PC Repair and Data Recovery Support

Camila Hill
2 min readMar 12, 2020


It is devastating to work on a slow computer which crashes frequently. It results in loss of time and causes a lot of frustration. These things are usual but they pose issues that can’t be fixed without the assistance of technical support. Under such circumstances it is also advised to not tamper with anything in the PC by yourself as it may result in loss of data or worse crash a computer’s physical (hardware) components as well. The best thing to do is to get in touch with support online or on the phone and find a solution to the problem you are facing. Support teams are trained in computer repair and if need arises they can help you recover lost data and optimize your PC.

Common PC Issues:

Here are some common PC issues mentioned for your reference. If you are facing any of these, then you can contact your customer support service.

1. Blue Screen of Death (BSOD): This one is most common and occurs when the hard disk drive or an important chipset in the processor gets corrupted and crashes.

2. Hijacked Web Browser/Popups: Virus or malware may infect your PC allowing cybercriminals to take control of your browser with an intent of stealing crucial data and also spying on people. A series of popups and unresponsive browser are the signs of a malware attack on your PC.

3. Never Ending PC Boot-up: Usually a computer takes less than 45 seconds to boot completely, if any system takes longer than 1 minute and remains unresponsive on the desktop screen, it is too a clear sign that it is not working properly and something is wrong.

4. Internet Connectivity: A broken internet connectivity may be a result of faulty hardware/software and may need fixing.

5. Driver/OS Updates: Drivers and operating system on the PC need to be updated regularly, if not done, the PC will simply fall in performance.

6. Lost/Damaged Data Recovery: Crashes may result in loss of important data. Data recovery is complicated and may require technical assistance.

7. Noisy Fan/CPU Cabinet: A noisy fan/CPU cabinet indicates dust and garbage in the hardware. An expert should open and clean each and every component including the fan to restore normal functioning.


A technical support staff offers several services to fix a problematic computer system. These services are on prompt as the technicians are available 24/7 to answer any queries. Virus and malware removal, upgrades, data backups and recovery assistance can be provided immediately. Priority service to the clients ensures that any problem software/hardware is fixed for good.

