iOS11 UX on the new iPhone 8 (Concept)

Avi Barel
2 min readAug 13, 2017


iOS11 UX on iPhone8 (Avi Barel’s Concept)

Based on the latest facts we know regarding iPhone 8 home button, and leaks. I made a new Concept. Let’s see what Apple will do with the status bar, and more importantly, can’t wait to see what they’ll do with the Function / Navigation Bar area at the bottom. I want to see the “Back” button at the bottom, not because I like Android, but because it makes a perfect sense to place it in reachable place for One-Handed use

As for the “Dynamic menu button” on the right-hand side, I’m not sure about it, but I didn’t wanted to waste that valuable space in the NavBar.
Anyways — it’s just my opinion, based on the latest leaks. enjoy! :)

Also adding the first concept I made, but I don’t like it when the Home Button background is affected by the TabBar color, looks bad to me, I hope Apple will not make it like this…

No dividers — looks counter intuitive to me…



Avi Barel

Ex-Microsoft & Cisco UX Lead | Mentor & Advisory Board for XR Startups | VR/AR/XR Creator | Freelance UI/UX Product Designer at | CEO at HoverSense