openGauss 5.0 DataKit Toolchain Enhancement-migration ability

opengauss learner
1 min readApr 11, 2023


migration ability

MySQL one-stop migration tool gs_rep_portal

gs_rep_portal supports docking with debezium+kafka and gs_mysync, integrates full migration, incremental migration, and data verification capabilities, and realizes the full solution of full migration, incremental migration, reverse migration, and data verification; Supports the creation of parallel migration task flows, supports users to set custom migration plans, and tasks automatically execute each step of migration according to the order of execution plans set by users; Supports the display of migration progress (total amount, remaining amount, remaining time, replication delay, etc.), and supports the display of migration failure statements. MySQL full migration tool gs_mysync

The full migration tool gs_mysync (formerly chameleon), has added a progress display function and can be debugged and enhanced. The performance of the full migration is greater than 300M/s, that is, 1T/h. MySQL incremental migration and reverse migration tool gs_replicate

Incremental migration and reverse migration are incorporated into Dezebium+kafka, externally unified into the gs_replicate tool, and the performance of incremental migration is greater than 3W tps. Merkle tree-based data verification tool gs_datacheck

Data verification performance reaches 70MB/s; Support row-level, column-level, table-level data validation; Supports direct read verification of data exported by full migration.

