Where will future tech superstars come from?

500 Miles
2 min readSep 2, 2015


The answer, as you can see, is everywhere. The image featured above is a visualization of where 500 Miles users attend or attended university. Every pin represents a college/university. While we wish we could include a logo for every school, our map would get quite jumbled if we did. So, we decided to sport the logos of the schools that the greatest number of our users attend. If the current logo situation is not to your liking, get more of your friends to sign up ;).

Additionally, we have many users from schools around the world who we just couldn’t visualize here (but we love you all the same). Our users attend university in India, Germany, England, Australia and many other countries. It’s exciting to have a global reach at such an early stage! Every school truly matters to us as this is central to the thesis behind 500 Miles.

Every school truly matters to us as this is central to the thesis behind 500 Miles

We give companies access to talented candidates across the country and even world. For students and talented job seekers, 500 Miles is a means of discovery, evaluation and contact. Many companies on a breakout trajectory don’t have an “employer brand” or the time and money to recruit at a bunch of different schools. But this does not mean you don’t want to join these companies or that they don’t want you. Not at all. In fact, these may be some of the best companies to join. We call this the discovery problem, and we’re humbled to be solving it.

In fact, these may be some of the best companies to join

Tech talent is not limited to certain regions

Marissa Mayer attended Stanford, Marc Andreessen graduated from the University of Illinois, Drew Houston did a stint at MIT and Aaron Levie graced the campus of USC. John Zimmer of Lyft attended Cornell and his cofounder, Logan Green attended UCSB. Yes, some of them dropped out before receiving their diplomas but you get the point of geographical dispersion we’re trying to make. Tech companies are largely located in Silicon Valley but that does not mean SV is where all the talent comes from. Or will come from. Ultimately, the next tech superstars will come from well, everywhere…

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500 Miles

500 Miles is a data-driven recruiting platform that connects students and young professionals to startups