7 Tips to Consider while developing the Smart TV Applications

4 Way Technologies
4 min readMar 15, 2019

The Smart TV App Development has become a huge success in recent years. They are so popular not only because of its extensive functionalities but also due to the excellent end-user experience that these products provide. The Smart TV App Development is very popular as smart products are famous all over the world. The Smart TV App Developer should provide an enhanced set of features that provides plenty of information to the customer with the utmost comfort level. The Smart TV Developer should allow the users to browse the content of their choice, gain information and purchase products of their choice. The developer needs to be followed the below tips while developing the Smart TV Applications.

  1. Using apt Skill sets: Since Smart TVs require a greater scope compared to the mobile application, more enhanced skill sets are required to build the Smart TV Application. Some of the skills required by the smart tv app developer include insightful knowledge of HTML5, CSS, CE-HTML for building the interactive and intuitive user interface. Precise understanding of the working of Java applications, the platform-specific SDKs and AJAX is needed to develop advanced functionality for the Smart TV applications. The below diagram depicts the skills required by the Smart TV app developer.

2. Remote Control:

The smart TV developer should remember that the user experience with the remote is very critical. More innovative advancements must be made to ensure a smooth experience with the remote control while controlling the navigation and functionality of the Smart TV Application Development. Touch inputs and voice inputs are such innovative features for remote control. It is highly suggested to avoid very complex and detailed navigations keeping in mind the limitations caused by the remote control.

3. Obvious level of Focus:

While developing the application, the smart tv developer must remember to keep the focus on even the minute details on the app as they all play a role in ensuring a smooth interactive user experience for the end-users. Ensuring that the text is readable with the right font style and size. Users must be allowed to rapidly skim the entire list of content. The smart TV app developer should always avoid using the acronyms and try having a high contrast of display as it provides the best experience for the end-users while viewing the Smart TV application. In the smart tv app development, it must be ensured that the content should never sidetrack the focus for the users.

4. Enhanced Navigation:

Navigation in the Smart TV application Development must be unique, precise and never confuse the end-users with plenty of options. The smart TV App Developer must make sure that there is no complex navigation involved and the entire navigation process is user-friendly and intuitive. The user must be provided with the ability to know which screen is currently active. Furthermore, the Smart TVDeveloper needs to make sure that the navigation bar is designed perfectly allowing easy navigation. In the smart tv application development, it is best to have the screen name on the navigation bar. Many times, the navigation bar must be closely related to the content.

5. The Distance factor and Screen Sizes:

The Viewing Configuration plays a vital role in providing a clear intuitive experience for the users while watching the Smart TV applications. Angular resolution becomes a very important factor while reviewing the distance and resolution factors. This angular resolution varies depending on the individual’s eyesight. This value depicts the ability of the user’s eye to detect even the minute details on the screen.

6. Testing:

Testing the Smart TV application development is required in ensuring a flawless digital experience for the end-users. While testing, different scenarios, and use-cases need to be considered by the Smart TV app developer. The application must be tested before the final launch of the application.

7. Iterating Process:

This is a very critical tip while designing Smart TV applications. The bugs and flaws can be found while testing the application. Immediately the developer can iterate the execution of the specific module process, make the alteration and re-run to try out the various testing scenarios and use cases.



4 Way Technologies

4 Way Technologies is one of the best Smart TV App Development Companies based in the USA, we design and develop apps for all Smart TV’s, https://bit.ly/2PvIYeU