Hello and welcome to the 3Landers NFT community!!

9 min readFeb 16, 2022


This article will serve as a full project overview with the aim of covering:

  • 3Landers overall vision
  • Information on the heart and inspiration behind 3Landers/Team
  • Roadmap outline (brief)
  • Launch Structure
  • Thoughts on hype, the current WL-meta, and launch formats
  • How we plan to ensure a fair launch (by 0xStudio)
  • Commercial rights

3Landers overall vision

3Landers is a 10k collectible NFT project centered around community, adventure, and collaboration. Each 3Lander will reside on the Ethereum blockchain as a unique, non-fungible token (NFT) made up out of a unique combination of traits and underlying “DNAs”. Holding a 3Landers NFT makes you a 3Lander — a member of a world and community that serves to build meaningful long-term connections through collaboration, adventure, building, creating, and dreaming!

The 3Landers NFT collection will be comprised of 12 different base DNAs, hundreds of unique traits, and 18 unique 1/1s. Each DNA represents a different part of the 3Land world, but they all come together in unity as 3Landers.

We aim to create a culture and community that is centered around strong identity and values. In broad terms, this is our ethos:

Our Identity (who we are)

  • We are free
  • We are friends
  • We are adventurers
  • We are wanderers
  • We are dreamers

Our Values (what we like)

  • We love expression through art
  • We love collaborating with others
  • We love celebrating each other
  • We love to bring value to others
  • We love to work together

We believe that for any NFT project to stand the test of time, a strong foundation and value system must be implemented. We have chosen to prioritize this in all things.

Information on the heart and inspiration behind 3Landers (& Team info)

3Land is the culmination of a lifetime of art and imagination by Pom, our artist and the co-founder of 3Landers. Pom is a Thai artist who is currently living in Japan with his family and working full-time as a digital artist to bring the world of 3Land to life so that others may be invited into his story.

This Twitter thread by Pom gives a bit more insight into the inspiration and background story for what led Pom into a career in art, and what his work represents. Pom has also worked with several large brands, but you’ll most likely find him just humbly creating art because it’s his biggest passion.


AJ (aka Stubby) is the other co-founder of 3Landers. He has a background and Master’s Degree in Fashion Design, and is currently living in the U.K. AJ’s passion is to bridge the gap between digital and physical communities, and bring people together in unity. AJ’s connections through his experience in the fashion industry will be incorporated in the future of 3Landers as a brand.

You can read this thread here for a bit more information on his passion, and some of his vision for 3Landers as a brand.


The team is also composed of a doxxed community manager, a project coordinator, an amazing tech team (0xStudio) with a working relationship, and of course some of the best Discord moderators in the NFT space.

Roadmap outline

Our roadmap begins with community. We believe that the strongest long-term communities in this space move at the speed of friendship, and we aim to create a sustainable space to champion dreamers, creatives, and friends in all that we do. Our first goal is to create the foundational meeting place for such a community. Of course, we also have a lot of amazing plans in store for the future (you’ll find hints along the way)! We’re actively exploring the intersection between Web3 and the physical world, the metaverse, and other Web3 art-focused initiatives (Pom is an artist, after all). We believe that at the end of the day, NFT collections and communities are centered around identity; so this is our primary “first” goal rather than outwardly promising any number of different “hype utilities” just for the sake of hype. We are building for the long run, and we would prefer to build trust-equity along the way so that we can leverage mystery into our plans as we begin to explore 3Land… More on this in due time.

We want to start things off with a live Campfire event in the days shortly after launch where the founders will share the vision for how our roadmap will begin to unfold, along with the first events in store. With that being said, what can you expect in the beginning days of 3Land? Story, culture-building, maybe some real-life integration?, and context for the world we’re about to start exploring! Everything else will be built off of this foundation.

Launch Structure

Launch date: Presale, Feb 19th, 2022. Public sale, Feb 20th, 2022.

  • Presale (allowlist mint): Feb 19th. Block-based timing, estimated at 9:00 am EST. 24-hour mint-window. Max 2 NFTs per wallet.
  • 1 hour between the close of the presale and the beginning of the public sale.
  • Public sale: Feb 20th. Block-based timing, estimated at 10:00 am EST. Max 5 NFTs per transaction.

Global Reveal, Feb 22nd, 2022.

The global reveal for 3Landers will happen 48 hours after our public sale/launch. Block-based timing, estimated at 10:00 am EST.

-Note on block-based timing: We will be using block-based timing for our launch and global reveal. This means that instead of someone manually opening a minting contract, the process will be streamlined to happen automatically at a certain ETH block. We will update the best estimated time of the starting block in our public communication, but in general, this means that the times are +/- a couple of minutes of our estimation. Our website will link to Etherscan’s block timer so that the public can see live updates.

Allowlist/Public Sale/Treasury Allocation (Out of 10,000)

-Allowlist spots: 3400 (6800 NFTs). Each allowlist spot will allow individuals to mint up to 2 NFTs per wallet. This will account for 6800 NFTs.

