Karl Muller
3 min readSep 26, 2018


The Swedish neurosurgeon Leif Salford heard that microwave radiation opens the blood-brain barrier, which protects the brain against toxins. He thought this might be helpful in delivering drugs to the brain during surgery, so he investigated this issue.

He found that two minutes of cellphone radiation damages the barrier, and that just two hours of ordinary cellphone radiation produced massive brain damage in rats, due to the leakage of albumin and other toxins into the brain.

He found that lower radiation levels produced even worse damage, as such radiation came in “under the body’s radar” and various protective mechanisms like heat-shock proteins were not activated.

As early as 2000, he was warning of severe brain damage in young people who used mobiles excessively, and said we would see “teen dementia” arising. It’s now a pandemic, in case you hadn’t noticed. At least 30% of all Korean kids are hopelessly addicted to their mobile phones, according to several studies. About 3% of them are now completely socially incapacitated.

As I’ve pointed out elsewhere on Medium, this radiation also produces opioids in the brain and is directly physically addictive.

If you’re going to point at the Internet, can you please make at least a cursory distinction between people using wireless devices like smartphones and tablets to access bandwidth, and more sensible people using wired connections.

Research published by Friedman et al. (2007) showed that two minutes of low-level cellphone radiation initiated the ERK biochemical cascade, flooding living human cells with free radicals. The ERK cascade is found in the glial cells, especially in the process of long-term potentiation of the brain (LTP) in which the synapses are physically hard-wired to reinforce repeated brainwave patterns.

A WHO review paper showed 26 studies that reported major changes in brainwave patterns with a few minutes’ exposure to cellphone radiation, sometimes lasting for hours. The low alpha (semi-zombie) state was particularly accentuated.

So not only do cellphones change your brain patterns: they pathologically activate the mechanism that hard-wires these anomalous patterns into the brain. Dr Friedman’s team at the Weizmann Institute, at my suggestion, is now investigating the effect of microwaves on LTP. There is apparently not a single paper in the literature investigating this.

I can give you references for all of these, but you’re a neuroscientist, so you can check them out yourself. Go do some research of your own.

This is not even the tip of the tip of the iceberg. Look at the genetic damage done, the dozens of papers showing damage to sperm, the genetic damage to the ovarian follicles in mammals. A pregnant woman in a microwave field will be damaging the egg line of a female foetus as it develops in the womb. So her grandchildren risk being born deformed. Even the German wireless industry’s own ECOLOG review in 2000 reported evidence of birth defects, genetic damage, and cancer. I can give you horror statistics on miscarriages and microwaves, but that’s not your field.

There are thousands of studies showing increased oxidative stress with low-level, non-thermal microwave irradiation. You should know the myriad neurological effects oxidative stress will cause. Microwaves have long been known to damage myelin sheaths around nerves, so diseases like MND and multiple sclerosis, not to mention epilepsy and Parkinson’s, are all indicated.

This is the single most catastrophic failure of the modern medical profession. And although it’s happening in full public view, the medical professionals look the other way, will do anything not to see what’s going on all around them. Can you please be one of the scientists who wakes up? Rather rapidly? With the imminent rollout of 5G globally, we are now in the end game of this cover-up of a massive global genocide, carefully mediated and controlled by WHO and the rest of the medical mafia with campaigns of orchestrated, outright lies.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km