clue what was happening: in retrospect, it is completely clear to me. The most stark warning that one expert gives, a Mr Barrie Trower, who was the UK government’s top scientific expert on microwave warfare, is that wherever masts go up, teen suicides go up. I met Mr Trower in 2010, I travelled to Botswana with him to hold a workshop, he is the real deal, and he paints a terrifying picture of what is unfolding.

Please follow the first link above to the quote of the late Dr Robert Becker, who would have won the Nobel prize for medicine had he not warned about the effects of cellphone radiation. In his last interview in 2000, he said:

Maybe at the end of the line when the occurrence of malignancy is two in every person during their lifetime and we have rioting in the streets for no cause and obvious problems with the psychology of the human race — maybe some people will still be OK enough to say, ‘Geez, we made a terrible mistake.’

We are now here: this is the end of the line. Your autism rate in US kids is now over 2%, according to the CDC. In Japan and Korea, 3% of all kids are now totally dysfunctional, cannot leave their bedrooms. This is reported in many studies.

Is there anyone OK enough, to be able to hear the warning bells ringing? As we rush to implement 5G, and blanket the entire world, especially rural areas, with dense microwaves, able to track every button on your shirt and coin in your pocket in real time, via RFID microdots? When Medium posts endless articles about driverless cars, each requiring a powerful 77 GHz microwave radar transmitter, powerful enough to spot a little child on a tricycle on a dark night? No one has ever asked what the health effects of millions of cars blasting the environment in this way would do. No one except me — you can go and look, and see what answers I get from the AI pundits here on Medium. Zip. The radiation is invisible, so it cannot be a problem.

This is precisely why microwaves are the entire platform of stealth warfare. Now the target is literally the entire population of the world: and the damage is showing only too clearly, and all the denial mechanisms are in place. Get this straight, and do not mess around: your kids are not alright. You have permanently damaged the brains of an entire generation. You have permanently destroyed the normal social fabric that has kept young people together in the past. They no longer know how to behave like ordinary human beings: they want to fast-forward and pause reality, not to mention rewind. Not to mention switch off. I feel so desperately sorry for them; and I also feel very sorry for us older folk, who have to carry the can, because these youngsters literally cannot concentrate for more than three minutes.

If you are a millennial reading this: you have the right to be very, very outraged. I saw a revised Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs up in the staffroom of a big international school here. Above food, shelter, everything, now stands: WI-FI as the most primal and essential need. You can’t live without it. And that was the entire intention. You are now digital addicts, social cripples, part zombies, by absolute design. The main GSM pulsed digital frequency is just above 8 Hz: this is in the low alpha brainwave spectrum, where the brain shifts from external to internal perception. Dozens of studies show this frequency resonating in the brain for hours, after just a few minutes on the phone. The WHO recognises this, but says it is “not a proven health risk”.

Your brain is put into a semi-zombie state for hours: you know this for a fact: yet this is “not a proven health risk”. The lies and deception are simply breathtaking, as is the general ignorance, so carefully organised by the microwave mafia. Not one print journalist in the English-speaking world, to the best of my knowledge, has undertaken even a cursory investigation into the issue. (The editor of Microwavenews.com, Dr Louis Slesin, referenced in the above link, is the sole exception. I sometimes tell people that if you want to save the world, this is the one publication you should support, he is the only person who has kept track of the lies and evasions of the wireless industry and its government lackies over the years.) Not one study on health around masts has ever been conducted in the USA, despite the tens of thousands of masts everywhere, including your kindergarten playgrounds, on lampposts outside your baby’s bedroom (where you may have a microwave monitor right on the crib, despite all the evidence that microwaves are a prime factor in cot death).

This is a vast, totally unplanned experiment in the microwave radiation of entire populations, including little children at close range. The WHO, which sets the world’s research agenda, specifically directs researchers NOT to look at health around masts: so not only is there no hint of informed consent, but when masts are placed in kindergarten playgrounds, researchers are directed specifically not to see if there are any dangerous effects. The Nuremberg Code, signed by all the Allies after WW2, forbids human experimentation without informed consent. Do any of you recall giving consent for your children to be used in a massive experiment in microwave irradiation? This is an open crime against humanity, no question about it: and it is being carried out on a massive scale in full public view, with not a peep from the mainstream media.

Dozens of studies show severe DNA damage to human sperm, the entire mechanism has now been worked out: low-level microwaves cause oxidative stress, as shown in thousands of studies, which inhibits DNA repair. Evidence of genetic damage to the ovarian follicles of several mammal species indicates that permanent genetic damage is being done that will be passed from mother to daughter through the mitochondrial DNA for the remainder of the existence of the human species.

I am also really heartened by some of the insights modern kids have. They know the whole system is up to shit. They go to school to get murdered; there are no jobs; your college education will now sink you forever in debt, instead of setting you up in life; the most simple demands of ordinary existence are often beyond their capacities, including their capacity to care about it. But the fact remains that they are totally addicted to the direct cause of much of their pathology.

A partial cure: I always point to the computer gamers as the people who may save us. They will tell you: no way can you play properly on a wireless connection. You need fibre optic. I often tell kids: get off your phone, get a decent cable, remove the wifi router from your house, and you will have much faster Internet than you ever get on those smartphones. Then you can really play games. There are solutions. But first and foremost, you need to identify the problem correctly. You have to end the denial. You have no more time to play around: you have destroyed a generation, it is a disaster, and these kids desperately need all the help we can possibly give them, including remediation for their damaged brains, to make sure this planet has any kind of future.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km