Karl Muller
3 min readMay 9, 2018


The US’s radiation guidelines, set by the FCC, are the very worst in the whole world in giving people protection from mobile phones and masts.

Yet your iPhone will tell you never even to put your phone in your pocket, because you should have a distance at least 0.39 inches between your iPhone 5 and your body. Or 0.6 inches for a Samsung Galaxy.

Take a look at the people around you, pushing their phones as hard against their heads as they possibly can, to hear anything in a noisy street. All of them are radiating their brains above the limits. The worse the reception is, the more their phones will be powering up: it’s a lose-lose-lose situation for the consumer, who gets brain cancer while paying for every “what did you say?” and “you’re breaking up” and “I can’t hear you”.

If you want to argue about brain cancer, Interphone, the most comprehensive study undertaken, across multiple nations, found a straight 100% increase in brain cancers for people who used phones in the study’s very highest category of use, over 27 minutes a day, which they regarded as exceptional. You show me a teenager today who uses their phone for less than 27 minutes a day and you’ve got an anomaly. (Interphone gerrymandered figure this down to a 40% increase, with some statistical sleight of hand. Even so, you try license a drug that shows a 40% increase in brain cancers.)

Dariusz Leszczynski, former chief researcher at the Finnish government radiation protection agency, gave a warning in an Australian documentary, Wi-Fried?, in which he warned that people putting phones connected to the Internet in their pockets would probably be radiating themselves above the safety limits on a daily basis. You can see him from 4:08 in the video above. And you’re lucky you can, because Australia’s ABC withdrew this documentary on the most spurious grounds and made sure his warning was lost. And then they fired the entire Catalyst crew who made this video, although they had provided one of the most important public health warnings ever on record.

People holding phones in their hands have zero distance between the phone and their skin. They are going to be radiating themselves absolutely directly. Now, Dr Leszczynski was the first person to show directly in live human subjects that radiating the skin with a cellphone changes the proteins and biochemistry of the body’s cells. (He says that Nokia acted to get him fired from his government agency position when he tried to carry this research further.)

These biochemical changes are not supposed to happen: this is “non-thermal” radiation, and the industry mantra is that microwaves only have thermal effects. So it is all hushed up, and no mainstream journalist will touch the issue.

As long as you all stay blind, deaf, and above all, dumb, then research like the above can continue. This radiation has been shown to stimulate opioids in the brain. This radiation is directly addictive and has a very wide range of neurological effects. One hundred and twenty seconds, two minutes, of ordinary cellphone radiation is sufficient to trigger the body’s defence mechanisms and see living human cells flooded with free radicals. This has been confirmed in literally hundreds of biochemistry laboratories around the world. The biochemical cascade that is triggered by this radiation is central to the hard rewiring of your brain synapses as you learn skills. Without question, the brains of an entire generation of humans have been permanently damaged by this radiation. And oh boy, is it showing in your young people.

I have said, over and again, that the real wireless industry mantra is “Only Ignorance Is Invincible”. There cannot be a problem, because we will take very precaution, every possible step, to make sure we see no problem. This is the beauty of microwave radiation pollution. What you can’t see, can’t possibly be hurting you.

I really and truly wish some of you researchers on smartphones were just a little smarter, so you could see just how utterly dumb you really are.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km