10 Ways to Develop Awareness in Self-Defense Among Women

Mark Thompson
4 min readOct 29, 2019


Women are no more a weaker part of our society! Today’s women are smart, dynamic and ready to protect themselves on the street and in every phase of life. As a newcomer to the art of self-defense, there are various aspects you need to focus on.

Self-defense for women is of the most extreme significance in the sort of world we live in today. Women typically alluded as the more fragile gender, are viewed as simpler targets. Today, the instances of sexual violence are on the rise, out of which many go unreported, self-defense for women has turned into a need like never before.

Here, I have breakdown 10 different ways to develop awareness in self-defense among women that will create self-confidence and will-power.

· Keep A Safe Distance: Everyone has a safe place or individual space. At the point when an attacker enters that zone, you’re awkward on the grounds that you realize you’d need that space in the event that you needed to battle back. At the point when you’re in an adrenalized state, you need a fourth of one moment to respond to an attack. Consequently, consistently keep a safe distance, in the event that an attacker starts shutting in, utilize your verbal limits.

· Create Solid Verbal Abilities: Good verbal abilities are powerful self-defense tools, one you’re probably going to utilize more as often as possible and effectively than any physical method. At the point when a predator draws in you in discussion, he’s really “talking with” you to check whether you’ll make a decent unfortunate casualty. An accomplished aggressor is rehearsed at utilizing his words to solidify you with dread, in this manner lessening the opportunity that you’ll attempt to guard yourself. Hence, it would be sufficient to define a solid verbal limit higher than the assailant.

· Keep up A Non-Fierce Stance: In a self-defense circumstance, one of your unmistakable advantages is the component of shock. Most predators feel certain that you won’t safeguard yourself, and you ought to gain by that misinterpretation. In the event that you expect a hand to hand fighting position, it quickly tells the aggressor that you are a martial artist or knows how to fight. Accordingly, he’s probably going to be progressively forceful. Thus, it is encouraged to keep up a non-fierce position to deceive your rival.

· Keep your Techniques Simple and Direct: One of the fundamental impacts of an adrenaline discharge is the loss of fine engine aptitudes. That implies straightforward signals, for example, loosening your fingers or hauling your hands out of your pockets can turn out to be substantially more testing. Furthermore, the chances of your executing a wonderful joint lock or high kick quickly wane. Regardless of which martial art you practice, utilize basic and direct systems.

· Your Strikes Ought To Be Felt Before its Seen: Hitting with an open hand diminishes the opportunity that you’ll harm your hand. At that point, if your aggressor ventures into your usual range of familiarity — blast! — He gets it directly in the face. Along these lines, consistently strike quicker and harder before the adversary responds. Probably the most well-known strikes are:

• Eye Strike

• Strike to the Adam’s Apple

• Strike to the Groin

  • Strike the Solar Plexus

• Nose Strike

• Knee Strike

• Strike the Solar Plexus

• Nose Strike

• Knee Strike

· Offer the Gift of Surprise: Most predators accept you can’t safeguard yourself. In this manner, you should exploit the component of shock. In case you’re occupied with a discussion, you have the chance to utilize verbal aptitudes and a non-angry position to allure the assailant into bringing down his defenses. In case you’re snatched from behind, you should react right away. In either case, setting up a battle can astonish him and increment your possibility of getting the primary blow.

· Enroll in a Martial Art Class: Taking self defense classes will consistently change your life, bringing positive vibes. All of the reasons above are verification of this. Taking self defense classes can support your spirits and make you an increasingly sure and better form of yourself. It’s imperative to have things in life that we can depend on to satisfy us taking these sorts of classes does only that.

· Trust your Instincts: Too numerous women take a crack at a self-defense class after they’ve been harassed or bullied. At the point when they describe the occurrence, they frequently state something very similar: “I had this terrible inclination; however, I let myself know not to be jumpy,” or “I realized I shouldn’t have gone, yet I would not like to offend him.” If something doesn’t feel right, it presumably isn’t protected — that is the main concern. Numerous women have been adapted to disregard the little voice that reveals to them issue is coming. Your sense is the best finder of peril. Whenever you hear that little voice, tune in to what it's colloquialism.

· Stay Calm Even if you are Knocked Down: More frequently than not, women end up on the ground when they’re ambushed. Fortunately, most attackers are not gifted ground contenders; they’re menaces who are accustomed to wrecking ladies and driving them to consent. Keep in mind that the heel-palm strike and eye strike function admirably on the ground. It’s a smart thought to have a couple of kicks that work there, also. Specifically, the side kicks works in an assortment of situations.

· Enroll in a Martial Art Class: Taking self defense classes will consistently change your life, bringing positive vibes. All of the reasons above are verification of this. Taking self defense classes can support your spirits and make you an increasingly sure and better form of yourself. It’s imperative to have things in life that we can depend on to satisfy us taking these sorts of classes does only that.



Mark Thompson

Mark Thompson has been in the family Karate academy for five years and he has got in depth knowledge on karate and martial art training for kids and family.