How to Push, Pull and Work with Git in Visual Studio Code or Other IDE’s.

MohanaKrishnan S
2 min readApr 9, 2020


Step 1: Login to the or Sign up.

Step 2: Create a new Repository.

There you need to choose whether the repo must be public or private and you can initialize if you needed.

Step 3: Say, Open Visual Studio Code and create a floder “Test Program”.and create new python file in it

now , Open Terminal in VS code and Type.

Step 4: $ > git init

Step 5: $ > git add ‘.\Test Program\’

Step 6: $ > git commit -m “Initial Commit”

Step 7: $ > git remote add origin <link of your repo>

Step 8: $ > git remote -v

Step 9:

i).if you have created file automatically while creating repo. you need to pull the origin to local before initial commit.

$ > git pull origin master — allow-unrelated-histories

ii).if you haven’t created file. you can push the local repo to origin.

$ > git push -u origin master

For further updating the local to origin do these steps..,

  1. $> git add ‘\Test Program\’
  2. $> git commit -m “Version 1.0.1”
  3. $> git remote add origin <link of your repo>
  4. $> git remote -v
  5. $> git push -u origin master.

