Looking for the Next Facebook?

500 Miles
3 min readAug 20, 2015


What if we could tell you exactly which tech startup will be the next Facebook? What if we knew The New New Thing, the next breakout company, the next company to earn its way into the Oxford English Dictionary? What if we told you that we knew this because we posses a unicorn-predicting crystal ball blessed by the “golden touch” of members of the PayPal Mafia.

“Everyone in the kitchen starts with more or less the same ingredients, the metaphor ran, but not everyone produces good food. And only a very few people who wander into the kitchen find entirely new ways to combine old ingredients into delightfully tasty recipes. These people were the wealth creators.” — Michael Lewis, The New New Thing

Unfortunately, we are not endowed with such a crystal ball. So then how could we possibly tell you which company will break out into the next Facebook?

It turns out we can’t because of the countless tangible and intangible factors that go into building a successful company. But we can help you make a significantly better prediction. Armed with relevant insights for companies that are shown in a compelling and easily understandable manner, you could make a well informed decision.

As an ambitious student and job seeker looking to join the next unicorn (or decacorn), knowing a great deal about your prospective employers can only help you make a better decision. Before we dig into what insights could come in handy, we present 3 key questions to ask about any company to determine its potential:

  1. Is the company solving a critical problem in a huge market?
  2. Has it hired a quality team that can execute on its vision?
  3. And has it been successful in convincing customers and investors of its innovative approach and its ability to execute?

Answering these questions requires human intuition and relative knowledge of the tech industry as well as financial markets.

What if a tool existed to help answer these questions?

It is quite difficult to get thorough answers to the above questions. This especially rings true for companies that have yet to breakout into multi-billion dollar businesses (but very well could be on their way). However, you can depend on signals and trends pulsating from such a company which can help shed light on its potential. For example, knowing how well a company is able to retain its top talent is often a leading indicator of its business traction and corporate culture.

People process information visually.” -Ben Silbermann, Founder of Pinterest

The 500 Miles mobile app shows relevant trends about prospective employers. These insights include: headcount growth (how well has the employer grown its talent over the years), past employers and schools of its current employees (which companies has it been able to attract its talent from), investor confidence, salaries offered and attrition rates. To a job seeker, this data is extremely valuable and insightful. We’ve given it to you for free.

Now why would we do that?

Because our mission at 500 Miles is to help students and talented job seekers discover breakout tech companies and launch their careers. Closing the discovery gap and allowing students to maximize their professional potential are of paramount importance to us. Whether or not job seekers choose to join “the next Facebook” is not up to us. Nor can we point you directly to that company. But we can give you a pretty darn good idea ;)

Never before has such a tool been available for determined students and job seekers looking to make their mark in tech. You asked for a crystal ball, we give you 500 Miles.






500 Miles

500 Miles is a data-driven recruiting platform that connects students and young professionals to startups