Solving Data Skew Issues During Joins in Apache Spark

Lim Bernard
2 min readJun 4, 2023


Apache Spark is a popular framework for big data processing, but data skew can significantly impact its performance, especially during join operations. Data skew refers to an uneven distribution of data across partitions, leading to imbalanced workloads and reduced efficiency. In this post, we’ll explore how to address data skew during joins in Spark and provide code examples to demonstrate effective solutions.

Understanding Data Skew in Join Operations: During join operations, data skew occurs when certain keys or values are more frequent than others, resulting in imbalanced partition sizes. This leads to a few partitions processing a disproportionately larger amount of data, causing performance bottlenecks and slower execution times. Skewed joins can result in straggler tasks, resource imbalance, and increased memory pressure, degrading overall Spark job performance.

Strategies to Solve Data Skew Issues During Joins:

Data Preprocessing:

To mitigate data skew, perform data preprocessing steps to identify and address skewed keys:

# Step 1: Identify skewed keys
skewed_keys = df.groupBy(“join_key”).count().filter(“count > threshold”)

# Step 2: Salting or Hashing
df = df.withColumn(“salted_key”, concat(lit(rand(100)), col(“join_key”))) # Add a random prefix to the join key



Lim Bernard

A process engineer turned data science enthusiast. Interested in blogging, writing and sharing ideas.