Ryuji is a Shiba Inu that lives with his family in a peaceful village in Okayama Prefecture, Japan. His family decided to keep him as a guard dog but he smiles, he gets happy, grumpy, nervous, relaxed, excited, proud, brave…etc. He shows many different expressions and different looks every day. He is now much more than just a guard dog…he’s a part of the family and a local celebrity in his village. Ryuji’s smile has even touched hearts outside of Japan. When his family started to post his pictures on Instagram, Ryuji’s smile suddenly spread across the sea, earning him more than 290K followers all over the world.
Shiba Inu are a uniquely Japanese breed known for their good nature. They shot to superstardom in 2013 when a female Shiba become the face of the infamous Doge meme. If he keeps charming the world with his adorable daily adventures, Ryuji just might become a meme himself very soon.
Why not let $RYUJI brighten your day?
‣ Website: https://ryujisolana.com
‣ Telegram: https://t.me/RyujiSolana
‣ Twitter: https://twitter.com/RyujiSOL