How often are chapter 13 Bankruptcys not accepted by the courts?

23 min readMar 11, 2019


How often are chapter 13 Bankruptcys not accepted by the courts?

Me and my husband just started to consider it not long ago so we haven’t met with a Lawyer or anything yet.

Answer : I would recommend you to try this web site where one can compare from different companies: .

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0% Introductory APR applies to Direct Deposits that are not processed online (non-online Direct Deposits) and Check Cash Advances through your first 12 statement Closing Dates (the Promotional Period). When the Promotional Period ends, the Standard APR for non-online Direct Deposits and Check Cash Advances posted to your account during the Promotional Period or before April 19, 2008 is 9.99% or 15.99%. Non-online Direct Deposits and Check Cash Advances posted to your account on or after April 19, 2008 and after the end of Promotional Period will be subject to the Standard APR for Direct Deposits and Check Cash Advances of 24.99%. The Promotional Period will end sooner if your payment is late or the account balance is over the credit limit.””
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there this house moved from city to another. The house has no electric, nothing hooked up, no toilet, no fixtures, and a code violatiion in big red letters danger”””” and fines because it was just left there sitting. I want a house my first house. Seller wants cash for the last 32 days. I can get downpayment assistance by FHA. However””
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“How often are chapter 13 Bankruptcys not accepted by the courts?

Me and my husband just started to consider it not long ago so we haven’t met with a Lawyer or anything yet.


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I’m approved for a 162,000 home loan. If i get a personal loan it would be only for about 3,000 at the most.””
Can a judgement lien be included in a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy?
Gave up vehicle, vehicle was auctioned by auto company. got blue book value for it and is now suing for remaining balance. I have no $$ all i have is my home which is quickly depreciating in value due to real estate mess, and attorney is after me to put lien on my home. I amseriously considering chapter 7 as i have also fallen way behind on other items.have been struggling tokeep home for last 2years and am not giving up now. Please advise.””

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Pros and cons bankruptcy..?
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Will a dealership try to get you financed through another bank if the first bank doesnt approve an auto loan?
I ask because I’ve called the bank to make sure they dont approve the loan to the dealership and I dont want the dealership to go behind my back and try to get another bank to approve me for an auto loan. PS. The dealership tried to scam me so I stopped payment on their down payment check and returned them their car. I did sign all the contracts (silly me), but they dont have any check stubs…so will banks approve me without check pay stubs???””
How do I get a free credit report without using a credit card?

Help with a experian credit report please help me here!?
ok i was denied for a cosigner for a car so i got my credit report and i see some things on here im not sure about so can you help me out here? under INQUIRIES it says BC,FF,AN,and BB. I see that the BC’s are on my credit cards,my FF says credit acceptance and i have a few more that I dont know how they got on there from BoA (bank of america)it says BC then there is HSBC/RS with BC and WEBBANK/DFS with BB and CITI with BC,someone please explain what all of these abbreviations? and how would these other inquiries get on my credit report idk anything about them how do i get them off? please help me.””
What are my odds of getting a home loan if?
Below is my situation I have a low credit score 500 (never declared bankruptcy, Never had a loan go in to default or had a debt written off). I’m just young have very litle credit history except for credit cards. I have enough for a down payment 10%. The morgate will only be 15%-20% of my take home income. Do you think I will be able to get a loan?””
What is the best credit card for me?
I’m pretty much looking to apply for a credit card for the sole purpose of emergencies and for the use of gas and groceries at times. I don’t travel for work, so I’m not looking for one with mile points or anything. But I’d like to get one with low fees and the lowest APR and interest possible. My credit score is around 700 so I know I’d be eligible for some decent cards. I’m just not sure what would best suit me. I’ve heard Capital One and Discover are decent. But any advice I would really appreciate.””
“”What are some synonyms for debt collector?””””?””””

