Many Things Suck — So Here’s What Happened When I Quit Complaining for 30 Days

Faith Watson
2 min readJun 7, 2017


Background: In early spring of 2017, I found myself stuck on a new favorite saying (I collect quotes and admittedly tend to get a bit fixated on them):

Complaining is unwise.

Think about it — it really is, isn’t it? Complaining does no good. It doesn’t change whatever it is you’re dissatisfied with. And it doesn’t make you feel any better, does it? In fact, my hunch is that complaining makes whatever it is worse. Surely it’s not pleasant for anyone who has to listen to us complain. Unless they’re in on the act because misery loves company. But again, I feel like maybe commiserating makes everything worse, too.

Yes, like many other bad habits, complaining is unwise. So, I came up with the idea that I could just quit. If I give up complaining, I wonder what will happen, what will change? Will things get somehow better if I stop?

Day 1 — I’ll make a serious effort for 30 days and I’ll track my progress. Truth is, I’m secretly wishing for some sort of a miracle to occur, I don’t know why, but this feels like one of those eureka moments in the making?

Anyway, I’m starting today. I decided. And I’m writing it all down.

And now I am typing it, after it’s all been said and done, to share with interested readers like you. Spoiler Alert from the aftermath: this isn’t easy!
Yet sometimes it’s super cool. It can be fun to be, as I’ve come to call it:

Refraining From Complaining

Day 2— When I start the morning in bed listening to my husband snore.

To be continued, as I learn what do when faced with all the things that suck.

I hope you you enjoy the sharing here — let’s discuss! Have you ever set out to publicly quit a habit you felt was holding you back? I’d love to know.

You can join along on my journey reading more on Medium. Here is the next bit: Day 2 in the series.



Faith Watson

Creator of 52 Permission Slips — free, easy weekly emails that give you permission to calm down, free up and live happy.