Help 1099 mortgage loan?

19 min readMar 29, 2019


Help 1099 mortgage loan?

Ok. He gets paid by the hour. They supply him with work everyday. He has company cards (lowes, home depot) that he buys material with. He turns in receipts from lowes and home depot but not from his own expense. He has not gone without work since he has been there so I am not sure whether they would find hom something or not…

Answer : I suggest one to try this web page where one can compare from the best companies: .

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A couple clarifications: the student loans shouldn’t be a big problem, as I am a graduate student and the median income on graduation for people from my school is $140,000. Also, the credit card actually is a credit card, not a debit card. The person who told me that if I pay my credit card off every every month, the credit card provider will not report my card to the credit bureaus (or however that all works…) was a loan officer at a bank. So I’m wondering if he knows what he’s doing? Thanks again for your answers!””
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“Help 1099 mortgage loan?

Ok. He gets paid by the hour. They supply him with work everyday. He has company cards (lowes, home depot) that he buys material with. He turns in receipts from lowes and home depot but not from his own expense. He has not gone without work since he has been there so I am not sure whether they would find hom something or not…

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Can I get a car loan after repossession and how long after that can I apply for a loan?
I cosigned to get my fiancee a car . And he has not been able to pay for the last 3 months. And it’s in the process of getting repossesed. I currently don’t have a car loan, I own a 1990 galant. but can’t afford to to pay his vehicle for him considering its a $800 dollar car payment. And I only gross $250 a week. Will this hurt my chance in trying to get a new car in the future and how long will I have to wait to try to get financed? I guess I should have never cosigned for him. Thanks for all your help “”

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“”Is this on my credit, or not?””
Back in 2008, I just turned 18 and I was being young a dumb and decided to move out. Of course I ended up in a bad situation with my ex roommate, and I moved out like 2 and a half months if that, after I first moved in. Then months later I get a letter from a collection agency for $1,2XX dollars. I ignored the letters and never paid it off. Last year when I was trying to buy a car, that prevented me from getting a loan but eventually, I was able to get financed and I got the car I wanted with a pretty good interest rate. Now, I am trying to move out again (with no roommate) I’m wondering if landlords use a different data base to check rental history. When I check my credit, the collection isn’t there. It used to be there but I’m not sure where it went. I’m pretty sure my ex roommate didn’t pay it off, but it appears to be gone. I’m sure there is a record of it some where but I’m not sure where. Also, when I check my previous addresses, only my parents address shows. I’m filling out my application for the apartment and I’m not sure if I should put down that address or not. I want to be honest, but if it isn’t on my credit then they see a wrote it down anyway and call my previous landlord, then I don’t want to prevent myself from not getting the apartment.””
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Answers to the first 2 responses below: 1) The HOA was listed in the bk, they never responded. My atty has written them advising that they are in violation of bk code, we haven’t heard back. 2) We tried a short sale but the 1st mortgage holder would only allow $2000 for the 2nd and the 2nd refused. The buyer even increased their offer but neither would budge. The offer was for a bit more than the 1st’s principle.””
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I am trying to purchase a home for 80,000.00 and my loan application was just completed at the lenders office. I am so anxious to get approved for the loan. I have a credit score of 650 average. I recently swiched jobs due to better pay/ same field. I don’t think I have any credit issues/ late payments. They pre-approved me for 80,000.00. But do they give that though. Thank You!””
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yea but cant we get a break for paying that much since the economy is hard right now””
My vehicle got repossessed last night. I called first thing this morning and got my auto loan caught up.?
I’m fully aware that my 4 months being late is reported on my credit report and looks bad, I’m just making sure it wont show as a repo since I made good on the loan and redeemed the vehicle.””
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“Help 1099 mortgage loan?

Ok. He gets paid by the hour. They supply him with work everyday. He has company cards (lowes, home depot) that he buys material with. He turns in receipts from lowes and home depot but not from his own expense. He has not gone without work since he has been there so I am not sure whether they would find hom something or not…

Is it true you can file chap 7 bankruptcy more than once every 8 years?
This site says 8 years, not 6… New law I guess””
How can i check my credit score without a debit or credit card?

