4 min readJun 25, 2018


Technological developments from year to year shows progress. Such as quotes from Bill Gates “ The advance of technology is based on making it fit in so that you don’t really even notice it, so it’s part of everyday life. “

Technological progress has become important for us who live in the modern era now. Such as, advances in blockchain technology taking us to the closest edge of the future.

Blockchain technology spawned many projects, and the most recent project under development that caught our eye is ICB Coin.

What is ICB Coin ??

ICB Coin is a full-fledged cryptographic platform with built-in support for additional applications.
Their platform uses secure software using open-source software. 
The basic unit of our crypto platform is the ICB Coin cryptocurrency.

It should be noted that the main purpose of ICBCoin platform is crypto-bank, whose function has been significantly expanded. Thus, traditional banking services such as payments, as well as products such as deposits and loans will be available to platform users.

ICBCoin has a history.

In 2014, blockchain enthusiasts teamed up to develop and implement a new crypto platform. For the first time, there is a crypto platform which combines a cryptocurrency, a bank and forging (mining) all in one. Also, ICBCoin platform allows you to use its blockchain for your own applications.

The ICBC cryptographic platform is developed in Java.

The following libraries, technologies and frameworks are also used in our system:

  • JAX-WS – data exchange technology using Web services via HTTP and HTTPS
  • Tomcat embedded – a servlet container (Web service handlers) on the client side
  • PaaS Google App Engine – a servlet hosting platform and a database in the cloud
  • H2 – client-side database
  • JavaFX – a framework for building a client-side interface
  • Curve25519 ECDH, SHA-256 – cryptographic libraries

ICBCoin offer clients the following ways to make a profit:

  • By making large investments
  • By forging (mining) coins
  • By using our coins on our exchange or our Gold coin on other exchanges

About Forging

It is possible to forge coins on the ICBCoin platform. This forging similar to bitcoin mining. The main advantage of forging on out platform is that it doesn’t require as much computing power and energy resources as on the bitcoin platform.
It is possible to forge both Gold coins and Silver coins (from 1 to 499 999 999 coins). 
Forging more than 500 000 000 coins is impossible.

ICBCoin has three types of coins:

  • Gold - The Gold coin is the main coin on our platform. 
    All quotes on the exchange are done with this coin. 
    You can deposit, withdraw and exchange this coin on other exchanges to other crypto currencies 
    (for example: bitcoin, ethereum, etc.)
    During the start of our blockchain, i.e. in the genesis block, we issued 20 000 000 000 Gold coins.
    With the Gold coin money can be earned by forging coins, depositing coins, transfers and on the crypto exchanges.
  • Silver - The Silver coin is the internal coin on our platform, which can be used to exchange to Gold coins and Credit coins.
    This coin cannot be withdrawn and exchanged for another crypto currency.
    In the genesis block there were 10 000 000 000 Silver coins issued.
    With the Silver coin money can be earned by forging coins, depositing coins, giving loans and on our internal exchange.
  • Credit - The Credit coin is the second internal coin on our platform.
    A Credit coin is created when a Silver coin is given as a loan.
    So when issuing a loan, a Silver coin is labeled and converted into a Credit coin.
    These Credit coins are blocked for the duration of the contract on the lender’s account and are added to the account of the person who requested the loan.
    The loan will be automatically repaid at the end of the contract.
    The interest for the loan needs to be paid up-front. The Credit coin can be used for deposits and on our exchange.
    With the Credit coin money can be earned by depositing coins and on our internal exchange.

In addition to ICBCoin, the team has ICBToken that serves as a reward for users who participate in the life and development of ICBCoin. And for now the team is running ICBToken presale project (from May 21 to June 11).

ICBToken has a rate of 0.003 ETH (1 ICBT). However, there is a bonus system for investors throughout the sales stages. So, if the token is purchased at the presale stage, the bonus amount from the token price will be 70%. In addition, for participants who register before May 28, there is also a 2% registration bonus. After the end of presale, Pre-ICO begins, which will be held in three rounds, where respectively, 60%, 50% and 40% bonus will also be available respectively.

All funds earned will be directed to a global marketing campaign and directly to the ICBCoin platform development.

For more information:

Best Regards

