2049 recollection

Milena Carbone
1 min readNov 23, 2019


“See” this story on Flickr

I am the last woman on Earth. Even the trees will not recover from our infamy after their benevolent reign of nearly half a billion years. We destroyed everything. We could have, out of decency, by prudent ignorance, even by a wise sense of sacrifice, shattered our palaces and our ideals without killing all life on Earth. But we have been so proud, so greedy. We went as far as barbarism could go, to the point of establishing it as a way of life, a culture, an economic policy, a disrespect for death, the marketing of life. We even managed to sell and devour our souls, cuttting our feelings into little moans of orgasm, in contempt for each other, in involution in ourselves, in stupid blindness.

I am the last woman on Earth. I am carrying this child in my belly, I will protect him from the sun and human beasts. I will bury myself in death with him. I will call him Oedipus and I will burst his eyes.

I am the last woman on Earth.



Milena Carbone

Second Life fiction, I’m the character of an anonymous writer and photographer in the cloud. I live in the age of those who will be sacrificed.