Bankrptcy and student loan future?
I am about to file bankruptcy chapter 7 because of my reduce income and family obligation. I am going to school (undergraduate) and should be done next year with my Bachelor. My question is: can this bankruptcy affects my ability to obtain student loans(Federal and perkins) in the future? Thanks for clarifying this fo me.
Should I tell my family I’m a millionaire?
I’m an online marketer, and I make money through affiliate commissions. The money comes in on auto pilot and yesterday morning my account finally reached a little bit over a million dollars.. I work very hard, and I have no social life and no friends and never created a real conversation with my family. However, I do love my family but nobody helped me to become who I am today; I can finally label myself as a self made millionaire. I moved out of my parents house last month and told them that if they needed anything let me know. My parents still live in the same house since they gave birth to me, and I pay for their rent, bills, cell phone etc.. My brother’s and sister’s still live with their parents, but I will only help them if they ask. I take them out to eat and give them what they asked for. What they don’t know is I’m a millionaire, and I don’t want to tell them I’m worth 7 figures because I could be taken advantage of. Next month, I’m flying them out to Thailand so they can get to see their long lost Mamas and papa, grandmas and grandpas. It’s going to be a great journey, but I will remain humble. My next move is to recover all the years I wasted.. I wasted about 10 to 15 years and didn’t have a social life in high school and in college. It’s been a very tough and quiet life. My next move is the search for a mate and hopefully she’ll love me for who I am. David K””
Does anyone know a place where i can get a bad credit student loan because i need one now so i can pay for?
my summer school? So if you could give the name of the banks, website or whatever it would be very helpful to me. I been seeing websites talk about bad credit private student loans but i could never find so are there really bad credit private student loans or is this something that is made up? And I’m looking for lenders in the U.S.A. not across seas because i’m not trying to pay a residential fee to get this loan matter of fact im not trying to pay any thing to get it and also I want to have my payments deferred until 6 months after I graduate which will be May 2008.””
Does any1 know where I can get a 6 month loan for about $600?
I do have a job, but I am on maternity leave right now and am behind on some bills. Thanks everyone 4 ur help.””
What do you think of Payday loans?
I am looking for personal opinions for a class. I do not need a loan
What is the best unsecured credit card for people with bad credit?
I have orchard bank. I’ve had it for a year. I need one more
“How often are chapter 13 Bankruptcys not accepted by the courts?

Me and my husband just started to consider it not long ago so we haven’t met with a Lawyer or anything yet.

Where can I find a website to get a free credit report?

Im 16 years old. and i want a credit card to build credit. i already have a debit card and i need to know how?
old u have to be get one.. and if my parent can sign for me
Which is the best site to order your 3 CREDIT REPORTS WITH CREDIT SCORE?
most sites want to just charge you just your score and some with one credit bureau. I need all 3 with score.
How do I get my credit cards to lower their interest rates?
my APR is anywhere between 23 & 28%. Very high!! But, I pay all my bills on time and always pay more than the minimum… is it because I have more debt than capital? Is there a plan where I can consolidate all of my store credit cards into one low-interest card without having to go to an outside company for help?””
Any other option better than bankruptcy?
I am in serious financial trouble. Single now and with only one very low income I cannot afford to pay my high mortgage every month. I also owe approximately $40,000 in credit card debt accrued over the years because of personal and medical reasons. I really don’t know much about filing for bankruptcy but I have no choice but to stop making payments. Is there any other way around it? A friend told me that it’s better to just have the bank take the house and have the cc companies harass me then to file bankruptcy…is that true? Thanks””

Student Loan company harrassment?
I’ve got several student loan bills that are in default or overdue because of a lack of steady income. (my job gives me 10 hours a week now at $8 an hour, obviously not enough to cover $700 a month in bills.) I am in the process of applying for a financial hardship forbearance. My question is, they called my grandfather this morning looking for me. Are they legally able to do that? He was not a co-signer and has nothing to do with my outstanding debts. I am livid. He’s 81 years old, and there’s no reason i can see, why they should be calling relatives of mine that are not tied in directly with this matter.””
What does Annual Percentage Rate mean for credit cards?
I’m thinking about getting my first credit card, but I’m not familiar with this terminology or what it means. I want to ask what is APR? What is APR for Balance Transfers? APR for Cash Advances?””
Is it possible to lease a vehicle after bankruptcy?
we didn’t have any vehicles in the bankruptcy and have never had a reposession.
Can i get a student loan if Im not a student?
There’s things I need, and it seems that everyone I know got a student loan easily, but they were students. They used their loans for expenses other than school related expenses (such as on cars, ATVs, purebred dogs, etc). Do I actually need to be a student to get such a loan?””
Where can I find real work online (no scams)?

Has anyone ever had luck getting the interest rate lowered on their JCPenney’s Card?
I want to know if anyone has ever called JCPenney to get their credit card interest rate lowered and were successful? What tactic did you use? I was recently unsuccessful, they wouldn’t budge. I had good luck with our Discover More Card yesterday they lowered our interest rate from 18% to 9.9%. Thanks for your input!””

