What is Bleed and How to Set it Up Correctly
Bleed is a printing term that is used to describe a document which has images or elements that touch the edge of the page, extending beyond the trim edge and leaving no white margin. When a document has bleed, it must be printed on a larger sheet of paper and then trimmed down.
The example below shows two versions of how a document has been set up. The card on the left has no bleed. The card on the right shows the correct way to set up your document with a bleed. Notice how the background extends all the way to the Bleed lines.
Also note the Safe Area lines. The Safe Area is used to describe an area 0.125" within the trim on all four sides. This is the area where it is safe to place critical design elements like logos and text that you don’t want to appear too close to the edge of the card when finished.
Here is a comparison of the two after being trimmed. Not having a bleed CAN leave an uneven white trim around your card. That is why it is crucial to INCLUDE a bleed to your design. This is the way you must set up your document if you intend to have graphics that extend all the way to the edges of your card.
This example uses a business card, however the same principle and measurements apply to a document of any size.
How to Add a Bleed
1. Add .25” to the width and height of your document. For example, a 2x3.5” business card becomes 2.25x3.75”
2. Extend background shapes and images into the Bleed Area.
3. Ensure that all text and important elements sit inside the Safe Area.
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