Hacks For New Dads (Investing in Breastfeeding — a father’s guide)

GW Cook
5 min readJul 2, 2015

Things are changing. I’m coming to the end of my tenure as a ‘stay-at-home-dad.’ Along the way, I have learned much, grown in maturity (now having the grey hairs to prove it!) and changed my world-view to encompass my role as a father. Before I regress and potentially forget all the important life-lessons and various child-rearing wisdom learned along the way, I realized that I should probably write down what I have gleaned from this whirl-wind tour called ‘fatherhood.’

Hopefully, what I share might bail some poor unsuspecting sap from the dog-box, or actually prevent them from ever having to step foot inside said dog-box.

So without further ado, here is the first article in a series I am writing called ‘#DadHacks.’ This article is plainly titled (pretty self-explanatory really) ‘Investing in Breastfeeding — a brief guide for new dads.’ For those of you who have just become dads, welcome to the club. Most new fathers will notice fairly soon how ‘new’ everything is! Suddenly you have a new baby, a new wife/partner, and a new life. To the bewildered father, whose misconceptions about the whole experience are now all apparent, everything is a learning curve.

Before the birth, most men believe that they are the focus of their partner’s attention. The new father might also have naively…

