Karl Muller
10 min readOct 20, 2018


You really need AI to play “Rock-a-bye Baby”? That’s your only hope?

This is surely the lowest level unto which human childcare has ever sunk. And something has to be said.

Watch the video below please, this is Mr Barrie Trower, the UK government’s former top scientific expert dealing with the human effects of microwave warfare from the 1960s. He is a far greater whistleblower than Edward Snowden. I travelled with him for a week in 2010 in South Africa and Botswana, and I can assure you he is the real deal, a genuine “double-O” secret agent who was sent on assignments with a large revolver and a description of the terrorist into whom he was to put two holes, one in the head, one in the heart — I wonder if this was the real origin of the “double-O”. Mr Trower first encountered microwave warfare doing underwater bomb disposal for the Royal Navy, where the Soviets used microwave booby traps, so he knows about the sharp end of stealth warfare.

Watch this video, and you’ll hear that the very first piece of advice Mr Trower gave to the outside world, when asked by a doctor, is that microwaves can cause cot death, by various mechanisms. Low-level pulsed microwaves have been shown in thousands of scientific studies to affect heart rhythms, brainwave patterns, blood pressure, hormonal systems (including melatonin, essential for sleep) and DNA repair at night by causing oxidative stress.

Exposure to telecoms masts has been associated in many scientific studies with sleep disturbances, headaches, attention disorders, mood swings, depression and rages, eye problems, skin rashes, tinnitus, you name it. I will paste in below an information leaflet we issued in South Africa, this contains the most up-to-date review of the literature on masts you will find anywhere in the world, this is my special interest, as we have no choice about exposure to masts, as we do about putting microwave transmitters to our heads.

But you idiots actually attach a microwave transmitter directly to a baby. This is Mimo, one of the products you mention, and which is still very much for sale in 2018, according to their website:

How to kill your baby.

Please listen also to Mr Trower to see how this radiation will be permanently damaging the genetics of your entire family line, through DNA damage to the eggs developing in an infant girl or foetus. Mr Trower warns that a pregnant woman sitting in a wi-fi hotspot runs the risk of her grandchildren being born with terrible genetic deformities, if she is carrying a female foetus. That female baby will be born with eggs that were damaged while she was in the womb.

This is not even the tip of the iceberg, but really, this irradiation of children and infants is the most drastic and disastrous phenomenon happening on this planet right now. Psychologist Jean Twenge asked: have smartphones destroyed a generation — the answer is that they have destroyed three generations at one go. Now that is technological efficiency for you.

And this is what you promote as the “neobiological revolution”, Ms Elizabeth Preston. Just get this straight: you are promoting literal genocide, and the “Neo-Life” you talk about will consist of a vast programme to deal with a pandemic of Thalidomide-type birth deformities, autism cases (already over 2% of your children, according to the CDC), teen dementia, you name it.

Below is a pamphlet I helped prepare for the Electromagnetic Radiation Research Foundation of South Africa. I worked with Dr Michael Kundi of the Medical University of Vienna, the world expert on this subject, to compile an up-to-date list of all the mast studies carried out in the world. Not a single mast study has ever been conducted in the USA, of course. Take a look at the scientific research, you will not find such a comprehensive list anywhere in the world. All of this mast radiation will be well below the level of your baby monitors.

There’s an old Chinese adage for longevity: Sit Like a Tortoise, Walk Like a Pigeon, Sleep Like a Dog. I have two dogs who completely regulate my sleep patterns. I get woken up regularly at 1 a.m. or 2 a.m. or 3.30 a.m. if my big hound wants to go outside, he is my chief of security out here in the bush and I always trust him. And my puppy wakes me at about 4.30 a.m. every morning, either for some love and affection if she had hectic dreams, or to go roaring out to greet the day. I can’t think of a better way to get in sync with the world. She was an extremely fractious and demanding puppy, and I slept on a couch for three months to be on hand all night to respond to her howls. That’s what being a parent is. I did use one electronic trick to get her to sleep: I recorded her own snoring, and played it back to her, which reminded her of her little brothers and sisters with whom she shared a cave when she was tiny, and she would drop off. No radiation involved.

