Sleek3DPayments & Preparing for IPRO DayOur discussion over the past week focused on two topics: incorporating the ability to collect payment into the Drupal prototype, and…Apr 19, 2016Apr 19, 2016
Sleek3DPresentation feedback & moving forward with a prototypeLast Tuesday we had the opportunity to present Sleek3D to Nick Rokop, Industry Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship and Chair of the…Apr 12, 2016Apr 12, 2016
Sleek3DPresentationThis week we will present to people who will have the first chance to know about our project. As a result, we need to explain who we are…Apr 5, 2016Apr 5, 2016
Sleek3DStory Board and InterviewsFor these two weeks, we interviewed a few people. We each emailed at least five libraries. We also designed a story-board. This consisted…Mar 6, 2016Mar 6, 2016
Sleek3DInterviews and a competitorThis week, we kept working on our Minimum Viable Product (MVP). Thanks to Jeff, there is a less-shitty prototype for our system…Feb 23, 2016Feb 23, 2016
Sleek3DPain points, value propositions, and prototypesIn class this week we worked on quantifying and categorizing our customers’ pain points. Through this process, we arrived at the notion…Feb 16, 20161Feb 16, 20161
Sleek3DCustomer SegmentsWorking with our previous interviews the team met with two 3D printing labs, one based in Montreal, Canada at the University of McGill, and…Feb 9, 2016Feb 9, 2016
Sleek3DFurther Interviews & Enticing PropositionsLast week’s presentation led to several questions that have influenced our actions since our last meeting. We set out to further explore…Feb 2, 2016Feb 2, 2016
Sleek3DThis week we chose to interview a wide variety of people, picking hypotheses at random.In general, users responded positively to the idea, even if they were a bit unclear about the purpose and rationale behind the software…Jan 24, 2016Jan 24, 2016