Karl Muller
4 min readJan 17, 2019


The legendary Lone Wolf of Fleet Street, Chapman Pincher, once had to break what he called “the worst news in the world” to his journalistic colleagues at a news conference shrouded in a thick fug of cigarette smoke, as newsrooms always were, back in the 1960s.

His “worst news in the world”: smoking causes cancer.

In an epic battle with the fake British fake press fake regulator Ipso, over a truly execrable fake news story in the Telegraph claiming that mobile phones had been shown to be safe, I updated Pincher’s worst nightmare:

…this would be mild compared with a journalist telling a bunch of colleagues, all hunched over their smartphones, tablets, and laptops in a thick fug of wi-fi radiation, that mobile phones had been proven to cause cancer. This simply cannot be allowed to happen, it would be far too disastrous at far too many levels.

Just take a look at my estimate of Apple’s liability for the harm it has knowingly done to its customers. There is a tsunami of scientific evidence hitting the world as to the catastrophic effects of microwave exposure. We have been conducting a vast, unplanned, uncontrolled experiment in the microwave irradiation of entire populations. You will see that the WHO has gone out of its way NOT to collect results of this experiment, specifically instructing researchers NOT to look at health around telecoms masts. And very especially NOT to look at cancer around masts; every single such study has found drastic increases in cancer, and WHO very badly does NOT want to know anything more about this.

However: if: and: only: if: they can roll out 5G, the Internet of Things, before the dead bodies piling up around masts become too obvious, then everything will be fine. Because then the humans will be completely integrated into the algorithms, and all those squishy problems that human beings present to technology, silly things like being concerned about cancer and brain damage, can all be efficiently managed.

In 2007, in a Johannesburg magazine called Afropolitan, I very hastily wrote a story called The Microwave-Compliant Population. There are a few rough edges now that I would edit, but at that stage I was particularly aware of dozens of studies showing damage to human sperm from microwave radiation. I wrote:

But of all the problems with cellphones, the destruction of sperm worries me the most. It’s not just that men will become infertile (and there has been an explosion in the number of people visiting infertility clinics over the last few years in this country). It is that we are seeing very particular sperm destroyed — sperm that is not able to handle microwave radiation. In this way, the microwave industry is creating without doubt the single greatest artificial mutation of the human race in its entire history. And the end result will be that only “microwave-tolerant” humans will be born.

People are paying fortunes in airtime to participate in the creation of a “microwave-compliant” population, in which only humans who will be potential customers of the cellphone operators will be allowed to exist. And Africa is now right in the front line of this war against “non-compliant” humanity.

You will see everywhere that smartphone sales have peaked. Africa has been described as the Promised Land for mobile operators, we are their only growth market. Hence the last sentence above.

For nearly two decades, I’ve privately been warning people that, as the truth about microwave radiation emerges to the point where it cannot be concealed, then World War III will become inevitable. The generals will never give up their best toy ever, stealth warfare, especially stealth warfare on whole populations. I am now giving this warning publicly on every forum I can.

The extent of this stealth warfare on civilian population has been revealed most dramatically by Mr Barrie Trower, who was the intelligence operative who handed over to the UK government the very frequencies that can be used to influence body and brain. He obtained these biologically active frequencies from 11 years of interrogating Soviet-bloc “microwave spies”, captured, tried in camera, and sentenced in one case to 42 years in Dartmoor prison.

When he saw these exact weaponised frequencies being used in mobile phone technology, he emerged from the shadows to warn the world of the hazards.

At about 1:23:20 in this video, Mr Trower describes how he confronted one of the main government scientific “experts” who always proclaimed that this technology was safe, one Professor Lawrie Challis, and asked him about the terrible health effects that some people would suffer. He said he will never forget the offhand way in which Challis replied. His only comment was: “What’s wrong with that?

We hosted Mr Barrie Trower on a week-long visit to South Africa and Botswana in 2010. It took us nine hours to photocopy the papers he brought in his briefcase, just about the only luggage he carried. Some of the most scary papers were on damage to the ovarian follicles in mammals, including guinea pigs. This kind of damage will cause a permanent mutation in the human genome, Mr Trower has warned. And we can expect a pandemic of birth deformities, as baby girls now exposed while in the womb to wifi and other microwave radiation will be born with their egg line already damaged.

A pregnant woman with a female foetus in her womb, who lives, works and sleeps in a wifi zone, is risking having her grandchildren being born with deformities.

What’s wrong with that? It’s in the future, we don’t have to worry about it now. We really don’t. Just as long as we get the Internet Of Things, with human beings as the ultimate Things in the program, everything will be just fine. You won’t need tech stocks. Human beings will be walking tech livestock.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km