West Street in Quanzhou

3 min readOct 24, 2023


I live in a small seaside city which recently has been a popular tourist attraction. In history, this city was named Zayton because eryngium trees which are called “Zayton” in Minnan dialect were planted all over the city. In Tang Dynasty (711 A.D.), it was called Quanzhou which is still used today.

The West Street with more than 1300 years now is the most famous scenic spots today.
The West Street with a history of more than 1300 years has been the most famous scenic spots.

The West Street

The street in this picture is called “West Street” which is translated literally from Mandarin. Now it has been one of the most famous streets in China, attracting hundreds and thousands of tourists to visit here every year. Actually it, in broad sense, refers to not only the street in the picture but also to the alleys expanding from this street.

Why did it became so famous in China? First, it has a long history. It was built since the year of Kaiyuan in Tang Dynasty (about 714–741 A.D.) and connected with two city gates at that time and was expanded in later dynasties. Second, there are many ancient buildings with red bricks and swallow-tailed roofs on this street. Most of them are the houses of those famous officials or businessmen in history. Their descendants are living in these old traditional houses today. Third, this street witnessed the prosperity and wellbeing of our city as the biggest harbor in Song Dynasty in China. Forth, although it is a historical relic that protected by the government, local people still live here and keep their traditions. So the charming of its history and the leisurely life of the local attract more and more tourists to visit here.

Memories about the West Street

West Street in my childhood was the centre of Quanzhou. Here was many shops which sold clothes, snacks and groceries at that time. When I was a kid, I liked to go shopping with mom in West Street after class or just wandered here without buying anything.

On this street there is a Buddist Temple called Kaiyuan Temple which was built more than 1000 years ago. It was one of the most popular scenic spots for children’s spring or autumn trips. When I was 5 or 6 years old, teachers in kindergarten organized a spring trips and led us to visit the temple where I played with my friends and shared snacks with each other. In some festival, my granny also took me to worship the Buddhists in this temple. I still remember that at that time people, full of the main hall, all followed behind the monks who were chanting for safety and happiness and I was so small and got lost among the crowds without finding my granny.

When I was a middle-school student, I went through the street every morning and afternoon by bike. I liked passing this street because every morning lots of vendors sold fresh vegetables, flowers, groceries and snacks on the street and I liked to see what they sold and people who bargained with them. That’s very interesting for me. In the evening, this street became crowded and noisy. And I loved to entered the alleys with my bike to escape cars and motorbikes. When I was cycling in the alleys, I could see some grannies and grandpas chatting on a stone bench before their house and under a wall or people preparing their dinner in the houses in an alley. These scenes made me feel the life of the city and a very simple and pure happiness. Cycling through the streets was an important part in my school life and one of the source of happiness at that time.

Today, I still live in this city, but I seldom visit the street because it becomes crowded especially in weekends or holidays. The old shops on the street are all replaced by the new and fashion snack stores which attracted young tourists. I feel so happy that this street has become famous and popular and more and more people are willing to know about its history. Those memories on the street with my mom, my granny or my friends are precious to me.

