Henry Wang
2 min readApr 13, 2016
Photo by Henry (2016)
Photo by Henry (2016)
Photo by Henry (2016)
Photo by Thomas Struth

The photographer I chose is Thomas Struth. He use techniques of light and shadows to weaken the sky brightness and obviously present the buildings. He use black and white color in the photo, so there is no other color to influence the audience’s attention. This can better highlight the content of the photos which photographer wanna express to us. On the other hand, light and shadows express a stately feeling. In the aspect of image content and structure, firstly the building is main part, I try to imitate the style of his photos, When I went to take these photos I stand in the middle of the road and focus the buildings and the road on both sides of the street gradually extend then slowly disappear.


Image: http://grahamfoundation.org/system/grants/images/692/original/Last_00141_46x33.jpg