Review of Killing Gunther

by Ruben de Dios Armesto

4 Reviews & 1 Funeral
2 min readMar 27, 2018

A film by the people of SLN, with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Cobie Smulders that should be fun… Or not?

A ragtag group of professional assassins commanded by Blake (Taran Killam) get together to kill the number 1 killer, Gunther (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and by doing so become the best hitmans of the world. They hire a documentary crew to record the process and documents their every step. But Gunther quickly retaliates sending all their plans to the gutter.

The film is a mess from the very beginning, it tries to hard to be funny but doesn’t land a single joke only a couple of them at the very end of the movie. It is boring the on the shoulder camera gets old after 20 minutes. They aren’t bad actors but the script is repetitive, predictable and plain lazy.

It’s only redeemable feature is the inclusion of Arnie and Cobie and they aren’t more that a long cameo. It could have been funnier if the humour wasn’t so simplistic and over used. And know we know why a Arnold Schwarzenegger went directly to VoD.

Killing Gunther will be available on Video on Demand platforms from the 2nd of April.

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