Analysing the basics of hping3

5 min readFeb 5, 2023


Disclaimer: This article is for educational purposes only, do not attempt to hack the system without prior consent from the person you are hacking, and only use this information for ethical purposes.

🧭 What is hping3

hping3 is a tool similar to PING. However, it can send L4 (Transport) packets. If the target server opens TCP ports but cannot return ICMP echo replies. In this case it can be a good replacement for the PING tool.

Photo by Ellen Qin on Unsplash

📋 What kind of test?

Each operating system reacts differently. Gonna explain how 3 types of operating systems react to arbitrary packets generated by hping3.

🔧 Test Setup

🖥 Targets OS

  • 🎯 Ubuntu 20.04.5
    Private IP address :
  • 🎯 Fedora 37
    Private IP address :
  • 🎯Windows 11Pro 21H2
    Private IP address :

# Sending packats from ( Kali linux ).

🎯 Ubuntu

PING response setting is disabled.
Set up the kernel parameter ‘net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all’ is 1.

PING results against Ubuntu
Wireshark results of PING against Ubuntu

🎯 Fedora

PING response setting is disabled.
Set up the kernel parameter ‘net.ipv4.icmp_echo_ignore_all’ is 1.

PING results against Fedora
Wireshark results of PING against Fedora

🎯 Windows

PING response setting is disabled.

PING results against Windows
Wireshark results of PING against Windows

⚀ TEST Pattern 1 ( No flag )

Sends packets without a flag to TCP port 0.

🔖 Summary

  • ⭕ ️Ubuntu replied.
  • ❌ Fedora and Windows did not reply.

⌨️ Commands

hping3 'Target IP address'

⭕️ Result of Ubuntu

Response received. You can receive packets with RST, ACK flags. This is sufficient to identify the existence of the server.

Pattern 1 results ( Ubuntu )
Wireshark of Pattern 1 ( Ubuntu )

Result of Fedora

No response.

Pattern 1 results ( Fedora )
Wireshark of Pattern 1 ( Fedora )

❌ Result of Windows

No response.

Pattern 1 results ( Windows )
Wireshark of Pattern 1 ( Windows )

⚁ TEST Pattern 2 ( SYN )

Sends packets with SYN flag to TCP port 0.

🔖 Summary

  • ⭕ ️Ubuntu and Fedora replied.
  • ❌ Windows did not reply.

⌨️ Commands

hping3 -c 4 -S 'Target IP address'

⭕️ Result of Ubuntu

Response received. You can receive packets with RST, ACK flags. Same result with TEST pattern 1.

Pattern 2 results ( Ubuntu )
Wireshark of Pattern 2 ( Ubuntu )

⭕️ Result of Fedora

Response received. You can receive ICMP reply packets. I assume this is sufficient to identify the existence of the server. Because even though the reply is written as filtered, the reply came from the target IP address.

Pattern 2 results ( Fedora )
Wireshark of Pattern 2 ( Fedora )
ICMP echo reply type 3 code 13

❌ Result of Windows

No response.

Pattern 2 results ( Windows )
Wireshark of Pattern 2 ( Windows )

⚂ TEST Pattern 3 ( SYN to open port )

Sends packets with SYN flag to TCP oepn port.

🔖 Summary

  • ⭕ ️All OS replied.

⌨️ Commands

hping3 -c 4 -S -p 'Target port' 'Target IP address'

⭕️ Result of Ubuntu

Response received. This Ubuntu is running Node.js on TCP port 8080.

Pattern 3 results ( Ubuntu )
Wireshark of Pattern 3 ( Ubuntu )

⭕️ Result of Fedora

Response received. This Fedora is running nginx on TCP port 80.

Pattern 3 results ( Fedora )
Wireshark of Pattern 3 ( Fedora )

⭕️ Result of Windows

Response received. This Windows is running RDP service on TCP port 3389.

Pattern 3 results ( Windows )
Wireshark of Pattern 3 ( Windows )

🔍 How to find Windows ?

The following code sends packets to the major ports of machines on the same private network segment ( ~

import subprocess
Ports = ['21','22','80','139','443','445','3389']

for i in range(255):
TargetIP = '192.168.10.' + str(i+1)
Chk = '1 packets transmitted, 1 packets received, 0% packet loss'
devNull = open('/dev/null', 'w')
for j in Ports:
ResultBytes =['hping3','-S','-c','1','-p', j, TargetIP], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
Results = ResultBytes.stdout.decode('utf-8')
Erros = ResultBytes.stderr.decode('utf-8')
if Chk in Erros:

If Windows has open ports, it can detect as follows result.

Find 3 types of OS

🔍 Run hping3 and Nessus simultaneously

If I run hping3 and Nessus at the same time, it doesn’t work properly. Packets are interfering.

⌨️ Command

hping3 -S -p 80
Interfered result

Even if I use send packets to port 0, packets are interfering.

⌨️ Command

hping3 -S -p 0
Interfered result 2




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