Where can you get a free credit report?
every website i go on ask for a credit card. Do any webs actually give it to you for free?
How to correct Foreclosure reporting on Credit part2?
I had settled my second mortgage with Countrywide. I paid certain amount to release the 120,000 lien. I was never late, was never in Foreclosure. But I intended to settle with Countrywide so that I could attempt to do a deed in lieu of foreclosure with the 1st lien holder (Wells Fargo). I ended up not doing a deed in liue with WellsFargo, they allowed me to modify the loan…but now I can’t modify it because Countrywide reports it as ‘foreclosure’. Anyway…Countrywide received the funds, released the lien but reported it as 3 different ways to all 3 credit bureaus as: ‘pre-foreclosure’, ‘Creditor Received Deed’, and ‘Forefeight of property in lieu of foreclosure’. I was NEVER in Foreclosure with Countrywide. How to correct I did? I contact the credit burau where I sent the letter Countrywide requesting a funds to settle and a letter informing htat they got the funds, a letter indicating deed was released and recorded. Nowhere it indicates that Coutnrywide will report it as foreclosre? ADDING DETAILS: I did dispute with the Credit Bureau but they rejected updating it. Credit Bureau DID NOT PROVIDE any documenation…simply updated the dispute stating ‘New Information Available’ which is the same as previous. “”
Can you included Lenders Mortgage Insurance into the home loan?
And can you also include Stamp Duty? Or do you have to pay these out of your own savings at settlement? Australian answers preferred.
Visa debit card instead of credit card for online retail stores?
Hi there! A lot of the online retail stores such as urban outfitters and forever 21 state that they accept visa. Does this include visa debit card or only visa credit cards? Because when i went to the checkout it tells me to ‘enter a new credit card’ under payment. If it doesn’t accept debit card, then is there another way i can purchase without a credit card? Thankyou in advance!””
Studying about auto loans?
Being this is the first time I’ve gone for an auto loan I don’t want to get stiffed as my granddad would say. He goes on for hours about how crooked auto dealers are. I’m going to do some studying before applying for an auto loan and would appreciate any tips.
“”How to get a 1,500 dollar loan?””
My mom needs help paying her bills right now and she needs 1,500 to a 2,000 dollar loan is there some where she can get easily approved and pay it back in monthly payments””
“”3 months ago, I was 25 days late on several of my credit cards. Why did only one of them lower my credit line?””
Three months ago, I was having some money troubles and could not pay my bills. I had 6 credit cards with around 90% of my credit line used on each one. I also had a Firestone credit card with a $1800 line of credit and a balance of around $1200. I paid my credit card bills 25 days late. My 6 credit cards still have the same line of credit, but the Firestone credit card lowered my credit line to $1200 right when it was counted as late. Will my 6 credit cards lower their line of credit as well? It’s been three months and I have been paying all my bills on time. Since money is still a little tight, I have been paying the minimum payment plus purchases I make on each card thus lowering my balances little by little. Last week, I pulled up my free credit report and it says that in the past 12 months I have payed my credit cards on time. When do they count as being late?””
Auto Loan no credit half down?
I want to get a 2012 chevy 3500hd its a $40,000 vehicle I have $20,000 saved I was wondering I have no credit if a car dealer would work with me. Or if you have any advice would be much appreciated.””
Get free credit score?
how do I get my credit score for Free for real
Can I trust a website with my credit report?
are website provide true information about our credit report? How can we know that weather the given report is real

When my ex-wife files bankruptcy on home?
my wife and I are divorced. I took sole possesion of home. In our divorce papers, it states that if I sell home, she would be intitled to half…..She filed bankruptcy on the home, is she intitled to her half ?””
How fast does my credit score up?
filed bankruptcy and it has been discharged. i got 2 secured loans in my name so each month it shows i am making a payment, will my points go up each month and if so how many points??””
Is 588 a bad credit score?