Good bad credit auto loan website?
Can anyone recommend a legit auto loan website that advertises for bad credit / no credit that you’ve had good experiences with?? I don’t have the option to save because I need to act FAST. I don’t have the option to borrow from anyone. I just want to know information about the above question please. **NO LECTURES about my credit and how I should NOT finance. My credit score is low due to some mistakes I’ve made in the past with credit cards, we’ve all made mistakes! I now have a steady job @ 2K monthly and am doing things to repair my credit. Yes I do realize I may have a high APR rate but that is something I will have to live with for now. my life would fall apart without a car. (my current one is broken down) Thank you for your help!!!!!!! =)””
If I file Chapter 7 bankruptcy what happens?
I owe the school and i have student loans. I know the student loans aren’t included but what about the money I owe to the school?
Unsubscribing to free credit
i know that if you dont want to pay for your reports monthly, you have to cancel your membership within 30 days. i cant find where it is that i can do that! i think ive tried every link! please help :)””
Can I get Educational loan from any bank ?
I am from India. My salary is good. I had taken ICICI Bank Credit Card, 07 years back. There was some fraud committed by bank in my credit card statement. I complained to Bank. Bank admitted it’s mistake. Aggrieved with this credit card fraud, I decided to close my credit card account. I talked to bank, regarding this. They subtracted additional amount due to fraud from total amount and asked me to pay certain amount. I paid that amount and got No dues letter from bank. Recently bank has reported status of this credit card as Post (W/O) Settled ,in my credit information report. This remark is derogatory. I wrote to bank regarding this. They have replied that they are looking in my matter with priority and update status soon. Every 10 days they send reply like this and are doing nothing. I wrote to CIBIL also to remove this 07 years old accounts. They are saying that unless ICICI bank informs them to do so, they can not remove. I am helpless. Nether ICICI bank is helping nor CIBIL is helping. In this situation, can I get educational loan from any bank or NBFC ? Educational loan is considered as priority sector lending by Banks/NBFC’s. Is there any bank which will give me educational loan without referring to credit report ? What is the best solution of my problem?””
Can anyone tell me about Payday loans?
I took out 5 online payday loans, and two stores front…I can’t afford to pay them.My hours at work have been cutted to 30 hours per week how about going to some kind of debt settlments program.Please answer soon.Thank you so kindly .Kandy””
Why am I being turned down for a loan?
Hi, let me start by admitting that I have issues with holding on to money. I got into trouble and needed a loan to pay off payday debts. I took a Halifax loan of 7,500 and paid it all back but I again used payda y loans. During that year. I then took a loan from Nationwide for 5000 for a year my last payment is this month and again Ive been using payday loans that I want to get a third loan to repay. When I had the Halifax loan and right now with the nationwide loan I did try to get further bank loans before payday ones but am getting automatically rejected online. What I want to know is given that I never missed a payment on any of these loans ever. Can I get another loan from nationwide; theyve rejected me online as have Halifax but is this because I have an unsettled bank loan? Also, what helps my application, is beneficial to say Ill pay back in a year or should I say 2 years? I earn 1850 a month and want to get a 5000 or 4000 loan to pay the high interest debts off. Should I try everywhere else that gives loans? Like Sainsburys. Does it help to see them in person or do they just run a check and say no like online apps?””
I am looking for a Bankruptcy Attorney?
Can someone suggest a good Bankruptcy Attorney located in St. Louis Mo. area? I want a attorney that is reasonable and someone you can recommend from previous experience. I am interested in doing a Chapter 7.
Are online loan companies safe? Need personal loan…?
Annie: I could save the money but that would take a long time. Also, as I mentioned, my credit is bad due to a tragedy, my husband’s murder last year. I did not act irresponsibly to get my credit in the condition it’s in. I have 3 kids that I am now raising alone. Please don’t assume I don’t know how to manage my money. I am working on getting my credit back by the way.””
My credit score is 660. Good or bad?
Okay, so the general consensus is that I’m barely average. How can I boost it up to say 700 within eight months. How about 720 within a year? Just some additional info, I’m 23, have student loans, and am still in grad school for another year making very little money. According to my credit report I have 8 accounts in good standing but one account where I was 30 days overdue (they kept mailing the bills to my old address) Impossible?””
What credit card to get for a college student with no or credit?
I need to establish a credit history. I need to get a used car financed but I have no credit. The car I own is done for. I bought it used really cheap a long time ago. I’ve been scared of getting a credit card. But I only need one to establish a good credit score and then I’m done with it. I won’t touch them again. I’ll probably use it for small things, emergencies, then I close/cancel it after about a year. What banks offer credit cards with low APR, that are great for someone like me?””

