Exploring Symfony Mailer and Load Balancing with Round-Robin Algorithm

3 min readJul 14, 2023


Photo by Mariia Shalabaieva on Unsplash

Symfony, a robust PHP framework, offers a comprehensive set of components to streamline web development. In this article, we will delve into Symfony Mailer, a powerful component for sending emails, and explore how it can be combined with load balancing using the round-robin algorithm to optimize email delivery in high-traffic applications.

Symfony Mailer

Symfony Mailer provides an intuitive and efficient way to send emails in Symfony applications. It offers support for various email transports, including SMTP, sendmail, and more. With its flexible configuration options, you can seamlessly integrate email functionality into your projects. Let’s take a brief look at the basics of Symfony Mailer.

  • Installing Symfony Mailer:

To get started, make sure you have a Symfony project set up. Install Symfony Mailer by running the following command in your terminal:

composer require symfony/mailer
  • Configuring Email Transport:

Symfony Mailer supports various email transport methods. In your Symfony application’s .env file, configure the desired transport by adding the following lines. This example configures Symfony Mailer to use SMTP transport with the given host, port, encryption, authentication mode, username, and password.

env# .
  • Sending an Email:

To send an email using Symfony Mailer, you can utilize the MailerInterface and Email classes. Here’s an example of sending a simple text email:

use Symfony\Component\Mailer\MailerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Mime\Email;

class MyEmailService
private $mailer;

public function __construct(MailerInterface $mailer)
$this->mailer = $mailer;

public function sendEmail()
$email = (new Email())
->subject('Hello from Symfony Mailer')
->text('This is a test email sent using Symfony Mailer.');


In this example, we inject the MailerInterface into our MyEmailService class, and the sendEmail() method creates an Email object, sets the sender, recipient, subject, and body of the email, and then uses the $mailer instance to send the email.

Load Balancing with Round-Robin Algorithm

In high-traffic applications, distributing the email sending load across multiple email servers or providers can improve performance and reliability. Load balancing ensures that the email delivery workload is evenly distributed, preventing any single server from being overwhelmed. One commonly used load balancing algorithm is the round-robin algorithm. Let’s explore how the round-robin algorithm works in load balancing scenarios.

  1. Server Pool: A pool of servers is set up to handle incoming requests. These servers are typically identical and capable of handling the same workload.
  2. Request Distribution: The load balancer receives incoming requests and distributes them to the servers in a cyclic manner. Each request is forwarded to the next server in line, forming a loop-like pattern.
  3. Equal Distribution: The round-robin algorithm ensures that each server receives an equal number of requests before the cycle restarts. This even distribution helps prevent any single server from being overwhelmed, maintaining stability and optimal performance.
  4. Health Monitoring: Load balancers often include health monitoring capabilities to track the status and availability of servers. If a server becomes unresponsive or fails, it can be temporarily removed from the rotation until it becomes healthy again.

To implement it with Symfony Mailer, configure the round-robin transport with two or more transports and the roundrobin keyword:

MAILER_DSN="roundrobin(postmark+api://ID@default sendgrid+smtp://KEY@default)"

The round-robin transport starts with a randomly selected transport and then switches to the next available transport for each subsequent email.

Round-robin retries deliveries until a transport succeeds (or all fail). It spreads the load across all its transports.

Round-robin load balancing is relatively simple to implement and manage. It does not require complex algorithms or extensive configuration, making it a straightforward choice for many load balancing scenarios.

Symfony Mailer simplifies email handling in Symfony applications, offering a range of configuration options and support for various email transports. By combining Symfony Mailer with load balancing using the round-robin algorithm, you can optimize email delivery in high-traffic scenarios. This ensures efficient distribution of email sending requests across multiple servers or providers, enhancing performance and reliability.

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