Meet Public Autoquoter Tool, the latest 3D printing software launched by MakerOs

Daniel Faegnell
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2017

This time I bring you good news for your 3D printing purchasing habits and business; But first, let’s talk about the company who made this possible; MakerOs is a Detroit-Based company which offers all-in-one business management solutions through 3D printing software. In fact, its latest feature is Public Autoquoter, which was just added to its cloud-based business management tool. It allows 3D printing businesses to quickly generate accurate quotes for their products via their websites.

Let’s face it; Many of us own one or two 3D printers with which we can make a few bucks. And for those who aren’t making money with their 3D printers yet, you should start now. The point is that, making price quotes can be one of the most tedious parts of a 3D printing service.

Of course there are some quoting alternatives for a 3D printing business. For instance, you could implement calculators which can give you a price approximation and price range, but you need to do a few modifications in the numbers anyway, so you would require a few more skills than the average.

MakerOs thought about all factors and solved the problem in a simple way. It uses a cloud business management platform for any kind of user, 3D printing bussines or maker. This isn’t actually something new; A beta of the product was released in 2015, but it evolved during the last years as it raised a financing of $ 530,000 USD to improve this 3D Printing Software.

MakerOs latest 3D printing Software interface.

MakerOs’ Public Autoquoter: a 3D printing software with multiple beneffits

The diverse features offered by this 3D printing software feature make it easy to manage 3D printing businesses and maximize their production by reducing 3D printing time. These features are:

  • Ease of integration and customization in the administration panel.
  • Tag management
  • Customizing colors
  • Logos
  • E-mail

Another great advantage of this software is its compatibility with different CMS, such as Wodrpress and Suqrespace.

“This is the automatic quote system I’ve been dreaming of for over 4 years. Companies that use MakerOS can obtain the ease of customization and implementation without compromising their profitability; Is a game changer for the 3D printing industry. “ Said Mike Moceri, founder and CEO of MakerOs.

Price quote tools for 3D printing services can be hugely beneficial to businesses and customers, as they allow users to “compare” prices by giving them an idea of ​​how much a particular printing service will cost, depending on the materials and other primary factors.

¿How does Public Autoquoter works?

Public Autoquoter’s Interface.

Simple, the first thing we have to do is create an account on MakerOS platform and then proceed to activate it. Then the tool will be activated and ready to use.

*Users must link a bank account to their MakerOs account.

For linking websites just use a simple line of inframes code within the html; similarly, linking to the inventory of users allows an accurate analysis as to the costs of each print.

Finally, what I liked the most about Public Autoquoter is the “abandoned cart” option. Many people (including myself) surf the internet, but as we do, we leave the cart abandoned as we never complete a purchase; Companies use different remarketing strategies so that the users complete the purchasing process and based on these statistics they make improvements on their online stores. Through Public Autoquoter companies can visualize hundreds of customers whose carts have been abandoned and it also offers options to reach those customers and manage to fulfill the order, thus companies manage to increase the number of sales.

Stay updated with 3dprinterchat, More news coming up soon!


Originally published at 3D PRINTER CHAT.



Daniel Faegnell

Daniel Faegnell Started and is a content marketer who formerly worked out of AddGeek´s Stockholm office. A writer by day and a reader by night