Can I refinance an auto loan for a bigger loan?
Say I owe 5000 left on my car can I refinance for 7000 to get $2000 in my pocket? If I’m not upside down on the loan? Thanks
Best bankruptcy lawyer in Las Vegas?
I am looking for the best bankruptcy lawyer in las vegas that won’t cost me and arm and a leg since I obviously don’t have the money. And possibly someone who takes payments, although I think most of them do. Any suggestions?””

I know your aloud to have 3 free credit reports a years from 3 diffrent places so……………?
i used to have the websight that told me where i could get it but now i cant find it? does anyone know where i go to get these 3 free reports?
“” claims its a free”””” credit report then they charge you $12.95?””””
What are the best Payday or direct loan providers for poor credit in the uk?
I have a poor credit history due to my past, I am now in a great Job and have been paying debts back regularly. I need an unsecured loan of 500 upwards has anyone had any experience getting a loan from any lenders they can suggest? (Please no stupid or smartass answers, I know I have bad credit for a reason.) No Guarantor loans. All help appriciated””
“”Auto Loan, I need find a Auto Loan as soon as possible?
I have no credit. No co signor. and I need a car asap. HELP PLEASE. ANYONE KNOW ANYTHING??
Longest lenght of time for new car loan? I would like to have a 6 year loan is that possible? what is the long?
what is the longest loan I can get on a new car. I want lower payments.
Mortgage 30% of income: Net or Gross?
I often hear that the mortgage should not be more than 30% of your income. Would that be 30% of your net or gross income? And if going for a joint mortgage (2 people, not married), would it logically be 30% of both your incomes combined? Thanks””
“Help 1099 mortgage loan?

Ok. He gets paid by the hour. They supply him with work everyday. He has company cards (lowes, home depot) that he buys material with. He turns in receipts from lowes and home depot but not from his own expense. He has not gone without work since he has been there so I am not sure whether they would find hom something or not…

Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and my car…?
My mom filed chapter 7 bankruptcy that was dischared in 04/2010, she signed for a car for me (I was the co-signer), the maturity date on the loan was 03/2010 and I still owe $2500, I’ve been making my regular payments, are they going to take my car?””
Apartment lease requires renter’s insurance *before* I move in; can I cancel it after I move in??
I am getting ready to rent an apartment. The leasing agent told me that when I come to pick up my keys and sign the lease, I have to provide proof of renter’s insurance. I really don’t feel I need it. My stuff is not worth that much and I really don’t care if something happens to it. I didn’t want to raise any red flags with the leasing agent so I didn’t say anything. But I’m wondering — — can I just get the renter’s insurance for one month and then cancel it after I move in? I haven’t rented an apt. in a long time so I don’t know how this works. Do they come back to you later on and ask for verification that you’ve been maintaining the policy? I don’t want to get into trouble or anything.””
Where can you get free condom’s online without a credit card?
Im 15 and I don’t have a credit card. Does anyone know a trusted website to get condoms online?
I cannot get a credit card no matter what i do. i have no credit at all. i never knew it would be so hard!!!!?
well the deal on the auto loan is through a company called franklin finacial. the terms are 2 years 200$ a month. if i dont have insurance its 245$ a month. the car can be my choice. i can get a car for 6k. but they will only give me 3. so im keeping a eye out.if i got the secured card i would just use it for small purchases you know.
“”How do I get a free credit report in the UK, no strings attached?