Our one-page information leaflet is below: I prepared this for a public meeting with the operator Vodacom in Johannesburg last year. When they found that I was attending, after I had travelled the whole way there from Eswatini, they immediately insisted that the meeting be held under “Chatham House Rules” — for a report-back with a townhouse residents’ association — and then cancelled the whole affair altogether at the very last minute, making it a completely wasted trip for me. However, once this leaflet got distributed, Vodacom withdrew their application for a mast on the property altogether and scuttled off very smartly. I offer this document to anyone interested in protecting their children from this catastrophic, unplanned, and utterly inhuman experiment on their health and wellbeing.

The Truth About Microwave Masts

There are two central truths about exposure to radiation from cellphone base stations and other microwave masts:

(1) Unlike using a handset, you have no choice about exposure to this radiation, unless you physically remove yourself from the vicinity of a mast;

(2) You are being used in what has been described by Professor Olle Johansson at Karolinska Institute in Sweden and many other scientists as the biggest experiment ever conducted on the human race: the irradiation of entire populations at close range with pulsed microwaves.

There is a third truth: in 2006, the World Health Organization, which sets the agenda for global research in this field, explicitly told scientists NOT to look at health around masts, and especially NOT to research cancer around masts.

The Nuremberg Code, signed by all the Allied nations after WW2, forbids any human experimentation without the informed consent of the subject. The SA Constitution forbids human experimentation without informed consent. Yet the population of South Africa is being overtly used in a microwave radiation experiment; there is no choice about participation; there is no information provided about this experiment at all, let alone any notion of informed consent; and then the World Health Organization explicitly tells researchers NOT to collect any results of this experiment.

That is the truth about microwave masts.

Some authorities say that there is “no evidence” that existing base stations are harmful. In fact, there have been at least 24 peer-reviewed scientific studies on human health around cellphone base stations, of which 23 found a consistent pattern of health problems, including significantly raised cancer rates. The one study that claimed not to find a problem (Elliot in the UK) actually showed a 16% increase in childhood leukaemias at intermediate distances from masts.

At the very least, therefore, over 95% of all mast studies conducted worldwide find a consistent pattern of health problems.

Here are some of the published, peer-reviewed scientific studies:

(1) Santini et al. (2002) Five hundred and thirty people living near mobile phone masts in France reported headaches, sleep disturbances, discomfort, irritability, depression, memory loss, and concentration problems. These effects were more pronounced the closer people lived to the mast.

(2) Navarro et al. (2003) This Spanish study found that the greater the power density of microwaves in the home, the more severe were complaints of depression, fatigue, sleeping disorders, concentration problems, headaches, irritability, memory problems, loss of appetite, nausea, audio and visual dysfunction, dizziness, and cardiovascular problems.

(3) Röösli (2004) This Swiss survey study reported that out of 429 questionnaires returned, 394 people reported symptoms from cellphone tower exposure. Fifty-eight percent of these symptomatic people suffered headaches, 19% nervous stress, and 18% fatigue, while concentration difficulties were the most common complaint.

(4) Eger et al. (2004) This study, commissioned by the German Federal Agency for Radiation Protection, compiled medical histories between 1994–2004 of people living in Naila, Germany. The study found a threefold increase in malignant tumours for people exposed for five years or more to cellphone masts within 400 metres, compared with people living further away.

(5) Wolf and Wolf (2004) A Tel Aviv University study of 622 people living in Netanya, Israel, revealed an overall fourfold increase in the incidence of cancer among residents living within 350 metres of a cellphone mast for a period of between three and seven years. Among women in the 350-metre group, the increase in cancer was 10 times the norm, compared with people living in other areas of the city.

(6) Bortkiewicz et al. (2004) This Polish study confirmed that residents living close to mobile phone masts reported “Various complaints mostly of the circulatory system, but also of sleep disturbances, irritability, depression, blurred vision, concentration difficulties, nausea, lack of appetite, headache and vertigo. The study shows relationships between the incidence of individual symptoms, the level of exposure, and the distance between a residential area and a base station. This association was observed both in persons who linked their complaints with the presence of the base station and those who did not notice such a relation.”

