Karl Muller
7 min readNov 27, 2018


You got it in one.

The military/corporate/media axis of evil will never relinquish its ultimate stealth weapon over the entire global population — the microwave masts, the 5G microcells. If you only understand how creepy these 5G radiation cells are, your skin would literally crawl. They have to track you in real time, beam radiation at you, and bounce signals off ambient objects, like walls and even trees, to reach you around corners. Remember, this is to keep your autonomous vehicle driving safely, if they lose broadband connectivity for even a millisecond, it could spell disaster. So this has to be right across all rural areas, absolutely literally everywhere you go.

I say your skin will crawl, because as I’ve documented elsewhere on Medium, 5G radiation is almost entirely absorbed by the skin. This is why they have to bounce it off objects, it doesn’t go through them. So, stand by for pandemics of skin disorders, rashes, excessive perspiration, melanomas. And invest in stocks in companies producing industrial-strength antiperspirants, they are going to be in great demand, I’m quite serious. You are going to sweat, boys and girls. I documented one major microwave incident in Johannesburg in which everyone started perspiring profusely; a Chinese colleague of mine at the newspaper told me quietly that Chinese people just don’t sweat the way honkies do and that he had had to buy an antiperspirant for the first time in his life. This peculiar episode lasted about three weeks.

I believe I tracked down the source of this weird incident, which started around Monday, August 21, 2000. This is easy to remember, because Harry Oppenheimer, South Africa’s top business leader, had died that Saturday, so there were lots of stories about him that week.

I searched for years for any possible cause of this targeted apparent microwave onslaught, and then, just by accident, I happened upon a report that said the company WorldSpace had been trialling its satellite radio broadcasts to minibus taxis in Johannesburg over that period, and the trials were “very successful”. And every alarm bell I have, went off in my head simultaneously.

I knew WorldSpace very well, in fact I had one of their best receivers, the one freebie I ever got from writing a radio column for a year. WorldSpace gave it to my same Chinese editor, who then passed it on to me. I’ve still got it with me, although the satellite is long defunct. The receiver used a very small antenna, about the size of your hand, you can see an identical one in use first up on this video, and in the still frame below:

You can see quite clearly in this demonstration how sensitive the antenna is to direction. You have to point it straight at the satellite, line of sight, or it doesn’t work. Even if there’s a tree in the way, it won’t work. But the fact that such a small antenna works at all, shows that this satellite must have been putting out a fair old signal.

Johannesburg was one of the first purpose-designed “modern” cities with high-rise buildings. I travelled in Jo’burg every day in the minibus taxis for years, I know their routes well. Even if I had sat on the roof with a WorldSpace antenna, trying to keep it orientated towards the satellite, which was low on the northern horizon, I would not have stood a chance. I would have had a second or two of reception over the whole trip, if I was really lucky.

So how on earth did they do a “very successful” trial run of this system in Jo’burg minibuses?’

Let me explain one thing upfront. Apartheid, as I’ve said elsewhere, was 85% just a transport issue. Blacks were first to live in separate townships, outside the “white” cities, then in separate black states or Bantustans, to commute with high-speed trains, this was the ultimate apartheid plan.

To this day, the separation of the populations means that most people’s lives are completely dominated by their transport systems. For whites and the new black middle class, motor cars are the absolute core of existence. The length of the traffic jams is of no consequence. I know gated housing complexes in Johannesburg where it takes everyone over an hour just to get out of the complex and onto the road and into the main traffic jam. Please do not think I’m kidding, any Jo’burg driver will confirm this.

If you put one and one together, you’ll realise that there is an absolutely vast trapped radio audience on the roads for hours each day. Huge media empires have been built on pumping advertisements into commuters’ ears in that part of the world. As a long-time radio man, who always has a radio going in the background, even if it’s just carrying static (so I can tell when lightning is coming…) — I completely switched off South African radio, just because of the incessant and increasingly jarring commercials.

If you break into the minibus taxi market, with a viable channel to each taxi on the roads, and tens of millions of commuters spending hours a day trapped in those taxis, you are in for a fortune. If WorldSpace could have cracked this one, they would still be operating today, they went broke years ago.

WorldSpace, as I understand it, was the brainchild of an Ethiopian called Noah Asmara. He was funded by the Saudis, with his satellites designed by the Germans and the receivers built by the Japanese. There were three satellites that covered the whole world except the USA, which refused to allow them over their space. As I recall, the Americans then launched two similar satellites of their own, called Rock and Roll respectively, broadcasting music and talk channels. I can’t find any reference to this online any more.

My theory is that WorldSpace went to its German engineers and said: listen, we are running a trial of these receivers in taxis in Johannesburg. If there’s any way you can turn the signal there to an absolute maximum over this three-week period, do it. And if those trials were “very successful”, I’m certain this is exactly what they did; and I’d really like to know how much power they pumped at us.

To my knowledge, this is the only time anyone has ever identified a possible health epidemic caused specifically by satellite radiation.

Well, shit. What are you supposed to do with radiation from space? With Google Loons flying overhead, beaming microwaves at you, as they do here in darkest Afrika? With that fucking idiot Elon Musk planning to launch 7518 satellites to beam broadband microwaves at us? Can you imagine how he will scream at his engineers to turn up the power, if the system isn’t working well enough for him?

In 2012, we registered a company called Radio Astronomy Eswatini (Pty) Ltd with the express intention of creating an astronomical observatory and radio-quiet, dark sky conservation area here in the Kingdom of Eswatini. This is literally the only way I can think of, to try escape masts and radiation. Even aircraft entering a radio-quiet zone (like Green Bank in West Virginia) have to turn off their radars.

I can’t help noting that National Geographic slugs this as a “radio-quite-zone” in that link. Not quite.

We’ve scoped out a site, it’s in an absolutely pristine rural area with not a homestead or mast in view. There’s a hilltop that will either host a cellphone tower one day, or maybe we can buy it first. We’re planning a crowdsource exercise, there are now many people looking for a radiation-free spot to live or just recuperate from illness. We figure we can turn astro-tourism into a true journey into health. That’s the business plan, anyway.

Looking at that hill, I am reminded of the greatest strategic land-grab across Africa and indeed the world since colonial days, by the wireless industry: grabbing every hilltop, tall building, and peak everywhere. You need to remember that the civilian telecoms networks are seamlessly woven into the military systems, these masts are national security keypoints in all countries. If you only have an eye for it, the astonishing scale of this land-grab defies the imagination, but this is just the beginning. 5G is going to see this replicated on a fractal scale, with masts and passive reflectors and mini and micro and picocells everywhere, on every other lamp post, on every building. On every other tree in every park.

This is the single biggest threat the human race has ever faced. There’s no question about it, if you look properly. What’s going to heat you up more in the next year: climate change (coldest Thanksgiving in a century, as we head into a mini Ice Age with declining solar activity…) or 5G radiation? Think of every autonomous car on the roads, blasting you with microwaves at 77 GHz. Think what’s going to happen when the next one crashes. The CEOs will scream at their engineers to make sure this never happens again: and like those German rocket scientists, they will just pump up the radar power levels. Millions of cars, blasting us with pulsed microwaves and lasers, LIDAR, infrared, you name it. To my knowledge, not one single person in the whole world, bar myself, has ever asked what the health implications of all these vehicular radars will be.

Well, shit, as I tell myself every morning. So it’s very heartening to see that someone gets it.



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km