Co shop online nao bn qun o & ph kin ging ca Justin BieBer?
-Em rt thch cc mu o khoc ca JB nhng m ko bit u c , nu ai bit online no bn cc loi qun o n th cho e xin link Thanks!””
Car loan with no verifiable income?
Self employed, but I haven’t been working much. Assume no verifiable consistent income for a couple years. I’ll start working again soon, but I need a car first. Stock holdings worth more than the cost of the car. (Rather not involve these as collateral or even bring it up, but if I must…) Credit score 761 as of last summer. Based only on a $300 card and no loans. I have since added a $500 card (which was difficult to get because I had no car or home loan on my credit rating). Both cards have been maxed out at one point, but have been paid down entirely for a few months now. I can put about $2,000 down on the car, $3,000 if I must and I guess sell stocks if I absolutely must have a bigger down payment. $2,000 is ideal though. What kind of loan can I expect to be approved for? Would it help if a family member with great credit co-signed? I’d rather not though.””
Calculating Interest Expense?
You receive a credit card application from Shady Banks Savings and Loan offering an introductory rate of 1.5% per year, compounded monthly for the first six months, increasing thereafter to 18% compounded monthly. Assuming you transfer the $5,000 balance from your existing credit card and make no subsequent payments, how much interest will you owe at the end of the first year?””
I was denied removal of Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) on my home loan account. What can I do?
PMI information was on my Mortgage Insterest Statement. The law states, IF YOUR LOAN CLOSED ON OR AFTER JULY 29, 1999: Automatic Termination of PMI. 1. If your are current on your loan payments, PMI will terminate automatically on the earlier of (i) the date the principal balance of your loanis first scheduled to reach 78% of the orginal value”””” of the property””
Credit score fluctuating from 668 to 645 to 659 (Experian) in just 1 month. Is this normal?
….Or does the score vary on which company retrieves the score? For example, on 11/10 I found out my 3 scores through a Transunion service. Experian score was 668. Then on 12/10 I signed up for a credit monitoring service (free trial) with Bank of America and my Experian score dropped to 645. Then today I signed up for credit score analyzer with Discover for $8 a month. I am going to stick with this service. They only use Experian but they are the most difficult. And my score today was 659. Is this type of fluctuation normal? Look at how my score dropped with Transunion from 713 on 11/10 to 672 on 12/10…seems odd. 11/10: 12/10: I did just get a foreclosed home and was low on cash so I opened a Home Depot store card in November with a $5,000 limit and I used up over 50% of my limit ($2800/$5000). This was urgent so I had to do it!! I will be making a $2,000 payment next month…I suppose this could have brought my score from 713 to 672 but that seems like a big drop in a couple weeks!””

What are the lyrics for the
idk, id like to no.””
How do I stop Creditors from calling me for a debt I didn’t incurred?
I had a department store calling me 24/7 wanting to collect for a debt that was incurred in 2007. Department store said a payment was sent 2009. I requested a copy of the payment information and a signed receipt to transactions-(Because I hadn’t bought anything on credit) BUT nothing was sent, because the information they had in there system could not be released to me. (?????) Now this has gone to collection and THEY CALL ME ALL THE TIME!!! 13 times a DAY!!!! I don’t deny that I have a credit card from that store, but I certainly know I paid them off long before 2006. I’ve tired everything, and nothing is being done. These people call me all the time. I know I can send them a letter to stop calling. But I don’t want to pay debt because I didn’t make those charges. I don’t want this to ding my credit. I can see why people go to drastic measure!! It’s so depressing!!!! PLEASE HELP!!!””

Is free credit a safe web site to check your credit score?

Annual credit is really free?
Well I know that you can get a free credit report annually at the gov’t website known as, but what im wondering is is if it is really free? I dont want any minutia popping up that i might have to pay for… no smelly anything? comment please, thank you””
What is Exposure (in finance) & Mortgage Exposure?

“”Paypal, refund… money wont show?””
i bought something online w/ paypal credit card, but then they gave me a refund because they dont accept unverified paypal accounts, it doesnt show my money in my credit card that i got refunded, its still like i bought the item and i never got my money back? help?””

Journal entries needed for bank loan?
@ 12% for 5 years making quarterly payments
Home loan bad credit and filed bankruptcy?
want loan by october my credit score 554 how do i raise it after bankruptcy i keep some debt that im paying off can i ever get a loan some one tell me what to do
Student loan v.s auto loan?
if i own a lot student loan, is it possible for me to get an auto loan? maybe $8000 i’m 21 in college. i still have a year to go.””

Will my bankruptcy 5 years ago affect current forclosure?

“Help 1099 mortgage loan?

Ok. He gets paid by the hour. They supply him with work everyday. He has company cards (lowes, home depot) that he buys material with. He turns in receipts from lowes and home depot but not from his own expense. He has not gone without work since he has been there so I am not sure whether they would find hom something or not…