(7) Hutter et al. (2005) Three hundred and sixty-five people living near 10 cellphone masts in urban and rural Austria were studied. Reported symptoms of radiation included: headache, vertigo, tremors, cold hands and feet, exhaustion, difficulty concentrating, stress, and the urge for sleep. Radiation levels were 0.2 to 0.4 volts per metre, hundreds of times lower than legal US exposure standards of 47 to 61 volts per metre. Higher exposures showed higher percentages of health complaints.

(8) Abdel-Rassoul et al. (2006) Residents living beneath or adjacent to a long-established mobile phone mast with numerous antennas in Egypt reported significantly higher occurrences of headaches, memory changes, dizziness, tremors, depressive symptoms and sleep disturbance than did a control group.

(9) Eger et al. (2009) The Bavarian town of Selbitz conducted a health survey of 251 residents exposed to cell tower radiation at no more than 1 volt per metre. The study found a significant correlation, depending on dose exposure, for: insomnia, depression, cerebral symptoms, joint illnesses, infections, skin changes, heart and circulation disorders, disorders of vision/ hearing, and gastrointestinal problems.

(10) Dode et al. (2011) This study looked at 7191 deaths by cancer in Brazil’s third-largest city, Belo Horizonte, between 1996 and 2006. The highest rate of deaths from cancer was found among those who had lived within 500 metres of cellphone masts; there was a 35% increase in cancers for those living within 100 metres. There were high rates of prostate, breast, lung, kidney and liver cancer among the victims living closest to masts.

(11) Buchner et al. (2011) In this study conducted in Bavaria, Germany, urine samples of 60 study participants were analysed for their adrenaline, noradrenaline, dopamine, and phenylethylamine (PEA) levels before and after the activation of a new GSM cell tower. After activation, the stress hormone levels increased significantly, while dopamine and PEA levels decreased substantially. Sleep problems, headaches, allergies, dizziness, and concentration problems were common. This study indicates that base station radiation induces radical dose-responsive changes in human stress hormones.

(12) Cy et al. (2012) This Taiwanese study focused on childhood tumours in relation to RF exposure from cell towers erected between 1998 and 2007. Researchers calculated the annual power emitted by all 71,185 cell towers in Taiwan and compared the calculated exposure of populations in each irradiated township: “This study noted a significantly increased risk of all tumours in children with higher-than-median RF exposure to mobile phone base stations.”

(13) Eskander et al. (2012) This Egyptian cellphone tower study focused on the changes in human hormone profiles. Blood samples were taken from volunteers prior to the installation of a base station. Following installation, ongoing samples were taken which showed a significant decrease in volunteers’ ACTH, cortisol, thyroid hormones, prolactin for young females, and testosterone levels.

(14) Shahbazi et al. (2014) This Iranian study was conducted on 250 randomly selected people living near cell towers. Statistically significant symptoms included: nausea, headache, dizziness, irritability, discomfort, nervousness, depression, sleep disturbances, memory loss, and lack of libido among people living within 300 metres of the cellphone towers, compared with those living further away.

(15) Gandhi et al. (2014) This case-control study evaluated genetic damage in individuals living in the vicinity of cellphone towers. The blood of irradiated subjects showed significantly elevated DNA damage compared with non-irradiated control subjects matched for gender, age, and other factors. Females were especially affected by cellphone tower DNA damage.

(16) Shiniyo et al. (2014) This study documents the myriad serious health effects suffered by condominium inhabitants living under rooftop antennas in Japan, who were examined by medical professionals. Every single one of a long list of illnesses suffered by the residents during their years of exposure improved after the antennas were deactivated. The symptoms ascribed to microwave radiation include numerous neurological dysfunctions, eye damage, severe fatigue, and tumours.

(17) Golati et al. (2016) Scientists studied 116 persons exposed to radiation from mobile towers and 106 control subjects. The researchers looked for DNA damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes using alkaline comet assay and micronucleus assay in mouth tissue cells. They found significant DNA damage among cellphone tower subjects as compared with the non-irradiated control group, including increased micronucleus frequencies. Micronuclei are known precursors for cancer.

The results of the experiment are coming in. They do not look good.

Prepared for EMRRFSA by Mr Karl M Muller, BSc Hons, MEd and Ms Tracey-Lee Dorny, Chairperson

January 2017



Karl Muller

Scientific editor, freelance journalist, licensed radio ham since 1975. Follow me on Patreon.com/3da0km