How To Respond To A Client With A Low Budget For Their Wedding Photos

3d Foto FX
3 min readMay 23, 2017


Well, speaking of ceremonies, we all have affection towards weddings (and probably intend to have one in future). But the problem comes with the wedding budgets, and especially the amount allocated to wedding photos.

At times in your photography career, you will have clients complaining of your budget being too high, or much more than what they expected to spend. You may end up being angry or frustrated (considering the fact that you are only charging normal rates). There are two categories of clients you will encounter;

  • Client 1: One who is honest to you and cannot afford the price — their budget is fixed.
  • Client 2: A stingy client who does not want to spend an extra coin on top of what he had budgeted for, even if they can’t realistic get what they want with the money they have.

As a photographer you actually can’t tell the difference between these two types of clients when bidding for the job.This is why you really need to consider the responses you make to the clients so that you don’t look harsh and most importantly, leave them satisfied.

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Why should you say no to the second client?

  1. If the budget is, let’s say, just too low. Unless you want to do some charity work (which is quite admirable of you). If you take the job with that low budget, the client can’t really question the quality of work you deliver.
  2. If the client wants too much work to be done for the wedding photos with that very low budget.

So how do you turn down the offer in a polite manner?

Saying no to a client with low budget wedding photos can be quite difficult, but at times, you really have to do this, especially if the client has the ability to pay but doesn’t value your work. Below are some of the responses you can make;

  • Unfortunately, I won’t offer any discount for my services, I hope you understand
  • Sorry, but if I work with your budget, it will be a loss on my end
  • If you make up your mind on the budget, please contact me
  • I can only accept the job if you agree on a maximum 10% discount on my price
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What if the client asks you why you charge high rates?

The following responses illustrate how exactly can you respond to this question in a professional manner, show the client that you are a serious photographer who always delivers quality, and leave them thinking of reconsidering their offer;

  • You get exactly what you pay for
  • I am proud of the work I do and always deliver quality.
  • When it comes to my work, I never disappoint.
  • I have x years experience and always make sure I capture the most important moments.

Whatever the type of response you make, it is important to be professional and at the end of the day if the budget really is too low you can turn down the job.



3d Foto FX

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