3 min readMar 20, 2022

Film Narrative 2 – First day of Filming

The first day of filming went really well. Which was surprising because we did not have any lenses at the beginning of the day. But before the day of shooting I went and waited for Ben from about 8 in the morning. And he was very nice and helpful, so we got a zoom lense which worked perfectly for our DOP. If this had not worked we had a few back up plans to make sure we where on schedule.

When the door got unlocked we walked and got started on the set design. We needed to get a few things, the tables we needed had not been put out and we needed divorce papers however these did not turn into any stress. We also made sure we had lots of snacks and food for the actors and staff.

We where all really really impressed by the detail and effort put into the pre work for the set design by Sanjana. It was brilliant.

The team worked efficiently and well together. They where all professional and knowledgable in what they have done.

About this time our actors and extra staff came to help out! We had A2’s Finley, Michael and Khristian helping out. We also had the courses Duncan being an actor. And we got them into makeup had a discussion on what was needed. They where all wonderful.

The day went really well we did update and change the shot list to work around the actors schedule however we stayed on schedules for the entire day.

I was stage hand, helped with boom when Finlay had to leave and A1, alongside my normal roll of producer. I did also have a go with the clapper board too. I also helped with our actresses (whom we got from our auditions) hair.

It was a brilliant day of production, as everyone was professional, talented at their jobs and very fun to work with.


Today we are talkin’ films.