Filing for Bankruptcy?
I am considering filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy and was hoping to get some advice from people who have been there. I have about $18000 worth of debt, my boyfriend was laid off in August of last year and still can’t find work and, I was in a car accident in which I did not have any gap insurance and sustained a back injury and can’t tolerate working as much as I used to anymore. I am also a full-time nursing student….. How long does the process take and can you give me a general description of it? In what ways am I able to rebuild me credit afterwards? I own a car but drive 15mi one way to go to school and 25mi the other way for work, will I be able to keep it? Not sure what to ask…. young and very confused…. please help!””
“How often are chapter 13 Bankruptcys not accepted by the courts?

Me and my husband just started to consider it not long ago so we haven’t met with a Lawyer or anything yet.

Best place to check my credit score?
Toni I didn’t mean to give you a thumbs down :( Thumbs up for your answer thumbs up!
What happens when people file for bankruptcy?

Where can I get a payday loan with only a debit card account?
I am a single Mom struggling and I do work but only have a debit card where I get direct deposit I am need of a small loan 700.00 where can I go? Credit not so great but I need help, bills overdue. No checking account either I pay all bills with cash.””
Can i get a used auto loan with a credit score of 500–600?
now how would i do it? ive tried applying online but i just keep getting rejected… and i know every time they inquire my credit history my credit score goes down… so i don’t want to keep doing that and hurting my credit score even more.. and where should i go to get a used auto loan buying from a private party?
Where can I get a free credit report? I heard that we are entitled to a free one a year?

What’s the diff between a Sherlock and a Shylock.?

Who can File Bankruptcy?
Please explain me who can file for bankruptcy

Where is the best place to get an auto loan?
I am a full-time student with a part-time job making about $500 a month. I recently got a credit card so I have good credit. I need to get the loan on my own because I do not have anyone to cosign for me. I have no idea where to even look for a loan… Please any information is good! Thanks!
Does the Old Navy credit card have fees?
If anyone has an old navy card can you tell me if they have annual fees? thanx
Why can’t I get approved for a credit card?!?
I keep trying to get approved for a credit card. I have tried at several places including, Wal-Mart, Meijer, Best buy, Kohl’s, Sears, target even my local Bank of America. All of them say I have been denied. My information is I am 21, have a kid and have no credit. How the hell am I suppose to get credit if I can’t even get a credit card to build credit? I need credit so I can take out loans without having co-signers. Any help? Don’t be a dick about it either and say super obvious things, I’m not dumb, I’m just way confused on how they come up with all the information they do.””
I need to find a private lender in the United States?
I am in need of a loan and I am not doing business with anyone outside of the United states because I have no time for Nigerian or any other international scam artist. If you are or now of any private lenders please let me know as soon as possible. thank you
Last month my credit score was 683 & a month later 653 should i be worried? Everything was paid ontime?

Is it usually easier to get approved for an auto loan at your credit union?
Do they generally just go by your fico scores? What else may they look at to determine if you get approved?
Which credit bureau predominantly do car dealers check when buying a new car?
My score differs from each credit bureau. Can I request that they check a specific one?

Can I get an auto loan? Co signer? ?
If I have a 610 credit score …. What’s the best way to go to get an auto loan for $20,000 — $23,000…. I gross around $4500 to $5000 a month….. Do I need a co signer or can I get it on my own?””



I heard there is websites where i can get my credit score free biut i cant find it do anyone know of one?

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Re: Payday Loan companies?
Please could anyone enlighten me on why most Payday Loan companies are either MEM or Payday uk advertising with different names but different tel no, also when go into their contact details they are all the same address in bicester oxford, would appreciate any replies, thanks””
“”Credit card with atleast a $2,000 dollar spending limit to start off with?””
Can anyone tell me of any companies that might offer a visa or master card to someone trying to establish credit, but i want atleast a $2,000 spending limit to start off with.. I’ll even accept a $1,000 dollar spending limit.. So can anyone please help me out with this..””
Getting a Payday Loan online?
What generally has lower fees, cash advances from a real place or online?””
“How often are chapter 13 Bankruptcys not accepted by the courts?

Me and my husband just started to consider it not long ago so we haven’t met with a Lawyer or anything yet.

