The Mystical “Matiasma”: Navigating the Greek Belief in the Evil Eye

Flourishing Journey
2 min readAug 21, 2023


Photo by Tom Podmore on Unsplash

Let’s dive into a captivating facet of Greek culture that has intrigued generations: the belief in the evil eye, or “matiasma.” It’s a belief that suggests a mere compliment or envious look can cast a malevolent spell on someone. The effects of this spell are both physical and psychological, leaving the recipient feeling off-balance and distressed.

When one gets caught in the clutches of the evil eye, seeking help from an “xematiasma expert” is customary. These experts are skilled in reciting specific prayers that are believed to break the curse. Through these rituals, the sufferer hopes to find relief from the negative impact of the evil eye.

To prevent falling victim to this eerie phenomenon, many Greeks opt for a protective charm — a tiny blue bead adorned with an eye painted on it. Blue is thought to possess the power to repel the evil eye. Interestingly, even though blue is considered a protective color, some believe that individuals with blue eyes might unknowingly transmit the curse due to their eye color’s intensity.

The belief in the evil eye is deeply ingrained in Greek culture. While it might appear superstitious, it’s a reflection of a complex mix of history, community values, and shared experiences. Just as Greece’s landscape is a blend of the ancient and the modern, so too is its belief system — a harmonious fusion of tradition and contemporary understanding.

In today’s rapidly evolving world, the belief in the matiasma persists in many Greek communities. This enduring belief serves as a bridge between the past and the present, underlining the deep connection of Greek culture to its rich heritage.

The matiasma embodies the timeless human inclination to seek solace and meaning in cultural narratives. It reminds us that despite our advancements, the roots of our beliefs continue to hold sway, offering comfort and explanations that have stood the test of time.

Stay curious!!!!



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