-Treasury: 200 NFTs will be reserved for the team’s treasury. These will be used for community events, future plans, and our core/dev/mod teams.

-Public Sale: 3000 NFTs. (Any un-minted NFTs from the presale will roll into this amount).

Pricing Structure

-Allowlist mint: 0.15 ETH (per 1 NFT)

  • Public sale: Descending Dutch Auction. Starting at 0.75 ETH and decreasing by 0.1 ETH every 20 minutes to 0.15 ETH.

-Secondary royalties: 6.5%.

Community/Marketing/Operating Treasury allocation: 20% of all primary and secondary sales.

We have elected to retain 20% of our primary and secondary revenue for our treasury which will allow us the opportunity to invest in brand building for the future.

Thoughts on hype, the current WL-meta, and Dutch Auctions

Regarding the “WL-grind meta” and hype

We realize that the NFT space is still going through the growing pains of an emerging industry and that we are all (as projects) navigating through flawed launch systems. Our team is not a fan of the current “grind-meta” surrounding presales, and although we haven’t found a perfect solution to the problems that the NFT space is facing, we have decided to do our part to challenge the norm. We have actively avoided (to the best of our ability) artificial “shill” marketing, engagement farming, and Discord/Twitter number inflation. We have also decided to opt for a short launch timeframe to challenge the current Discord grind meta, because we view it as unhealthy for the humans on the other side of our computer screens. To ensure quality allowlist distribution, we decided to bring on mods from around the world, and then also invited many of our favorite communities/long-term projects into this process by delegating allowlist spots for them to give out to their members as well. And of course we had some random giveaways as well. Of course, we realize that no system is perfect, but at the end of the day we would rather have 2 weeks of quality vetting in our distribution, rather than 8 weeks of grinding even if that would inflate our “optics” and make our numbers and “hype” look better.

Regarding our price format and Dutch Auction

We are positioned as a premium art-focused, community-driven NFT project, and we have done our best to land on fair pricing considering the plans we have for 3Landers and our treasury allocation for brand building. We did want to make a special note of our Dutch Auction format however since we’ve seen some projects take advantage of this format recently. We have elected to use a rapidly descending Dutch Auction to curb botting and to allow the free market to engage with our public sale at the price point it deems fair. We have gone out of our way to make sure that we are not artificially influencing FOMO behind our public sale, and we do not hold any assumptions or expectations on the price point at which the NFT community will engage with our public sale. The Dutch Auction for our public sale will end at the same price as our Presale.

How we plan to ensure a fair launch (by 0xStudio)

Regarding fair launch by 0xStudio

For 3LandersNFT, We believe in visibility and integrity. Following 0x’s Principles, we will provide a record of the concatenated hash of each NFT with the SHA-256 algorithm. Each NFT is assigned a unique token id to artifact id pairs, and then we will randomize NFT pairs from ID 2–10,000. The randomization seed with Chainlink VRF (On-Chain Verifiable Random Function) to ensure fair shuffling will be visible to everyone.

Token ID — Artifact ID Pair:

-Token ID is an ID assigned to the minted NFT.

-Artifact ID is a sequence assigned by 3Landers before launch.

NFT provenance:

a combined string of images hashed with SHA-256 after shuffling with VRF.

Before Shuffle Provenance — For Traceback purposes:

a combined string of images hashed with SHA-256 before shuffling with VRF.

Provenance Record

Token ID | Assigned NFT ID | SHA-256 Hash | IPFS.

Token ID #1: notes by AJ (Stubby)

From Stubby-

Only 1 token will be attached to a specific NFT before shuffling occurs. This will be Token ID 1, which will be one of the eighteen (18) 1/1s in the collection. All others will be shuffled with provable randomization. The vision for this token will be attached to a non-profit auction. We will be holding a fundraising event to raise awareness for abuse, and will be collaborating with Women’s Aid to auction this NFT to the public and give all proceeds to the non-profit. We will be introducing more info on this leading up to the event!

From Pom-

Token #1 is a very special part of the 3Landers collection. I made Token #1 with “Moe”, my beloved wife. My wife and I talk often about the importance of basic human rights. I feel so humbled by the fact that I am fortunate enough to be able to express my emotion, messages, and dreams through art. Sadly, not everyone has the same opportunity. Even the smallest ones like children in less developed countries are fighting and living through famine, wars, and now a global pandemic. In response to this, I think it is only proper to do what we can to make a difference in this vast world. The art of Token #1, created by the person I love most in the world and residing in the collection I hold dear will go on auction as a fundraiser for Women’s Aid as our first community charity event. All proceeds will go to the non-profit. Please stay tuned for more info, but this note explains why Token #1 is separated from VRF randomization process that Tokens 2–10000 are included in.

Thank you for taking the time to read about us! Please feel free to drop by our Discord anytime! You can find us at:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/3landersNFT

Discord: https://discord.gg/3Landers

-We Are The Dreamers.




3Landers. A 10k art-focused & community-driven NFT collection by: @3landboy & @NFTstubby.