Titanium Games — How to play Ti22 Miner

4 min readAug 29, 2023


$Ti | The Future of Competitive Gaming

Ti-Miner User Guide — — Welcome to Ti-Miner — an exhilarating journey where strategy meets skill. Navigate through intricate tile patterns, chase after coveted multipliers, and claim valuable NFT rewards. Here’s your step-by-step guide: — -

  • Go to Games.ti22.io
  • Connect your wallet and make sure you customize your gamer profile.
  • Have a look at Ti-Hub 2.0 where you can find: our latest games, launch games, get up-to-date with news and information and review our platforms activity and stats.

When the game will be released you will be able to click “Play” on the game card for Ti22 Miner and this will launch you into the game.

After the game loads up you will be asked to accept the User Agreement.

Ti22 Miner — User Agreement

Welcome to Ti22 Miner, the pioneering game in our Titanium ecosystem. As a testament to innovation, Ti22 Miner masterfully blends the strengths of both traditional web2 servers and the revolutionary blockchain, primarily on the Ethereum Chain. Our mission? To illustrate that the future of blockchain gaming lies in harnessing the synergy of these two platforms, creating a rewarding, intuitive, and ecosystem-enhancing experience for all.

Select Currency

To get started choose either Titanium ($Ti) or Ethereum. both can be deposited to your account using out Titanium Wallet Webapp. More information to come on this.

Select Currency

Game Mode Select

Choose from Solo player or PvP (multiplayer).

Solo Player Mode

  • Step 1: From the main menu, select ‘Solo Player’.
  • Step 2: Opt for your preferred currency: either ETH or $Ti. More currencies to be supported in the future.
  • Step 3: Determine your stake by choosing from your “active game balance”. Note: this is sourced from your off-chain Titanium wallet. Need guidance on funding? We’ll get to that.
Choose the amount to play with and Note your NFT tier.
  • Step 4: Your stake automatically places you in an NFT tier, determining the highest value NFT you can win.
  • Step 5: Dive into the game’s grid, featuring 14x14 tiles arranged in concentric rings.
The Ti-Miner Grid. Click tiles, reveal mulitpliers or mines and win NFTs.
  • Step 6: Strategically click tiles. Outer tiles are beginner-friendly, with challenges heightening as you approach the center.
  • Step 7: Revealing tiles can either boost your balance with multipliers or end your game with a mine detonation.
  • Step 8: Each tile click has a 30-second timer. Exceeding this activates an auto-click, causing a 5% balance deduction.
  • Step 9: To safely exit and secure your earnings, aim for the blue tiles found in ring 2.
  • Step 10: Every solo game offers a chance to win NFTs (within your tier) upon a successful exit.

Note: Disconnects? You’ve got a 2-minute window to reconnect. Fail, and you forfeit your balance.

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PvP Mode (User vs. User)

Play against others.

  • Step 1: Choose to either host your game or join an existing one. Ensure you’re comfortable with the wager.
Host a game or join an Existing one.
  • Step 2: Once in the arena, settle on the wager. Click ‘Ready Up’ and brace for the countdown.
Titanium Arena: Engage in discussion, choose a wager, ready up and get ready to battle.
  • Step 3: Each player gets 3 consecutive rounds. Aggregate scores of these rounds determine the Winner.
  • Step 4: Winning? Rejoice as you bag 70% of your adversary’s wager.
  • Step 5: Like in solo mode, each tile click has a 30-second buffer. Exceeding triggers an auto-click with a 5% score penalty.

Note: In case of any disconnections, ensure you’re back within 2 minutes. Otherwise, your opponent claims victory.

Intrigued? Ready your strategies, sharpen your intuition, and may the best miner win!

Lets get ready to Rumble. Ti22 Miner is not far away and we have come prepared.

Join us for a revolution in competitive blockchain gaming.


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$Ti | Titanium Games: Where Gaming Meets Blockchain.